Chapter 123: Taking down Yui Shinwara, PUA Kameda was also surprised after listening to Yui Shinwara's story. He never expected that there would be a man who could remain calm in the face of Yui Shinwara's active seduction. Didn't we investigate Su Ye before and find out that Su Ye had very ambiguous relationships with several female stars ? Kameda didn't have time to think too much, he quickly said to Yui Shinwara:

"Come with me to see Su Ye immediately."

"Chen sincerely apologized to Su Ye."

"No matter what method you use,"

"You must beg for Su Ye's forgiveness."

Xin Gen Yui said helplessly:

"All right,"


Su Ye came to the new room and looked at his watch. He finally felt relieved after finding that there was no surveillance camera installed in this room. Su Ye went to the bathroom to take a shower. Just after taking a shower, he heard a knock on the door. Without having to guess, Su Ye knew who was knocking on the door. It must be Kameda.


Su Ye thought about it and changed into formal clothes instead of wearing a bathrobe. Then, he turned on the camera function of his mobile phone and placed it in a hidden corner to ensure that he could take pictures of the situation in the room. After doing all this, he went to open the door.


After opening the door,

I saw Kameda and Shingo Yui standing respectfully at the door.

"Su Jun, I'm very sorry."

Seeing Su Ye,

Kameda put his hands on his knees and bowed 90 degrees to apologize.

Xin Guang Yui, who was two steps behind him, also bowed 90 degrees to apologize.


"Su Jun, I have completely understood what happened just now."

"Please let us into the room and explain to you."

Su Ye also wanted to find out what Kameda and his group were trying to do.

So he opened the door and said:

"Come in."

After entering the room,

Xin Gen Yui knelt directly in front of Su Ye.

She placed her hands on the ground with her palms facing up.

Her forehead rested on her palms.

Her posture seemed very humble:

"Suye-chan, I'm very sorry about what happened just now."

"I admire Suye sauce so much."

"That's why I wanted to personally help Suye Jiang take a bath."

"I just didn't expect that my rash behavior"

"It actually caused trouble for Suye Jiang"

"I am so sorry!"

Kameda also chimed in:

"Su Jun, Gakki really likes you too much."

"So they do this behavior,"

"Please forgive Gakki, Mr. Su."

Su Ye certainly would not believe what Yui Shingo and Kameda said.

After all, this 770 reason could not explain the surveillance in the room.

Su Ye originally wanted to ask Kameda directly about the surveillance.

However, when the words came to his lips,

Su Ye gave up.

Because he knew that Kameda would definitely not tell the truth.

If he asked directly, it would alert the enemy.

After thinking about it,

Su Ye was ready to put the breakthrough point on Yui Shingo.

He was going to find out what Kameda and his group were doing from Yui Shingo.

Thinking of this,

Su Ye changed his serious expression and a kind smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He quickly helped Yui Shingo up from the ground and said:

"So that's what happened."

"Just now, I thought I was experiencing your famous prank show in Japan."

"So I felt a little flustered"

"I'm sorry to have embarrassed you."

Seeing Su Ye's friendly smile

, Xin Gen Yui and Kameda couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Kameda also smiled and said:

"The prank show that Su Jun mentioned would actually be discussed with the agent in advance."

Su Ye pretended to be surprised and said:

"I see.


"It's good that the misunderstanding is resolved."

He saw Yui Shingen standing there, looking a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say, so

Kameda immediately took the initiative to lead the topic to Yui Shingen.

"Actually, this misunderstanding was not without benefit."

"Su Jun now knows Gakki’s feelings, right?"

"Su Jun, please don't let down the girl's friendship,"

Xin Gen Yui lowered her head shyly when she heard this.

Su Ye said shyly:

"I am honored to receive Gakki's kindness."

Kameta said tactfully:

"Then Su Jun and Gakki will chat first, I will take my leave first."

After saying that, he bowed to Su Ye and left the room.

He took the initiative to close the door.

In the room, only Su Ye and Xin Guang Yui were left.


Su Ye came in front of Xin Gen Yui, he lifted her chin and asked:

"Do you really like me?"

Xin Guang Yui nodded shyly:

"I like it."

Su Ye:

"But we have never met before."

Xin Gen Yui looked at Su Ye's handsome face and said:

"Some people don't need to meet, just need to see."

"I knew he was the one I loved."

Although I knew that what Aragaki Yui said was a lie, even if it was a lie, Su Ye's heart was still moved when she said it. Su Ye couldn't help but licked Aragaki Yui's lips. It was sweet. Aragaki Yui closed her eyes and wanted to respond, but at this moment, Su Ye let go of Aragaki Yui's chin and walked to the wine cabinet. Seeing this, Aragaki Yui was a little speechless. Why did you leave after the chat?


Su Ye poured two glasses of sake.

Then, with his back to Shingo Yui, he put a"truth capsule" in one of the glasses of sake. After the truth capsule dissolved in the sake, he immediately came to Shingo Yui with two glasses of sake. He handed the wine glass with the truth capsule to Shingo Yui and said:

"Let's have a drink and forget the unpleasantness just now"


Xin Gen Yui held the wine glass with both hands and gently banged it against Su Ye's glass.

Su Ye looked at Xin Gen Yui. After seeing Xin Gen Yui drink all the sake in the glass, he drank up the sake in his glass.


After Xin Gen Yui finished drinking, she blushed and asked Su Ye in a low voice:

"Suye-chan, do you like gakki too?"

Suye waited for the drug to take effect.

He told the truth:

"I like it a little bit."

Xin Guang Yui said disappointedly:

"Just a little bit?"

Su Ye:

"After all, this is the first time I met Gakki, so I don’t know much about her."

Yui Shingen raised her delicate fist and said seriously:

"I must work hard to make Su Ye-chan understand me better and like me more."

Su Ye found that Shingo Yui's speech and actions were the same as those of the girls in the comics.

He asked Shingo Yui:

"Then I will ask you some questions, can you answer me truthfully?"

Xinwen Yui nodded:

"Of course I can."

Su Ye took Gakki's hand and sat down on the sofa.

He sat on the sofa, but asked Aragatsune Yui to kneel in front of him.

This way, he could observe Aragatsune Yui's expression.

Aragatsune Yui knelt in front of Su Ye meekly.

Then she looked at Su Ye innocently.

Just like a simple kitten looking at its owner.


Aragatsune Yui was wearing a kimono, which made it convenient for her to kneel.

Su Ye estimated that the effect of the truth capsule should have taken effect, and immediately asked Aragatsune Yui:

"Gakki, can you tell me why there was a camera in that room just now?"


Xinwen Yui looked surprised:

"Was there a camera in the room just now?"

"Is it true? I don't know!"

Su Ye saw the surprised expression of Xinwen Yui.

He couldn't help but feel surprised.

How could Xinwen Yui not know about this?

Could it be that the truth capsule has not worked yet?

But it shouldn't work?

Last time, Kenta didn't use it for long, and it worked.

Su Ye asked again:

"Are you really going to take a bath with me because you like me?"

Xin Guang Yui wanted to say"yes", but when the words came to her lips, she said: (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


As soon as she said these two words,

Yui Aragaki regretted it.

She didn't understand why she said the truth. []

If I told the truth, how could Su Ye like me?

How could I complete the president's mission?

Yui Aragaki was a little panicked.


Su Ye heard the answer from Shingo Yui.

He understood that the truth capsule was indeed effective.

It seemed that

Shingo Yui really didn't know that there was a camera installed in the room.

Su Ye asked again:

"Then why did you do such a thing?"

Xiao Gen Yui couldn't help wanting to tell the truth, so she told Su Ye everything that Ozawa Gen asked of her.

However, after she finished speaking,

Xin Sheng Yui was a little scared.

She actually told the truth to Su Ye.

If the president knew about this, she would definitely be sold to the Tokyo Cold Crew, right?

Oh my God, no!


After Su Ye learned the truth, he actually admired Xiao Zeyuan. In order to influence him subtly and change his impression of Xiao Rizi, he was willing to use a first-line actress to seduce him.

The key is that the cook was specially selected.

It really cost a lot of money.

There are such people in Xiao Rizi's country.

No wonder Xiao Rizi's image in the eyes of Europeans and Americans was so good before.


Su Ye sighed in his heart, but he did not hesitate.

He gently pinched Xin Gen Yui's chin and continued to ask:

"In addition to letting you seduce me, Ozawa Gen,"

"Do you have any other means to deal with me?"

Xin Gen Yui shook her head and said:

"I don't know about that."

"He just asked me to date you."

"Ask me to find a way to make you fall in love with me, fall in love with Fusang Country, and fall in love with the daily life!

Su Ye sneered in his heart. How could he fall in love with the daily life after generations of personal hatred ? He really thought too much.

"Kameda must know about this, right?" Su Ye asked again.


Well , he knows.

"Kameda invited me to participate in the show this time. Is there any conspiracy?"

Xinwen Yui shook her head and said:

"I don't know about that."

"However,"Chatting 007" is a live broadcast program."

"In addition to asking you a few tricky questions,"

"I can't come up with any conspiracy,"

Su Ye thought to himself, but didn't speak.

Seeing that Su Ye didn't speak, Xin Gen Yui immediately begged Su Ye with a nervous look on her face:

"Suye-chan, please don't tell Kameda or President Ozawa Gen what I told you."

"Otherwise," she thought of Ozawa Yuan's ferocious expression, and a look of fear appeared on her face.

"Otherwise, I will be banned from the company in the future,"

Su Ye heard this, he looked at Xin Gen Yui's face and couldn't help but grinned:

"If you don't want the president to know about this, it depends on your performance."

The sugar coating was handed over, and he was ready to eat it.

As for the shells, they were naturally returned intact.

But, why does this line sound familiar?

A thought flashed through Su Ye's mind.

Tokyo is really not cold.


When Xin Guang Yui heard this, she immediately said shyly:

"In fact, I already consider myself as Suyejiang's woman."

"I am willing to do whatever Su Ye wants to do to me,"

Su Ye said calmly:

"You just said you liked me, but that must be a lie, right?"

Upon hearing this, Yui Shingen looked a little confused:

"In fact, it's not all a lie to Suye Jiang,"

"I really admire Suye Jiang's talent."

"Moreover, Suye-chan is even more handsome than the male protagonist in the comics."

"In my heart, I actually like perilla leaf sauce."

"The president asked me to dedicate myself to Suye Jiang. Although I was forced to do so,"

"But I don’t really feel disgusted."

"Even a little bit happy,"

Su Ye said calmly:

"Then let me see how you dedicate yourself.


"To call the master"

"Hi, Master"


I can only say that

Yui Shingo is indeed a Japanese woman.���

Although she is a cook, she knows a lot about various cuisines.

Her endurance is also far beyond that of ordinary people.

Compared with her, Bingbing is like the difference between a kindergartener and a postdoctoral fellow.

Throughout the whole process,

Su Ye didn't need to work at all.

Xin Guang Yui completed all the KPIs by herself.

The emperors of ancient times were no more than this!


The next morning,

Su Ye got up.

He was in the bathroom, and while he was using the toilet, he secretly watched the video he recorded with his mobile phone last night.

The effect was very good. He filmed the scene where Yui Aragatsuma exposed Ozawa Gen's conspiracy. Of course, he also filmed what happened afterwards. It can only be said that it was very violent. You know, in order to make Yui Aragatsuma truly fall in love with him, Su Ye used the skill he bought in the portable mall. After all, she is a woman who lives a simple life. It doesn't hurt.


Su Ye quickly used editing skills to delete all the images containing him.

In order to avoid regrets in the future if the phone is lost. After all, Xige's previous experience is a lesson that must be learned!


After editing the video,

Su Ye started to wash the dates.

However, halfway through,

Yui Shingen, who was still sleeping, actually struggled to come in.

She very respectfully helped Su Ye bathe and change clothes.

You know,

Su Ye could clearly feel Yui Shingen's fatigue.

However, she still endured the fatigue and served Su Ye with all her heart.

To be honest,

Su Ye was really moved.

Women in ordinary lives are indeed different from women in China.


Yui Aragaki helped Su Ye put on her clothes.

Su Ye just had to stand there with her arms open.

After Su Ye put on her clothes, she cut off the plum blossoms on the bed sheet as usual. Yui Aragaki watched Su Ye carefully put away the bed sheet. For some reason, I felt warm in my heart. The fatigue of the night disappeared. Su Ye must care about me, that's why she put away the bed sheet, right? Su Ye is so gentle and romantic.


Su Ye put away the bed sheet. He immediately waved to Xin Guang Yui.

Xin Guang Yui saw this and walked to Su Ye like a kitten, treading gently.


Su Ye, what do you want me to do for you?

"Shouldn't you call me master?"

Xin Guang Yui immediately changed her words:

"Master, what do you want me to do?"

Su Ye rewarded Xin Guang Yui with a sword:

"That's good."

Xinweng Yui was kissed by Su Ye, and she immediately showed a happy expression.

Su Ye held Xinweng Yui in his arms, then pinched Xinweng Yui's chin, PUA:.

: ༻ Đạo ༺

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