Chapter 125 Master, don't move. I'll do it.

Su Ye knew about Xiao Zeyuan's plan.

He sneered in his heart.

Xiao Rizi wanted to embarrass him in a fight.

That was a wrong calculation.

His physical fitness, with the blessing of Qilin Arm, Divine Elephant Leg, Male Dog Waist, and Golden Kidney, is already dozens or hundreds of times that of a normal person.

Now, Su Ye has the skills of"Ming Jin Peak".

A hundred special forces soldiers would have to kneel.

Not to mention a mere fighting champion.

And it's a lightweight fighting champion.

It's not worth mentioning.

In the show tonight,

Su Ye will let Xiao Rizi understand what real Chinese Kung Fu is!


After separating from Kameda,

Yui Aragaki went back home and changed her clothes.

Then she returned to the hotel and found Su Ye.

She told Su Ye everything about the fight. Although

Su Ye knew what happened, he still patiently waited for Yui Aragaki to tell her the whole story. Seeing that Yui Aragaki did not lie to him, Su Ye could not help but rubbed Yui Aragaki's head with satisfaction. It was like stroking a well-behaved puppy. He praised Yui Aragaki:

"You are very good, you have successfully completed the task given to you by the master."

"The master is very satisfied."

Xinwen Yui was very happy to receive Su Ye's praise.

She looked at Su Ye and said seriously:

"I said I would be good to my master with all my heart"

"I will definitely do what I said."

Su Ye cut off Xin Gen Yui's slit and said:


I believe you now, you can do it.

"Thank you for your trust, Master."

Su Ye deliberately asked Xin Gen Yui:

"I filmed the 731 beasts and the nuclear wastewater into a movie."

"It had a negative impact on Fuso."

"140""Why did you betray Ozawa Gen and choose to help me?"

Yui Shingen said earnestly:

"In my opinion, what happened in Unit 731 is a fact."

"We have made mistakes before, so we should face them and avoid making the same mistakes."

"As for the discharge of nuclear waste water,"

"We in Japan also have many people who oppose it."

"I also think that nuclear wastewater should not be discharged into the sea."

"After all, is nuclear wastewater harmful?"

"This is something no one can guarantee."

"We humans should not risk our future."

"The owner filmed these things in a movie."

"This is a warning to all mankind."

"I hope all mankind will love peace and protect the ocean."

"This is the justice thing,"

"Of course I will support my master."

Su Ye praised:

"Gakki is so kind,"

"If only all the Japanese could be as kind as Gakki."

Yui Shingen's face suddenly turned slightly red.

"In fact, the reason why I betrayed the president and chose to help the master was,"

"There is another reason,"

Su Ye asked curiously:

"What's the reason?"

Shinwa Yui:

"Although I have only known the master for a short time,"

"But I found that I have really fallen in love with the master"

"I am willing to do anything for my master."

Su Ye understood that it seemed that the skill of"Love Over Time" was working.

It was worth his sleepless night last night. He worked overtime this morning.

He invested in Xin Guang Yui more than ten times in a row.

The effect was really good.

Su Ye cut Xin Guang Yui again and said gently:

"Before, I said that I would give you a reward after completing the task."

"Now, let me reward you with a few hundred million,"

Xin Guang Yui was a little shy when she heard this, but she was also a little worried.

She quickly reminded Su Ye:

"Master, please reward me later."

"Tonight, they will arrange for Inoue Yushin to fight with you."

"Inoue Yushin is the most famous fighting star in our country of Fuso."

"He has won three world fighting championships."

"Therefore, the master should conserve his energy and not overwork himself,"

Su Ye said calmly.

"Don't worry, your master knows real Chinese Kung Fu."


Inoue Yushin is nothing to worry about.


Su Ye said calmly:

"Are you questioning your master?"

Xin Guang Yui quickly knelt down and apologized:

"I dare not, I was wrong, I was just worried about the master."

Su Ye:

"I will take a long time to do it for you, but I will do it quickly."

Xin Gen Yui saw that Su Ye insisted on rewarding her, so she couldn't refuse.

She said considerately:

"Master, don't move. Let me serve you."

"The master can also save some energy."


Su Ye found that

Xin Gen Yui was so considerate.

Even if it was broken, she would grit her teeth and persevere.

She was really a perfect maid.


Ozawa Gen and Kameda heard that Su Ye and Shingo Yui stayed in the hotel for the whole afternoon and didn't leave.

The two couldn't help but smile at each other.

Su Ye was so busy.

In the evening, how could he have the energy to fight with Inoue Yushin?

Of course he would lose.

Chinese Kung Fu, humph, is destined to erase you from China's foreign culture.



《Chatting about 007" live broadcast.

At this moment, countless viewers have been watching in front of their TVs or computers.

In the live broadcast room, the three hosts are guessing who will be the guest today?

The audience in front of the live broadcast room are also curious about this.

《The ratings of"Chatting 007" are very high, so the guests who come every time are very famous.

The audience is naturally looking forward to it.


The three hosts guessed for a while, and finally it was time for the guest to appear.

When the hosts and the audience saw Su Ye walk into the live studio, they all looked very surprised.

"Oh, no way! How could today's guest be Su Ye?"

"Masaga (shocked), this is incredible!"

"Ah Nie is here too (how is it possible?), the program team actually invited Su Jun? What a surprise!"

"This is the man who defeated an armed gangster with his bare hands. It was so exciting to see an interview with him!"

"Oh my god, Su Ye-chan is so handsome, just like the protagonist of a comic book!"

"Odusang (Dad), Ougasang (Mom), Ounisang (Brother), Oulasang (Sister), come and see Su Yejun!"

"Damn, how could the program invite a Chinese who slandered nuclear wastewater to participate in the program? For the sake of ratings, did they even lose their dignity?"


Su Ye shot two movies in a row, both of which were big hits around the world.

What's more, Su Ye is the leading actor in these two movies.

Moreover , Su Ye was shot while filming"King Kong" in Tokyo before, and his affairs with the Yamaguchi-gumi were a hot topic in Xiaorizi and became a household name.

Therefore, Su Ye is actually very famous in Xiaorizi.

Basically, the people in Xiaorizi know Su Ye, a Chinese.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Su Ye is the most famous Chinese star in Xiaorizi.

Therefore, everyone was so surprised to see Su Ye appear in the live broadcast room.


The three hosts on the stage, perhaps for the sake of the show's effect, were so shocked that they either held their heads, put their fingers in their mouths, or exaggeratedly widened their eyes.

Their expressions were as exaggerated as they could be.

It felt like the expressions of people in cartoons.

The applause from the audience was even more prolonged.

Su Ye waved to greet everyone.

He first said in Chinese:

"Hello everyone, I am Su Ye."

Then he repeated it in Japanese.

When the audience heard Su Ye speaking Japanese

, they cheered and screamed, almost overturning the recording studio with excitement. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The host Jian Nei was very surprised that Su Ye was so popular with the audience.


At this moment, there are also some Chinese in Japan who are watching this program. When they saw Su Ye, they were excited and surprised.

Then, they couldn't wait to share the news on Douyin or Weibo in China.

For a while, many netizens in China saw the news and found the live broadcast room of"Chatting 007".

They wanted to watch Su Ye's interview program on Xiao Ri Zi



After the cheers died down, the three hosts finally greeted Su Ye and introduced themselves to each other.

The three hosts were two men and one woman.

The two men were both 34 years old.

The older one was named Jian Nei and the younger one was named Feng Jian.

The woman was named Shizuka Mikami, in her 30s.

She looked OK.

Her professional attire was nice.


After the introductions, the interview officially began.

At first, the host asked some simple questions about the filming of King Kong or Su Ye's family situation. After a while, the host's questions became tricky. The host Jian Nei was the first to challenge Su Ye.

"Su Yejun, you are in the movie"King Kong","

"The reason why King Kong, Godzilla, and other giant monsters were created,"

"It was set as being contaminated by nuclear waste water."

"This move has allowed many people around the world to bring the plot of the movie into the real world."

"This had a very negative impact on us,"

"What do you think about this matter?"

Su Ye said calmly:

"First of all, the monster plots in the movie are all fictional."


Su Ye was about to continue speaking, but Jian Nei interrupted him.

"Since Su Yejun said that the plot of the movie is all fictional,"

"In other words, Su Yejun actually believes that"

"After being treated, nuclear waste water will not have any impact on the ocean?"

Su Ye:

"I'm just saying that monsters are fictional."

"But it does not say that nuclear waste will not have an impact on the ocean........."

"On the contrary, I think nuclear wastewater will harm the ocean."

Jian Nei frowned and said:

"I don't agree with Su Yejun's point of view."

"The nuclear wastewater we discharge,"

"It is certified by the International Atomic Energy Agency."

"There are no harmful ingredients in it."

"These nuclear wastewaters are safe and non-toxic."

"The International Atomic Energy Agency believes that there is no problem with discharging nuclear wastewater into the sea, and it can even be drunk."

"Why did Su Yejun feel there was something wrong?"

"Does Su Yejun think he is more professional than scientists?"


When Chinese netizens saw this, they all understood that the host was deliberately making things difficult for Su Ye.

Everyone seemed very angry.

"It seems that this host also agrees with the Japanese garbage of discharging nuclear wastewater"

"No wonder the previous few questions were all about making things difficult for Su Ye. It turned out that they were dissatisfied with Su Ye for discharging nuclear wastewater into"King Kong"!"

"Damn, he actually set a trap for Master Su in public. I am so angry."

"I'm afraid this program had no good intentions since it invited Su Ye to the show!"

"I hope Mr. Su can stay calm and not fall into the host’s trap!"


Facing the host's questioning,

Su Ye said calmly:

"If there is no problem with the nuclear wastewater,"

"Then there is no need to discharge it into the ocean."

"The Fuso government can fully utilize these nuclear wastewater."

"Sprinkling water on city roads,"

"Irrigate the farmland."

He looked at Jian Nei and asked:

"But why does Tokyo Electric Power bother to discharge nuclear waste into the ocean?"

"Isn’t this a waste of precious water resources?"


Kennei was unable to answer.

Shizuka on the side interrupted:

"It is still inappropriate to use nuclear wastewater directly for irrigation."

"However, the ocean is large, and after the nuclear wastewater is discharged into the ocean,"

"Can greatly dilute nuclear wastewater……"

Su Ye interrupted:

"Since nuclear wastewater is harmless, why should it be diluted?"

"Aren't you contradicting yourself?"

"This," Jing Xi couldn't answer.

Su Ye:

"Therefore, if nuclear wastewater cannot be used for irrigation directly, it must be diluted."

"This shows that there are still problems with it," said another host Feng Jian:

"But experts have verified that"

"There is no problem with the discharge of nuclear wastewater"

"Why doesn't Su Yejun believe the words of these authoritative experts?"

Su Ye said calmly:

"Then why don’t you listen to these experts?"

Feng Jian:

"We listened to it."

Su Ye smiled and said:

"If you listen to the experts and think that these nuclear wastewaters are safe,"

"Then we should take these nuclear wastewaters that are not problematic,"

"Used to feed fish, irrigate, and even clean city roads!"

"Why bother draining it into the ocean?"


Feng Jian was speechless.

The three hosts all looked red.


The Chinese audience in the live broadcast room and in front of the TV were extremely excited when they saw Su Ye alone silence the three difficult hosts.

"Suye is awesome."

"Good rebuttal!"

"It makes my blood boil!"

5.6"Master Su is awesome!"

"They don’t even dare to use nuclear wastewater for irrigation, yet they still have the nerve to say that nuclear wastewater is safe? You’re kidding!"

"So my life is shameless!"


The audience who opposed the discharge of nuclear wastewater thought that Su Ye's words made a lot of sense.

Those who agreed with the discharge had a bit of an ugly expression.

Su Ye's words were clearly a slap in their faces!


The three hosts saw that they couldn't convince Su Ye about the nuclear wastewater issue, so they immediately decided to give up the topic for the time being.

Jian Nei laughed and said:

"Let's leave the nuclear wastewater issue to professionals."

"We are all laymen, speaking layman's terms."

"It is better not to get involved in these professional matters."

His underlying meaning was that he and Su Ye were both laymen.

What he just said was all layman's talk and should not be taken seriously.

He obviously wanted to blur out

Su Ye's question about why nuclear wastewater was not used for irrigation.


Su Ye certainly understood Jian Nei's underlying meaning.

But he didn't want Jian Nei to just brush off the nuclear wastewater issue.

After Jian Nei finished speaking, Su Ye immediately spoke:

"The ocean is a precious resource shared by all of us humans."

"Once contaminated, the serious consequences will be"

"It will have an irreversible impact on all of humanity."

"As a responsible country,"

"I think we should use a more responsible approach."

"To deal with the problem of nuclear wastewater, instead of……"

Jian Nei was so anxious that he broke out in a cold sweat when he saw Su Ye directly accusing the government of being irresponsible on the show. He didn't want to turn his show into a propaganda platform for Su Ye to accuse the nuclear wastewater. Therefore, he quickly interrupted Su Ye and changed the subject directly:

: ༻ Đạo ༺

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