"Evil demon. No matter what you are trying to achieve with the Holy Grail, the history of mankind belongs to mankind, not your existence buried in the past. Since I am ordered to appear here as a judge, then I will not let it be distorted. Spread on the back of the human world!"

He piled up rhetoric, and said in a clever tongue that, in the final analysis, the tsunami in Fuyuki City and the division of the world in Xindu were all disasters caused directly or indirectly by Lope and Nayoko.

Even if she returns to the seat of heroic spirits, Joan does not hope that such a tragedy will be staged again somewhere after she leaves this world.

——It is not the misery caused by the war. One Fuyuki City is enough.

At a suitable distance, Joan put down the holy spear, turned the second treasure upside down, and held the sharp blade in his hand.

She cut through her palm with the sword, didn't care about the blood oozing out, and just knelt down.

Put your hands together and close your eyes. That overly graceful posture contains a sense of martyrdom.

Nero noticed something wrong, and the saint did not clearly send a message of "assistance" at this time, the emperor slipped into the back of a large rock silently, erasing her sense of existence as much as possible.

"Oh, I'm so impatient to wait."

Watching the movement of the saint, Nayazi's robe stretched and extended, covering the entire stone seat.

The Cthulhu girl in the "god-making ceremony" cannot use divine magic or other power-consuming methods, which will lead to a complete collapse.

Nayako's method of dealing with Joan's treasure is very simple.

That is a trace of the divinity that Nyarlatotepu extends to her incarnation as the "creeping chaos", the "faceless god", and the "highest messenger". Just like the Kabbalah tree of life in Judaism, the "angel" is above the "human", so humans cannot harm angels. The same is true for Joan, who is far from the great Katug subperson.

—— Chaos distorts everything and embraces everything. The flames of life will be lost in namelessness.

In the hollow of Yuanzang Mountain, close your eyes, and the prayers of the Saintess of France sounded here.

"——The heavens are the glory of the Lord, and the sky is the great work of the hand of God. The day conveys language, and the night conveys knowledge. He can neither talk nor speak, nor can he hear the voice. Warm light spreads across the earth and extends to the world The end of the sky. Go up from the end of the sky and go around to the end of the sky."

Fluorescence rose from Joan of Arc, and the song chanted by the angels faintly surrounds the saint.

The blood washed away the silver sword, just like washing away the sins of the baptized, turning "karma" into a dazzling light.

In this light, her black dress faded and replaced by a white lotus like white. Twist braids were also scattered, and the long blonde hair dragged on the ground, which was more beautiful than a scroll.

"My end is here, my life is here, my life is here."

"My life is equivalent to nothing, like a shadow wandering around."

"My bow can't rely on, and my sword can't save me."

"I wish to protect his footsteps with the only thing left."

"Lord, I trust this body to you—"

In the hilt of the cross, a flower of flame bloomed.

These flames are what allowed Joan to sway the flames of life. The convicts believed that these fires were punishments for the witch, and Joan of Arc firmly believed that these fires were the ultimate relief.

Ruler didn't hold the hilt of the sword, but held the blade tightly, and pointed the hilt at the evil **** on the stone seat with a solemn expression.

"The haze is gone! Hope will come after despair!-LaPucelle! (The Saint of Red Lotus

"EX" level, a treasure that can be activated by injecting one's life into it. It is not the classification of people and the army, but a treasure that is capable of destroying any enemy at the expense of life.

The flame was less violent than Garner, and less arrogant than Arjuna, but the belief contained in it made it short-lived and sublimated to the point where the flames of the two great heroes could not match.

Nothing in the cave is more eye-catching than this.

The shining flames, its posture instantly changed into explosive sharp blades that continued to spread, rushing toward the surroundings, toward the evil **** above the throne.

Then at the entrance, carrying a silver suitcase, Rope, who had just stepped over the roadblock and stood firmly in the hollow.

He was confused by the aftermath of the saint flame.

Chapter 95: The Divinity of the God of Thousands of Appearances, the Saint Failed to Realize the Miracle

In this Holy Grail War, it is the third time that Rope has been smothered by flames.

The first time was the flame of the Roman emperor, the second time was the fire of Surya in Garna, and the liberation of the saint's treasure was the third time.

Luo Pei silently removed the arm covering the silver suitcase, and the cuffs of the black suit with simple and mimicking water flow had already partly turned into steam rising, but the flame of the aftermath of the saint was perfectly blocked by the power of the eclipsing ape .

He turned his head and said to the empty place behind him.

"Or, Jing Mi, just stay here and wait?"

When they met on the road, the assassin with purple hair who was spiritualized behind Rope revealed his true body.

The girl's cheeks were a little red.

"Master, you bother, the subordinates are fine..."

As a Servant, she should put the protection of the Master as the first priority, but now her position is reversed, and she is protected by the Master like a weak girl. Although she knew it was wrong, Quiet didn't hate this feeling.

To be able to live like a real "woman" is what she dreamed of in her lifetime.

Seeing quiet persistence, Luo Pei shrugged his shoulders and stopped speaking, separating Yan Hai and walking towards the heroic spirit and evil **** at the center.

The flame of red lotus, the yarn of darkness.

Except for the pair of Bi pupils on the stone seat, none of the remaining two servants on the scene noticed the arrival of the black-haired youth.

Nero was dazzled by that rare treasure blooming, and the saint standing in front of the evil **** did not have the leisure to look around.

Treasure is drawing her life.

The real world of heroic spirits needs magical power, and magical power is their vitality. Normal heroic spirits will not worry about magical power when the Master is well, but Joan of Arc's "Sage of Red Lotus" is different.

Even though the contract with Karen is connected, even if the magic in the body is full, the vitality of the saint is still extracted by the hilt of the blooming lotus flower in her hand, bursting out a bright sacred fire that is only once in a lifetime!

The scorching sun spreads like a spark in this dim cave.

Just to destroy the demons that shouldn't exist in this world!


"Isn't... not enough."

The saint with long blonde hair bit her lip, her face was as pale as paper, and her sword-holding arms were trembling slightly.

The flames of her life, burning iron and melting rocks, can wipe out all existence. It is a pity that there is no horrible evil **** beyond the starry sky in this "everything".

Nyarlatotepu, the great **** praised, the girl with silver hair and blue eyes did not move at all, and the flames were absorbed by the unpredictable black robe. On that robe, the pharaoh in bright clothes appeared for a while, the bloodthirsty two-headed bat appeared for a while, and the amorphous human body with a white playful mask appeared for a while.

The **** of no appearance is also the **** of thousands of appearances. The divinity of "Chaos" eliminates the disputes between matter and energy, and kneads them ambiguously into one.

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