
A little head suddenly appeared at the door. Ao Chen returned without knowing when.

""Brother! Come on! Sister Xiyao has taken the initiative!"

Her face was full of excitement, and she didn't know what was going on in her mind.

Ao Xin turned around and glared at her. She closed the door with a snap, and a voice came from outside the door:

"I understand! I won't affect you! My room is for you today! I'll go find Xiaobai!"

Inside the room, the atmosphere instantly became charming.

"You can't get pregnant in the early stages of the apocalypse." Ao Xin felt the flames rising in her body, but she tried to suppress them.

Liu Xiyao turned around and took out a box from the bedside table.

Ao Xin:"??? Where did you get the chewing gum?"

Liu Xiyao said seriously:"I thought the master might need it at any time, so I came across a ×× supplies store when fighting the zombies, and brought back a few boxes, so there won't be any danger."

Ao Xin's mouth twitched:"You're so thoughtful...."...

Ao Kang's door was knocked again, and Ao Chen quietly walked into his parents' room, looking back slyly.

Zhang Hong said helplessly:"Why did you come to our place when you were not sleeping?"

Ao Chen rubbed his hands excitedly and said in a low voice:"My brother went to Sister Xiyao's place!"

The old couple became excited as soon as they heard it:"Really?"

"Of course! I locked the door from the outside!"

Ao Chen excitedly asked for credit:"Am I going to be an aunt?"

Ao Kang smiled and said,"Don't worry about your brother's affairs, go to sleep, Xiao Xin said that you can't have children in the early stage of the end of the world, and you can't be an aunt for the time being."

Ao Chen was a little disappointed, and suddenly his eyes turned and said,"I'll go and listen!"

Ao Kang threw up a pillow and said"room". Ao Chen, who was about to slip away, changed his position with the pillow and came to their bed.

The girl blinked her innocent big eyes:"Dad, what are you doing?"

Ao Kang patted her forehead lightly:"Your brother's observation color is very strong, you will be discovered if you eavesdrop, don't ruin your brother's good things, go to sleep obediently!"

Ao Chen struggled and said,"No! I will go underground and he can't find it!"

As he was about to transform, he was caught by Ao Kang again. The old father and the old mother looked at each other, and seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding.

Ao Chen suddenly panicked:"Dad, Mom, what are you going to do? I won't eavesdrop!"

But it was useless.

A moment later, in Ao Xin's room, Ao Chen was sewn to the bed by Zhang Hong using the power of the Seam-Seam Fruit. Xiao Bai squatted beside him and watched with a gloating expression on his face.

"Xiaobai, watch Xiaochen, don't let her run around."

Xiaobai nodded hurriedly:"I'm so sad!"

Ao Chen twisted wildly on the bed:"Mom! I was wrong! It's so uncomfortable! I need to pee!"

Zhang Hong was unmoved:"Pee on the bed!"

Ao Chen said coquettishly:"No! My brother will scold me!"

However, in return, Zhang Hong sewed the bed, the floor and the wall together again, and only felt relieved after sewing:

"Go to sleep obediently, and we will let you out tomorrow."

Ao Kang and Zhang Hong left with peace of mind. Ao Chen struggled for a while, but when she saw that she could not change her parents' minds, she had to stop struggling dejectedly.

Suddenly, she saw Xiao Bai lying on the bed from the corner of her eye, and said in a gentle tone:

"Xiao Baibai, go listen to what my brother and sister Xiyao are doing, and come back to tell me."

Xiao Bai shook his head:"No! Mommy let me watch you!"

Ao Chen:...

I should have known better than to tell my parents.

The next day, Ao Xin walked out of the room refreshed, and Liu Xiyao behind him still had a blush on her face.

"" Hey? Where's Xiaochen?"

He walked to the living room, but there was no sign of Ao Chen. Instead, his parents put on the combat uniforms he had exchanged for them and were preparing to go out. After hearing his words, Zhang Hong realized,"I almost forgot about Xiaochen!" She quickly opened Ao Xin's door and saw Ao Chen staring at the ceiling with a look of despair on his face.

She had been awake for a while, but her body was sewn to the bed and she couldn't move at all.

After Xiaobai woke up, he kept staring at her obediently. It felt so good not to be touched by her!

"Why was Xiaochen sewn up?"

Ao Xin, who followed his parents into the room, was stunned. Liu Xiyao behind him also covered her mouth and laughed.

"Brother, do you know how much I have sacrificed for you?"

Ao Chen heard them coming, his tone full of resentment.

After Zhang Hong stepped forward to remove the fruit ability, the girl who had originally felt hopeless got up in a flash, jumped in front of Ao Xin in an instant, and circled around him and Liu Xiyao.

"Brother, did you and Sister Xiyao have sex last night?"

With a pair of big eyes full of gossip, Ao Xin said lightly:"From now on, you and Xiaobai will live in the same room."



The first sound came from Ao Chen, and the second from Xiao Bai.

"No! Raise the silver, no!"

"I'm going to beat you to pieces!"

Xiaobai stepped back in fear, his tiger eyes looked pitiful, as if he was a kitten abandoned by his owner.

But Ao Chen was happy:"Wow!

You can pet Xiaobai anytime from now on!" Ao Xin said:"Xiaochen, don't touch Xiaobai. Chat with Xiaobai and correct his pronunciation. You can also give Xiaobai your textbooks to teach him to recognize words"

"Got it, got it!"

The resentment of being sewn to the bed by my mother for a whole night instantly dissipated.

Oh no, it was transferred, transferred to Xiaobai.

Going downstairs to the bank of the Yellow River, everyone started their new day's work.

Ao Chen and others naturally continued to lead people, while Ao Xin asked Xu Wenhao to get another fifty steel water cages and prepare to continue catching water monsters.


Just as he was about to jump into the river, Meng Kui found him and said,"There are many people in Zhang Heng's place in the south of the city who are secretly contacting us and want to join us."

"Just add more and bring them over to work."

Ao Xin didn't care. It was no big deal.

"But." Meng Kui said with some difficulty:"According to those people, Zhang Heng has not made a statement yet, and they found some other friends to contact us without telling Zhang Heng."


Ao Xin still didn't care:"Just ask, if they want to come, they can come. Don't care about Zhang Heng or these fence-sitters, just bring them to work."

"OK, I understand."

Meng Kui led his men away. He stretched his body and transformed into a blue dragon before jumping into the water.

His body was even weaker than yesterday, and the seastone factor was rapidly merging into the river.

"We have to catch more water monsters while the concentration of seastone factor is not high, otherwise they will not be able to enter later."

"But 100 million points should be enough. I can exchange it for the magic potion to eliminate the side effects, and I can still enter the water at will."

Should I eat the thunderbolt at that time?

If not, where can I get better fruits?

After catching enough water monsters in this wave, I will take Ao Chen out again, looking for stronger zombies to fight, and also looking for devil fruits.

Although there are many ability users who have exploded now, there are also many who have died in battle, and their fruits will still refresh.

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