Chapter 137: Killing Hundreds of People, Gao Yuanyuan Seeks Hidden Rules

On the second day, after doing morning exercises,

Su Ye said goodbye to Naza and returned to his courtyard home.

When he got home ,

Su Ye took out his treasured photo album.

Then, he took out a piece of toilet paper from his arms.

On this toilet paper, a gorgeous red rose bloomed.


Su Ye carefully put the toilet paper into the photo album.

I was in the toilet yesterday.

Naturally, there were no sheets.

I could only use toilet paper as a souvenir.


Su Ye counted the spoils in the storage book.

There were already eight items.

Su Ye decided to stop when the book was full.

The number of pages in this book was not too many.

There should be about thirty pages.

Compared with those who killed hundreds or thousands of people,

Su Ye felt that he was not greedy.


《After the release of

"Dying to Survive", another film by Suye Studio,"Final Destination", has been released worldwide

《Final Destination" became a global hit once again after its release.

《"Final Destination" grossed a total of 850 million US dollars worldwide.

It brought Su Ye more than 300 million US dollars in profits.

He made a fortune again.

And Jing Tian,

with this movie, became popular all over the world again.

Thereby completely consolidating her status as an international star.


Jing Tian is the most well-known and popular female star in China.

The second is Liu Tianxian, who starred in"King Kong". She is also an international star.

Yang Mi, Reba, and Bai Lu are only popular in China.

Therefore, their fame is slightly inferior to Jing Tian and Liu Tianxian.


Jing Tian and Liu Tianxian often go abroad to participate in various internationally renowned red carpet shows and fashion week events.

No one says that they go to the red carpet anymore.


The fact that Jing Tian and Liu Tianxian have become international stars has also made countless domestic female stars envious.

Countless female stars want to know Su Ye and participate in Su Ye's movies.

Especially those female stars who are signed by Su Ye.

They stare at Su Ye one by one, just like the goblins staring at Tang Monk, rubbing their hands and drooling.

They wish they could eat Su Ye alive.


《After the release of"Final Destination",

Suye Studio shot a new movie——《Crazy Racing" starts to take over again

《Crazy Racing" is once again popular in the Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

The movie earned a total of 4 billion yuan in box office revenue, bringing Su Ye 1.5 billion in profits.

At the same time, the movie also made Huang Bo a first-line star, becoming a new hotshot.


After the release of Crazy Racing,

《Love Is Not Blind" is back.

This movie is also very popular in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

It also consolidated the star Bai Lu's fame.

After the release of Love Is Not Blind ,

《Lost on Journey" starts to take over again

《After Lost on Journey was released,

《The Butterfly Effect swept the domestic and foreign film circles again...

This year was also called"Su Ye's Film Year" by netizens and the media.

Because several films produced by Su Ye's studio have been popular from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

All of them are popular, all of them are big sellers, and all of them have reaped huge profits.

This immediately made his film colleagues envious and crazy.

Su Ye has also become the most well -deserved and prestigious figure in the Chinese film and television industry.


With so many movies selling like hot cakes,

Su Ye's personal cash flow has reached a terrifying 11.2 billion.

Among them, he has 590 million US dollars in cash in overseas accounts, about 4.2 billion Chinese yuan.

In domestic accounts, he has 7 billion Chinese yuan in cash.


After having so much cash flow,

Su Ye began to take action against Huanrui Media.

Su Ye has always wanted to merge Huanrui Media with Jiaxin Company.

So he disliked that his shares in Huanrui Media were too small.

He wanted to continue to increase his shares in Huanrui Media.

It would be best to fully control Huanrui Media.

It was also because of this that

Su Ye had been leaving Huanrui Media alone.

Even though Gao Yuanyuan, Liu Shishi, and Zhao Lushi often sent Su Ye prestige letters.

They hinted many times that they wanted to participate in Su Ye's TV series or movies.

Su Ye was just perfunctory.

Because he deliberately wanted to make the three leading actresses of Huanrui Media lose their fame.

So that the valuation of Huanrui Media would be reduced.

Now, under the pressure of top actresses such as Bai Lu, Reba, Jing Tian, and Liu Tianxian.

Gao Yuanyuan and Liu Shishi's fame can be said to be getting worse day by day. They are completely living off their past capital.

This made the two of them very anxious.


Su Ye had a lot of money in his hands, and

Huanrui Media's situation was getting worse day by day.

So, it was time to take action.


After a dazzling capital operation, Su Ye finally took full control of Huanrui Media. After receiving a sum of money

, several original investors of Huanrui Media were completely wiped out.


After Su Ye took control of Huanrui Media, he planned to shoot several TV series at Huanrui Media in order to boost the declining popularity of Huanrui Media.

When the news that Su Ye was going to shoot a TV series spread, it first attracted the attention of several first-line artists of Huanrui Media.

Then, in order to compete for this top resource

, these first-line artists began to show their talents.

During this period, Su Ye received WeChat messages from Huanrui Media artists such as Gao Yuanyuan, Liu Shishi, and Zhao Lushi almost every day.

Gao Yuanyuan always asked Su Ye if he had time and said she wanted to treat Su Ye to dinner.

Liu Shishi often sent Su Ye messages asking about his well-being.

Even in the morning and evening, she would say good morning and good night to Su Ye on WeChat.

Zhao Lushi's level was a little worse than Gao Yuanyuan and Liu Shishi.

She actually said directly on WeChat that she heard that the company was going to shoot a new drama.

Asking Su Ye if there was a suitable role for her? This girl is too straightforward.


Actually, since Su Ye met Gao Yuanyuan, he had already decided what TV series to shoot for Huanrui Media.

It was naturally the popular TV series"Let's Get Married".

It was also this TV series that made the male lead, who was originally only a second- or third-tier celebrity, directly become a first-tier star.

However, due to some things, the male lead became obscure again.

Gao Yuanyuan also became popular again with this TV series and became a top first-tier star.


After Su Ye finished writing the script for"Let's Get Married", he immediately took out his phone and sent a message to Gao Yuanyuan:

"I'm free today, what would you like to treat me to?"

He was going to meet Gao Yuanyuan to talk about the script.


Gao Yuanyuan was discussing the company's new play with her agent, Wang Yue (for super exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!).

Wang Yue reminded Gao Yuanyuan:

"……Your reputation has declined severely."

"There has been no new masterpiece to consolidate the popularity."

"So, you must seize this opportunity."[]

"After all, everyone knows that"

"As long as I can act in Mr. Su's TV series or movies,"

"It will definitely become a big hit,"

Gao Yuanyuan said with difficulty:

"I would like to grasp it, but it is not up to me to decide."

"Moreover, Liu Shishi and Zhao Lushi in the company are both eyeing this play."

"I don't know how they will try to snatch it from behind."

"I want to get the resources for this play, but I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult."

Wang Yue thought for a moment and said:

"I asked you to contact Mr. Su, how is the progress?"

Gao Yuanyuan said helplessly:

"I contacted"

"I often send WeChat messages to Mr. Su during this period."

"I want to invite Mr. Su to dinner."

"But Mr. Su always declined with the excuse that he was busy."

"I also tactfully expressed my desire to act in his TV series."

"Although Mr. Su did not directly refuse,"

"But he didn't mean to agree."

"It feels like you didn't understand my hint."

Wang Yue sighed and said:

"Oh, it would be great if we could get Mr. Su out alone."

"This way, you will have more room to play."

Gao Yuanyuan understood what the agent meant.

Wang Yue had hinted to her more than once before.

She wanted her to use unspoken rules to get the opportunity to participate in this performance.

Gao Yuanyuan did not dislike the agent's suggestion.

She was just hesitant and uneasy.

After all, Su Ye's appearance, talent, or age could not make Gao Yuanyuan feel the slightest bit of disgust.

On the contrary, she was worried that Su Ye would not look down on her.

Moreover, she had no experience with unspoken rules before.

She was also a little confused.


Gao Yuanyuan hesitated and said:

"Mr. Su is not one of those greasy men."

"Even if I hinted to him,"

"I'm afraid he doesn't think highly of me."

"On the contrary, it will make him feel disgusted with me."

Upon hearing this, Wang Yue immediately encouraged:

"Don't be so unconfident."

"Your beauty, from skin to bones,"

"The four beauties in ancient times were no more than this."

"As long as a man is not blind, there is no man in this world who will look down on you."

"Besides, I'm not letting you be manipulated"

"I want you to take the initiative to pursue Mr. Su and date him."

"Men will never hate a beautiful person of the opposite sex who loves them.

Gao Yuanyuan was immediately moved by what she said.

Wang Yue continued with emotion:

"Mr. Su is a young man, but he is already a billionaire."

"Give him a few more years, and I don't know how high he will grow."

"This is simply the perfect mate."

"There are countless female stars in the circle who are drooling over President Su."

"If you can really get along with Mr. Su,"

"From now on, you will be a real rich lady."

"Liu Shishi, Zhao Lushi and the others, when they see you, they have to respectfully call you"madam boss""

"Just think about that scene, how magnificent it will be."

Gao Yuanyuan heard this and couldn't help but feel yearning.

Usually, the biggest wish of female stars is to marry into a wealthy family.

If the partner is also a super handsome guy, it is just like something in a fairy tale.

And Su Ye created a wealthy family by himself.

And he is also a super handsome guy who is more handsome than Pan An.

Gao Yuanyuan was naturally moved.

Gao Yuanyuan said regretfully:

"'Unfortunately, I still can't make an appointment with Mr. Su"

"Even if I wanted to express my love, I had no chance"


At this moment,

Gao Yuanyuan's phone suddenly vibrated.

Gao Yuanyuan picked up the phone and took a look. She couldn't help but show an ecstatic look on her face.

She shouted to Wang Yue in surprise and joy:

"Sister Wang, it was President Su who sent me the message"

"He said he was free today and asked me what

I would like to treat him to."Wang Yue was overjoyed when she heard this.

She quickly said:

"Reply quickly and say you cooked for me tonight."

"Please invite Mr. Su to your home and taste your cooking skills.

Gao Yuanyuan hesitated and said:

"But my cooking skills are not that good, I can only cook the food."

Wang Yue said indifferently:

"If you are not a good cook, just order a table at the restaurant in advance."

"As long as you don't say it,"

"It is impossible for Mr. Su to know that those dishes were ordered by the restaurant.

Gao Yuanyuan heard this and immediately replied on her mobile phone:

"Mr. Su, do you have any preferences or taboos regarding food?"

Su Ye:

"As long as it's Chinese food, it's fine. There are no taboos."

Gao Yuanyuan immediately responded to Wang Yue's request:

"Since Mr. Su likes Chinese food, why don't you come to my house?"

"I will cook for Mr. Su."

"This way, there is no need to worry about being photographed by paparazzi."

Su Ye said in surprise:

"Can you cook?"

Gao Yuanyuan said without blushing:

"Of course I can. As a girl, how can I not cook?"

It's just not delicious."

Gao Yuanyuan added in her mind.

Su Ye:

"Girls who can cook are rare nowadays."

"However, in this case, I really want to try your cooking skills.

Gao Yuanyuan was overjoyed:

"That's settled then."


Mr. Su, please come to my house tonight and try my cooking.



Gao Yuanyuan saw that Su Ye agreed. She immediately shouted happily.

She quickly navigated to her home address and sent it to Su Ye via WeChat.

"I am waiting for Mr. Su to come!"


Putting down the phone,

Gao Yuanyuan excitedly said to Wang Yue:

"Sister Wang, Mr. Su has agreed to come to my house for dinner tonight."

(Zhao Zhao) Wang Yue was so excited that he punched his fist and said:

"Very good,"

"This is the opportunity."

She reminded Gao Yuanyuan:

"You have to seize the night"

"As long as we can seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,"

"Not only can you star in Mr. Su's TV series, you will become a hit"

"You will be a rich and powerful lady in the future."

Gao Yuanyuan hesitated and said:

"Is it really going to be like that tonight?"

"What if Mr. Su doesn't like it?"

Wang Yue looked at Gao Yuanyuan with an expression as if he was looking at a fool, and said:

"How come you can't even figure this out?"

"Since Mr. Su has agreed to have dinner at your house tonight,"

"It means he is actually interested in you"

"At that time, you just need to take the initiative."

"Come and become famous overnight,"

"It's done."

Gao Yuanyuan was surprised:

"Is it fake?"

"Mr. Su came to my house for dinner, is that because he is interested in me?"

Wang Yue explained with an experienced look:

"Of course,"

"You and Mr. Su were not very familiar with each other."

"People who are not very familiar with you are willing to come to your home for dinner."

"Do you think he is interested in you?"

"And," she winked at Gao Yuanyuan,

"I just asked you to invite Mr. Su to your home for dinner."

"In fact, it was a hint to him that they could have a deep conversation in the evening.

Gao Yuanyuan opened her mouth wide and said dumbfoundedly:

"Is there any deeper meaning behind inviting Mr. Su to dinner at home?"

Wang Yue:

"Do you think it's normal for a girl to invite a man she doesn't know well to her home for dinner?

Gao Yuanyuan thought about it.

It's not normal.

Could it be that she really wants to have a deep conversation with Su Ye tonight?

Thinking of this,

Gao Yuanyuan felt something coming out.

It wasn't tears.


At six o'clock in the evening,

Su Ye drove a modest white BYD Qin and followed the navigation map sent by Gao Yuanyuan to the eastern part of Kyoto.


I love you: I love you

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