Chapter 134: Let go and do it, rolling your eyes every time

CCTV female reporter?

Jing Tian blinked curiously.

Why didn't Su Ye tell me?

You found another woman, and you dare to hide it from me, wait and see how I will deal with you later!

I will make my hands sore for ten days and half a month.

I will also make you walk with the help of the wall.

Let you know what it means to be afraid!


Jing Tian was just unhappy that Su Ye had another woman but kept it a secret from her.

As for Su Ye finding another woman, she was not too angry. After all, she had long accepted

Su Ye's fickleness. The most important thing was that Su Ye could satisfy her in any position she wanted. So, let Su Ye cheat. Just don't discount the public grain.


In the study room.

Facing Wang Geyuan's question,

Su Ye said sincerely:

"I admit that I am a bit fickle."

"However, I am really sincere to Tiantian," slap!

Jing Tian couldn't help but slap her forehead lightly.

She clearly told Su Ye to bite her death and not admit it.

Unexpectedly, Su Ye actually admitted that he was unfaithful.

How could this end well?


Wang Geyuan heard Su Ye's answer.

As expected, he was furious.

He took two deep breaths and laughed angrily:

"I have never seen anyone as shameless as you."

"While being with other women,"

"On the other hand, he still said that he was sincere to Tiantian"

"I don't know how you could say such shameless words."

Su Ye said calmly:

"be honest"

"I am really sincere to Tiantian"

"I love her,"

"She loves me too."

"I hope Uncle Wang won't stop me from being with Tiantian"


Seeing that Su Ye actually wanted to be with his daughter,

Wang Geyuan was about to explode with anger.

He had been the governor for so many years. He had seen many shameless people. But it was the first time he had met someone as shameless as Su Ye. He was clearly acting like a scumbag, but he didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt. He really didn't know how his daughter fell in love with such a scumbag. Was it just because he was handsome?

Wang Geyuan rubbed his temples.

He didn't want to waste time talking to a scumbag like Su Ye.

Before, he actually had a very good influence on Su Ye.

After all, at such a young age, without relying on the help of his family, he has achieved such a huge success with his own real talents.

Su Ye can be said to be a young talent, a dragon among men.

Therefore, when Wang Geyuan learned that his daughter was dating Su Ye, he was actually very happy.

However, when he asked someone to investigate Su Ye's situation, his heart was suddenly filled with anger.

He didn't expect that Su Ye was obviously dating his daughter.

But he was also dating several other women at the same time.

This is a sea king!

How could he allow a sea king to date his daughter? This is absolutely impossible!

That's why he met Su Ye.

That's why he deliberately sent his family away.

He wants to teach this sea king a profound lesson.

Let Su Ye understand that his daughter is not so easy to bully.

Wang Geyuan calmed down his impulse to kill Su Ye.

He expressed his thoughts:

"The reason I met you this time is that I want to tell you in person,"

"You are not allowed to be with Tiantian anymore"

"Don't bother her anymore."

Su Ye shook his head and said:

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this."

Wang Geyuan said coldly:

"I'm not discussing with you, I'm informing you"

"I will tell Tiantian later about your multiple relationships."

"If you dare to continue to pester Tiantian,"

"You can decide for yourself whether you can bear the consequences."

Su Ye pursed his lips and said:

"Actually, Tiantian knows that I have several relationships."


Wang Geyuan was calm, but at this moment, he could no longer control his emotions.

He said in disbelief:

"You are talking nonsense. How could Tiantian know about this?"

"If she knew, how could she be with you?"

"And bring you to see me?"


At this moment,

Jing Tian pushed open the door.

She said to Wang Geyuan:

"Dad, what Su Ye said is true, I really know"

"You, you,"

Wang Geyuan pointed at his daughter with one hand and covered his heart with the other. He was so angry that he couldn't speak. He always thought that his daughter was deceived by Su Ye, the Sea King. So he wanted to vent his anger for his daughter. But he never expected that his daughter would say that she knew Su Ye was a Sea King. This. If she knew, why would his daughter be with the Sea King? Is she crazy?


Jing Tian saw that her father was so angry that his heart ached.

She was so scared that she rushed forward, holding her father with one hand and helping him calm down with the other.

"Dad, are you okay?"

"Don't scare me."

Seeing this, Su Ye took the opportunity to pour a glass of water for Wang Geyuan.

Jing Tian took the cup and wanted to feed his father.

However, Wang Geyuan saw that the water was poured by Su Ye.

He was so angry that he pushed the cup away. He would not drink the water poured by a scumbag.


After a long while,

Wang Geyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He immediately questioned his daughter angrily:

"You, since you know he is a scumbag,"

"Why do you still want to be with him?"

"Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey?"

Jing Tian said with a firm look:

"Because I love him,"

"No matter how many women he has, I love him and I want to be with him."

After hearing his daughter's stupid remarks,

Wang Geyuan's heart, which had been calm, began to beat violently again.

At the same time, he felt that his head was about to split apart with pain.

He never thought that the daughter he had raised for so many years was actually a stupid person!

Wang Geyuan suppressed his anger and asked his daughter with great sorrow:

"You, are you crazy?"

"Do you know what you are saying?"

"Are all men in the world dead?"

Jing Tian:

"Dad, I'm not crazy."

"I also know what I'm saying"

"Even if there are many men in the world, I only like Su Ye."

Wang Geyuan looked at Su Ye with resentment and asked:

"What kind of magic potion did you feed my daughter?"

"How could she accept such an outrageous thing?"

"What did you do to her?"

Tell the truth.

Wang Geyuan couldn't understand why his daughter was so obsessed with Su Ye.

Although Su Ye was indeed talented and handsome , he was so unfaithful.

Based on this point, shouldn't any woman be unable to accept it?

But why could his daughter accept it?

This is not ancient times!


Wang Geyuan certainly didn't know there was an old saying.

It said that as long as a man can make a woman roll her eyes every time, the woman will never leave him. After all, there are not many men in this world who have this ability.


Before Su Ye could answer his father-in-law's question,

Jing Tian answered first:

"I was not drugged by him, I was very sober."

"The situation between me and Su Ye is very complicated."

"Anyway, I love him and he loves me too."

"As for other women, it doesn't matter."

Seeing his daughter so stubborn,

Wang Geyuan was so angry that he couldn't speak.

He asked Su Ye to come here today, originally wanting to teach Su Ye a lesson.

He never expected that (to read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) it would end like this.

Wang Geyuan calmed down and said to his daughter in a resounding voice:

"I will never accept you and him."

"I also believe that if your grandfather, your grandmother, your mother, and your brother knew about this,"[]

"They definitely won't accept it."

"I want you to stop having any contact with him from now on." Upon hearing this, Jing Tian looked at her father pleadingly, and said with tears in her eyes:

"I can't do it without contacting Su Ye"

"Dad, can you please stop interfering in the matter between me and Su Ye? Let me decide for myself?"

Wang Geyuan said angrily:

"It has come to this, how can I just ignore it?"

"You are confused, can I just watch you being confused?"

Jing Tian:

"I am not confused, like my brothers and uncles."

"Doesn’t he have a woman outside too?"

"You men are all like this, why can't Su Ye be like this?"

Wang Geyuan felt his head buzzing.

Is this something a normal person can say?

She actually took the initiative to make excuses for her boyfriend Hai Wang's behavior.

This is really a strange thing in the world.

Why can't I meet such a woman?

Wang Geyuan shook off the thoughts in his mind, and he said to his daughter tremblingly:

"You, you are crazy"

"Absolutely crazy."

He looked at Su Ye beside him and said:

"You are not allowed to meet my daughter again."

"Otherwise, I will make it impossible for you to stay in the country."

"I mean what I say"

"Dad, how could you do this?"Jing Tian looked desperate.

Su Ye looked at Wang Geyuan and said firmly:

"Uncle Wang, I will never leave Tiantian."

Wang Geyuan:

"Are you really kidding me?"

Su Ye:

"I know you're not kidding?"

"But I don't care, if I can't make it, I can just live abroad."

"Even if I go abroad, Tiantian will go with me.

He looked at Jingtian,

"Is that right?"

Jing Tian nodded affirmatively:

"Wherever you go, I will go there."

She looked at her father again and reminded him:

"If Su Ye had any accident, I would not have lived alone."

Wang Geyuan was really mad at his daughter.

He never thought that his daughter, whom he regarded as the apple of his eye, was so stupid.

Are the young people nowadays so unreasonable?

He was so angry that he had no words to say.

He pointed at the door and said to Su Ye:

"You can go now. I never want to see you again."

Although Wang Geyuan's attitude was bad,

Su Ye, as a junior, of course had to be polite.

He bowed to Wang Geyuan and said:

"Uncle Wang, I will take my leave now. You don’t have to see me off."

Wang Geyuan:


Which of your eyes saw that I was going to send you?

I wanted to kill you, but

I still sent you!

Seeing Su Ye walk to the door,

Wang Geyuan reminded him unhappily:

"Take the things away from me."


Walking out of the study,

Jing Tian held Su Ye's hand and said heartbrokenly:

"Su Ye!"

Although she had expected that this trip might not go smoothly, she did not expect that things would develop to this point.

She did not know what to do.

Su Ye held Jing Tian's hand, scratched Jing Tian's nose, and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry. I made you feel wronged."

Jing Tian shook her head:

"No, I'm sorry to have wronged you. Don't worry, I will convince my father to accept you."

"Even if he doesn't accept it, I won't leave you."

Su Ye couldn't help but hug Jing Tian into his arms.

He leaned close to Jing Tian's ear and whispered:

"Don't talk back to your dad, just tell him you promised him to leave me"

"From now on, we can just date secretly.

"I won't. From now on, I want to be with you openly."

"I don't believe it. Can my dad still beat me?"

At the door of the study,

Wang Geyuan couldn't help but cover his chest again.

The family didn't want it.

Family misfortune!


Su Ye advised,

"Don't make your dad have a heart attack."

"It doesn't really matter if we go along with him."

Jing Tian:


Do n't worry, my dad has a healthy heart and he won't have any breathing problems."……"

He began to doubt.

Is this really my little cotton-padded jacket?

This is such an ungrateful person!

Jing Tian looked up at Su Ye and suggested:

"Otherwise, let's have a baby."

"After the rice is cooked, there is nothing to say."

Wang Geyuan felt that this daughter could be thrown away.

How could she not know who treated her well and who treated her badly!


Su Ye was very touched by Jing Tian's desire to be with him, but as for the child,

Su Ye didn't care.

He said:

"Let everything go with the flow."

Jing Tian nodded.

In fact, she had been trying to get pregnant. She tried not to waste every time.

Unfortunately, she never succeeded.

Now that Su Ye said this

, she can let go and do it!

Thinking of this,

Jing Tian finally felt a little happy.

She said to Su Ye:

"Go out by yourself. I won't see you off."

"I have to stay and see my dad."

"Are you really sick because of us?"

Su Ye kissed Jing Tian's forehead.

"Then I'm leaving. Call me if you need anything."

Jing Tian nodded and watched Su Ye leave.

When Su Ye left, he naturally didn't take the gift he bought with him.


After seeing Su Ye leave,

Wang Geyuan quickly and quietly returned to the chair behind the desk.

Then he covered his chest and pretended to be out of breath.


Jing Tian returned to the study.

Seeing her father was barely breathing, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

She asked her father:

"How about I call the infirmary and ask the doctor to come and take a look?"

Wang Geyuan asked his daughter weakly:

"Tell me honestly, why do you insist on being with Su Ye even though you know he is a scumbag?"

"Does he have any leverage over you?"

Jing Tian heard this and was a little embarrassed.

She comforted him:

"I don't have any leverage in his hands,"

On the contrary, Su Ye's leverage is still in my hands.

Of course, she certainly didn't dare to say this.

"I really just simply like him."

"Although he is a bit fickle, he is really not a scumbag."

"He treats every woman with him very well."

There is another thing that

Jing Tian couldn't tell her father.

That is, Su Ye is too strong. He has golden kidneys and a male dog waist.

She can't bear it alone.

So, she doesn't mind Su Ye having other women.


Wang Geyuan was confused:

"But you girls, don’t you like being cheated on by your boyfriend the most?"

Jing Tian:

"If it were someone else, I would definitely hate it."

"But I can’t hate Su Ye."

Wang Geyuan:

"Are you really determined to be with him?"

Jing Tian nodded affirmatively:

"I am determined."

Wang Geyuan:

"Do you know what the consequences would be if your grandpa and grandpa knew about this?"

"They might be pissed off by you."

Jing Tian rubbed her father's temple and said flatteringly:

"Therefore, I have to ask my father to keep this matter a secret for me."

Wang Geyuan sighed to the sky:


Oh my god, did our family owe this Su Ye in our previous life?: ༻ Đạo ༺

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