Just go to Guanbuzi City to find Aosaki Orange, and it is easy for the world-class puppeteer to make a human body.

Anyway, the woman runs an office, and as long as she has money, this little thing is not a problem.

Just as compensation for this poor lady.


Unexpected words made Alice Phil lose the ability to think, she stared at Rope in a daze at a loss.

No matter who wants to die, Alice Phil is no exception, and even deep in her heart there is a stronger emotion called ‘maternal love’ at work.

—I want to use my own hands to raise my daughter personally, so that she can get rid of all pain.

Facing the benefactor who killed her husband and enemy and gave her hope, Alice Phil didn't know how to deal with it, she could only wriggle her lips and tell her inner thoughts.



Some people commented that I abused my daughter. I am puzzled. Whom did I abuse?

Jiuu Miya? Please, that's not a target to be attacked at all. Kirishu pulled her out of **** and took her to go north and south for more than ten years. The feelings may even be deeper than that of Alice Phil, just watch TV. .

Also, I want to restore the original character of the female character as much as possible. I really don’t like it. Take Alice Phil for example. It’s the best policy to pay every step of the way and make her suddenly fall in love with the one who killed her husband. The protagonist, that is a plot that Xiaobai would never believe.

If you have a friend who likes to read this kind of book, Hashihime here apologizes, you may not be suitable for my book.

-Sincerely, Hashihime

Chapter 78—Glory and Storm

While Rope was upset about the death of Ma Tong Yan Ye, the situation on Saber's side was also not optimistic.

After the radiance burned the soil, it left unimaginable wounds on the earth. The scarlet soil was like a scorching **** that made people feel the heat just by looking at it.

Di Lu Muduo fell to the ground, panting violently. He was rubbed by the Sword of Oath of Victory, showing signs of burns all over his body, and even his original face was no longer beautiful.

"It's an exaggeration." He adjusted his breathing and forced himself to sit up.

"Last time because of the help of the lord, what did I feel about the liberation of that bow and arrow? I didn't expect this level of treasure to have such amazing power."

When Enki was liberated at the end of the sword, because Rope relied on Hasta's majesty, Di Lumuduo didn't really feel that power, but now he has witnessed the liberation of Saber's treasure and knows how lucky he was at that time.

That's not what I can match.

"Hehe, in the end, I became the weakest other than Assassin in the Holy Grail War..."

Di Lu Mudu laughed bitterly and looked at the magic spear in his hand.

The treasure for humans has no effect at all in this situation, and Di Lu Muduo has already deeply realized this just now.

No matter how powerful the martial arts, without decisive hole cards, they can only be reduced to salted fish.

"Lancer! Are you still safe?"

At this time Saber ran over with the sword.

"The lord's magic power is very sufficient, this little injury is nothing."

Dilumudo used the magic spear as a crutch and stood up from the ground.

"By the way, how is Lancelot?" The top priority is to confirm our own situation first.


Hearing the names of his former friends, Saber's eyes drooped, a little hard to speak.

"...Secretary Lancelot also hid, but I don't know what happened to him."

"I'm fine."

At this time, a deep and magnetic sound came from the smoke.

The knight in black armor pushed aside the smoke and walked over. His helmet had been lost just now, showing a melancholy face with long purple hair.

No, it's more important than this-as Berserker, he can answer Saber and Lancer's questions completely.

"Berserker... are you awake?" Dilumudo looked at the man before him in disbelief.


Lancelot responded calmly, making it impossible for people to associate the dark and crazy ghost.

"My lord... Jian Tong Yanye seems to have already passed away first, and the contract of the madness summons ends here, so I can regain my sanity in this last time."

His body was already diffusing light to the surroundings, which was a sign of the heroic spirit's disappearance.

"Lancelot and Garonne..."

Saber stepped forward, looking sadly at the knight of the lake who had followed him.

"My king... forgive me for being disrespectful before." Lancelot looked kindly at the king he once followed. "I just want to let you personally punish me as a sinner..."

He raised his arm that had become transparent.

"... But it seems that even this sad wish cannot be realized."

"Please don't say that!"

Saber answered anxiously. It was she, not the knight, who did the wrong thing. No one knew Lancelot's loyalty to the country and the king better than her.

"You did nothing wrong... as long as I get the Holy Grail, everything will be fine!"

This time, I can definitely get the Holy Grail.

As long as you have the Holy Grail, as long as you are no longer king.

Then whether it is Britain, Guinvia, or Lancelot, they will all have their happy ending...

"Oh... you will only make me blame myself even more..."

Lancelot sighed and looked sadly at his king.

"It's almost time to wake up from a dream, Altria."

This was the first time he had called his king's name, and the meaning contained therein made Dilumudo also feel heavy.

A little girl is burdened with such a burden, even after her death, she cannot be at ease. Is there still a need for such a country?

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