Karen hesitated for a moment, then raised her finger and pointed in the direction of Naako.

"Your companion is a demon thing—"

"Hey, kid." Naiyazi turned her head and said in a bad tone.

"Consider your words carefully, don't think that you can sit back and relax if you escape the fate of being made into dinner. The blasphemy that equates me with the devil will bring disaster."

"Okay, okay." Seeing that the atmosphere was wrong, Rope came out to make a round.

"Miss Karen doesn't know those huge secrets, and in the eyes of ordinary people, your Majesty, don't you just have the same characteristics as the "devil"? "

"That's too much! Little Rope, is that what you think of me?!" Naiyazi said in a frantic tone.

"...Hehe, you are here again."

Karen was surprised, why the demon could adjust his tone so much in an instant.

Just like a coquettish girl.

The girl couldn't figure it out and gave up thinking about it. It is a stupid practice to use human thinking to speculate on alien creatures.

She tried her legs, and when she found that she could move, she slowly stood up against the wall.

"I'm causing you trouble this time." Karen said in a low voice, "If you don't intend to pursue what I know, and don't intend to imprison me, can you let me go now? Mr. Rope."

Because the host has received many believers, the girl's knowledge of people is still good, so she can see at a glance the affiliation between the two of Luopei.

Although black-haired men respect the "demon", they occupy the absolute peak.

... The magician who summons the devil? Master who participated in the Holy Grail War? Karen thought a lot in her heart.

"Of course." Luo Pei said: "Miss Karen can leave at any time if she wants to leave, as long as you remember not to say it..."

"Little Rope." Naiyazi interrupted Rope.

Her gaze was staring at Karen playfully, and the feeling in it made the girl's heart tighten.

"Don't be fooled by the beautiful and honest face of this kid."


"From the very beginning, she didn't mention anything about being caught back by me and almost died, and she has been using words to induce you." Naako said.

"It is estimated that you want to ensure that your life is out of danger as soon as possible. You don't need to say the remaining half of your sentence, because the first thing she left here will definitely inform others, or the church in this world, don't Forget what she was wearing—really, don’t show off that disguise in front of me, kid."

She is the evil **** who has the most frequent contact with humans, and she really has seen more people than Kallen has eaten rice grains.

Compared with the role-playing master Naako, the girl's acting skills are a bit too tender.

Naiyako turned her head and waved her hand.

"Change your mind, Little Rope, if you don't want to cause trouble to yourself, kill that girl. If you don't bear her face, add a cage to the basement of this house. It's good to keep it as a pet temporarily, etc. Throw it away when you are tired."

Miss Cthulhu said cruel words.

For ordinary people, Nayazi was obviously not so gentle with Rope.

The black-haired young man ignored Nayazi's absurd suggestion, and turned his head to look at Karen Aldysia.

The girl didn't panic after being pierced by her mind, her face was calm, she just stood there calmly and lightly, as if she would passively accept any encounter.

"Is what she said is true?" Rope asked the girl.

"Yeah." Karen nodded very cooperatively.

"I did use you, Mr. Rope, but I don’t think I’m wrong. I want to live. If you are coerced by the devil, the church and I will help you. If you are the one who summons the devil, then ——" She didn't go on.

Because the girl felt that the following words were meaningless.

According to her speculation, it is estimated that what is waiting for her immediately is death, or something worse than death.

The future described by Nayoko made Karen a little bit afraid - and excited.

"Okay, okay, who would let me be a collector of forgiveness to favorite characters with names and surnames... I have seen ghosts, so how can I have so many schemings." The black-haired young man murmured, and then reached out to Karen Shot.

Are you going to die?

The girl closed her eyes subconsciously.

As a result, the imaginary pain did not come.

His cheeks were pinched and forced to open his mouth.

"Put your tongue out," Rope ordered.

Karen couldn't help but complied.

Then there was another chanting incantation that was so obscure that it was nauseating, mixed with the words of the devil, "You are sending out kindness again."

After a while, the hand holding the cheek loosened.

Karen opened her eyes curiously.

"Okay, it's all right." Rope sorted Karen's hair.

"Go back, leave here, and go back to your home."

The girl was startled.

...This is the end?

"Sir, as your companion said, I wouldn't assume that nothing happened." Strangely, Karen said dying words.

In fact, the girl regretted it after she said it.

It would be nice to leave like this, you have to remind the other party.

But Rope's face was not irritated, just a weird smile.

"Miss Karen, how about let's make a bet? If you can tell me about me, I will promise you one condition—any condition. Otherwise, do you want to try to make a "friend" with me? "

"... Did you hint to me? Or a curse?"

"Neither." Luo Pei supported the **** the shoulders and turned her to the hallway.

"It's just another little secret technique invented by Toad."

"?" Karen was puzzled by the black-haired youth's words.

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