He used the method of returning life to try his best to grab the energy from the sea king meat swallowed in his stomach, and quickly spread this energy throughout his body.

Not only can he quickly restore his physical strength and recover from injuries, but he can also enhance his physical strength.

Then, he exchanged all the other items of the six styles, including the iron block.

Although the CP died from the iron block, it was because of the protagonist's halo.

In the early days when there was no domineering, the defense of the iron block was obvious to all.

Can we say that the Sand-Sand Fruit and the Thunder Fruit are waste just because Luffy, who didn't even have the second gear, defeated Crocodile and Enelu?

The advanced realm of the iron block can be moved. Combined with the armed color domineering, it will greatly improve its defense in some battles that cannot be avoided.

Each of the basic skills of the six styles only requires one thousand points, but its extended skills require ten thousand points.

He began to practice the six styles in the store. He had practiced these skills in his previous life and knew their skills and tricks.

Outside the door, the number of zombies gathered was still increasing, and they were devouring the corpses of zombies on the ground.

Ao Xin practiced for two hours, and after getting some feeling, he went out to fight these zombies.

In order to practice the six styles faster, he even put the steel whip on the sofa in the store and did not carry it with him.

Instead, he tried to use the finger gun and storm kick that he had not practiced yet to attack.

Paper painting looks similar to observation Haki, but it is actually different.

Observation Haki sees attacks outside the field of vision and then dodges.

But paper painting uses the flow of airflow to let the body dodge automatically.

In short, the dodge of observation Haki requires thinking, while paper painting is fully automatic.

Try to feel the flow of airflow and let the body react to it instinctively. If you really can't dodge, activate the immature iron block.

With a body of iron bone realm, even if you are just a beginner in various skills, you don't have to worry about being hurt by zombies.

More and more zombies gathered, and when his physical strength was about to run out, he would activate the dragon transformation and kill all these ordinary zombies in seconds.

Then he went back to the store to rest.

Exchange for sea king barbecue, and then use life return to digest quickly, which is much safer and faster than the recovery ability of water meat.

After resting for a while, zombies gathered outside again, and he continued to go out to practice the six styles with them.

At night, after killing the last zombie, he blocked the door with the furniture from the furniture store, found a relatively intact big bed, and lay down to sleep.

The next morning, he woke up in the morning light, ate a large piece of sea king barbecue, and got up to move the furniture at the door of the furniture store.

Just as he moved it away, a zombie that was lying on the ground eating zombie meat jumped up with a howl and pounced on him.

""Iron Block!"

Instead of activating the dragon transformation, he activated the Iron Block. To be on the safe side, he added a layer of armed color domineering to defend against the claws of zombies.


It was like the sound of metal clashing.

Ao Xin was overjoyed. The Iron Block had already shown initial results!

He was already strong and had experience from his previous life, so it was natural that he could practice the Iron Block very quickly!

Of course, the most important thing was to strengthen his body through the return of life, otherwise, it would take a long time to practice.

He stretched out his index finger and pointed out instantly,"Finger gun!"

He pointed his index finger at the zombie's chest. He felt a sharp pain in his finger, but he didn't penetrate the zombie's chest.

The strength of his fingers and the toughness of his finger bones still needed to be further trained.

He retracted his fingers, shook his hands, used the Armament Color to harden them, and then fired the finger gun. His fingers no longer hurt, but they still didn't penetrate the zombie's flesh.

This move requires years of training on ten fingers, coupled with special force techniques and speed, to reach the point where the fingers are like guns.

Even, when it is practiced to perfection, you can directly use your fingers to hit the air and shoot out air bullets like the Storm Kick.

Just like the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

That would really be a finger"gun"!

In order to strengthen his fingers faster, he reduced the hardening of the Armament Color on his fingers. Although he could feel severe pain every time he poked it out, it was still within the tolerable range.

Under his feet, he had the experience of shaving. , he kicked very fast, but it was still not enough.

Storm Kick requires an ultra-high speed and extremely powerful kicking technique to roll up the air and produce a slash.

His current kicking speed is not up to this level.

But although he can't kick the Storm Kick, his extremely fast kicking speed can still break the bones of the flesh corpse.

After a night of catalysis, although a flesh corpse evolved into a zombie, there was no hairy corpse yet, so he used them to practice the six styles. He didn't use dragonization or steel whip, and he even tried to minimize the use of armed color.

His body was getting stronger rapidly.

Finally, when the severe pain all over his body could no longer be endured, he kicked the zombie away, transformed into a dragon and flew to the roof.

Exchange for sea king barbecue, penetrate the consciousness between the fingers and flesh, and activate the life return. The swelling in these painful areas was quickly reduced.

Instead, it was replaced by a thicker and more robust one. Tenacity.

After a short rest, he jumped down from the roof and started fighting again.

He fought here repeatedly for three whole days!

Because of the lack of attack power, the zombie has not been killed.

In fact, in the past few days, three more flesh corpses have evolved into zombies. Although he has made great progress, the enemies he faces are also stronger!

Domineering is an extension of physical strength. Although he does not use domineering, the strengthening of his physique also brings domineering together.

He can feel that his strength has at least doubled compared to when he just came here!


A loud shout! The index finger poked out, instantly breaking the chest of the zombie in front of him and cutting off its sternum!

The finger gun has also been initially practiced!

If combined with the dragon claw after the dragon transformation, the power of the finger gun will be even stronger!


If he teleports behind another zombie, he kicks out with his foot, and the air is kicked There was a sonic boom, but there was still no air blade to cut.

He kicked the zombie down with one foot and pierced its back of the head with a finger gun.

But it was not enough, the finger gun continued to stab, completely destroying its head.

A powerful attack came from the side, and the accompanying airflow became more violent.

He had already sensed this attack with his observation Haki, but there were zombies all around him and there was nowhere to hide.

But his body twisted strangely, and his flexibility was like a big snake!

It was a paper painting!

He jumped up, and his muscles instantly swelled and hardened. He did not use the armed Haki, and simply used his body to withstand the attack of a zombie behind him.

He removed the iron block, turned around and kicked out, kicking the bodies of three zombies, and stabbed the ten fingers of both hands at the same time into the head of the zombie behind him, and then his hands became claws and tore outwards, and the zombie's head was broken in half by him!

He was like a killing god, killing these zombies with his bare hands.

In the distance, people hiding in the floor saw this scene and were stunned.

Without using the power of the fruit, and even without weapons, relying only on the body, killing zombies is like killing dogs?

"Is this the legendary Azure Dragon? They say he is so strong because of the fruit, but it turns out that he is still so strong without the fruit!"

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