Perhaps it was because Ao Xin had been very approachable since he came into contact with them that Luo Yi dared to ask this question.

Ao Xin said:

"A better life, get stronger faster."

Luo Yi's expression did not change when he heard these two points.

This promise was too empty. He wanted to hear some practical

"If you buy items through me instead of through the God-given Space, I will give you a 95% discount!"

Although the 95% discount is not much, the points are precious, and every bit saved is good.

This benefit is extremely tempting.

Not to mention ordinary people in Luo Yi's forces, even he is tempted.

A big knife costs 100,000 points, and a 95% discount can save 5,000 points!

That's 5,000 points!

These 5,000 points will be a very cost-effective deal to use to win people's hearts!


He responded heavily.

He threw the sawtooth broadsword Zhanfeng to the ground, knelt on one knee, and expressed his loyalty to Ao Xin:"Boss Ao, Luo Yi is willing to serve you!"

Seeing his loyalty, Tang Yingying and Shi Yu also came behind Luo Yi:

""Boss Ao! Tang Yingying (Shi Yu) is willing to pledge allegiance to you!" He nodded with satisfaction, asked them to stand up, and said to Shi Yu:"You continue to chop the corpse, your movements are too slow!"

Subjugating Luo Yi's forces, especially getting Tang Yingying, will make it easier to obtain points in the future.

When those who went to transport the corpse returned, Luo Yi announced to them his decision to pledge allegiance to Ao Xin.

"You can stay or leave as you like, I won't force you!"

That being said, who dares to leave?

With their strength, they can survive by sticking together for warmth, but leaving alone is simply courting death!

No one objected, Ao Xin asked Luo Yi to count them, a total of 172 people!

Most of them were young and strong, and under Luo Yi's control, these people were able to maintain order.

Leaving Han Shuang to watch over Shi Yu and others, Ao Xin took Tang Yingying and left temporarily

"Come with me!"

As he said this, regardless of whether Tang Yingying agreed or not, he turned into a dragon, grabbed Tang Yingying and flew away.


Luo Yi was shocked, and Shi Yu was also shocked:"Boss! Where are you taking Yingying?" Qinglong's voice came from the sky:"Hurry up and kill that hairy corpse, I'll get another one!"


In the dragon's claws, little Tang Yingying hugged his claws tightly and screamed wildly:"I'm afraid of heights, big man!"

Although the dragon's claws held her tightly, she still held one claw desperately, her body curled up wildly, and clamped her legs around the other claw and refused to let go.

The wind whistled around her, which was the sound of airflow caused by the fast flight.

Looking up, she saw the huge dragon body, which completely blocked the scenery above her head.

Under her body, the buildings and the crowd were shrinking rapidly, and her heart was pounding. If she hadn't clamped her legs tightly, she would have almost peed!

She was so excited that her head was dizzy. She didn't know where Ao Xin took her.

When she gradually adapted to it, she couldn't help but have wild thoughts in her mind.

Why did the big man take me alone?

What is he going to do to me? Should

I agree or refuse?

I heard it hurts, and the big man is so strong....

Woo woo woo~~

Am I pregnant? If I am pregnant, should I give birth? What will the baby be called?

Ao Xin, who turned into a dragon and flew, had no idea what the little thing in his claws was thinking. Soon, when he saw a group of zombies wandering aimlessly below, he fell from the sky and stood on a tall building.

He released his claws and swung them downwards.


Looking down, Tang Yingying was still holding his paw tightly and refused to let go, with a pair of blurry eyes, and it was unclear whether she was frightened or thinking about something.

"Hey! It's coming down!"

""Huh?" Tang Yingying woke up in shock, but when she saw the roof of a 30-story building under her feet, she hugged him tighter in fear.

"It's too high, I don't dare."

Ao Xin had no choice but to come to the middle of the roof, which gave her some sense of security. She carefully loosened her arms and legs and stood on the roof, not daring to move forward at all.

"Boss, why did you bring me to the rooftop?"

What she was thinking in her heart was: Wow, boss brought me to the rooftop, I couldn't have guessed right, did I? He is so strong, I can't seem to resist him.

However, after Ao Xin put her down, he did not transform into a human form, but said:"Use your ability to lure the nearby zombies over! Both the hairy zombies and those below them!"

Before the words fell, he swooped down, and when he was still ten meters from the ground, he transformed into a human form, stepped on the void with his feet, walked two steps in the air and landed safely.


Tang Yingying on the rooftop blinked her big cute eyes:"Boss, aren't you going to kill me?"

"I think you're thinking about something wrong?"

"Woohoo! How embarrassing!"

Although there was no one around and no one heard her inner voice, the girl's cheeks still blushed instantly.

She was shy here for a long time before she remembered that Ao Xin said he would help him attract monsters. She quickly released the fragrance to attract zombies, but she still didn't dare to go to the edge of the roof and look down. A person sat alone on the roof, humming a little tune while using his ability.

Downstairs, Ao Xin was killing zombies.

Although there were many zombies wandering here, they had not reached the point of a zombie tide.

However, Tang Yingying was constantly attracting zombies for him upstairs, which also caused him to never stop fighting.

Ordinary zombies were killed directly, and zombies were broken off their limbs and thrown into the store next to them.

He fought happily, and although his domineering aura grew slowly, he could feel it.

The stronger the physical strength, the domineering aura was spreading into the flesh and blood.

According to the rough classification in the previous life, he is now probably in the middle stage of the Iron Bone Realm. When the bones are completely transformed into diamonds, the power can be generated from the inside, strengthening the flesh and blood veins, reaching To the"huge force" realm!

This is due to the talent of the domineering genius, which allows him to practice very quickly.

Finally, a hairy corpse was attracted. He let out a long groan of excitement, but did not enter the human-beast form. Instead, he took off the steel whip behind him and tried to fight the hairy corpse. When the two sides' strengths intersected, Ao Xin only felt a huge force coming, and his feet could not help but step back several steps.

Without the blessing of the Azure Dragon, his strength was still not enough.

But it was already a feat to fight against the three-star hairy corpse in the Iron Bone Realm without being killed instantly!

The steel whip was covered with armed color. He held the whip in one hand and stabbed with the finger gun in the other hand. Under his feet, he used the power of the Storm Kick to kick hard.

But the hairy corpse blocked with both arms and easily blocked the attack of the steel whip, and its finger gun was also blocked by the hairy corpse's other fist.

The leg method was swift, causing the wind to whistle, but still no slash was made.

Practicing the three foot combat skills of shaving, moon step and storm kick, if you learn it again in the Divine Foot Realm, your progress will be very fast.

But he is just a mere iron bone, and it is difficult for his physique to reach the point of kicking and slashing.

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