Ao Xin touched his chin and pondered on the shore.

This big guy swam along the Yellow River. When passing Luoshui, the strong man in Shendu wanted to kill it, but was almost dragged into the river.

It has been making waves in the Yellow River for a long time, which has made the various forces that rely on the Yellow River to build a safe base miserable.

However, for the sake of water, even if people will die, all forces still have to build bases on the shore.

Fortunately, there are not many powerful monsters in the Yellow River, and they will not always stay in one place, but flow throughout the river.

They can only pray that they will not encounter this monster.

Not only the Yellow River, but also the Yangtze River, Huaihe River and other rivers, all kinds of monsters appear.

Some were killed by people, and some followed the river into the sea.

Others, they made waves in the river and devoured the creatures on the shore at any time.

We have to find a way to kill this big guy.

Ao Xin thought about the strategy, but there was no good way for a while.

In the previous life, it was also in the later period that those non-ability people grew up and ignored the restraint of the seastone, so that they could join forces to kill some water monsters in the river.

But now, those who have the ability to fight are all people with special abilities.

It is not easy to enter the water and kill the water monster.

He turned into a green dragon and soared into the sky. He looked down and saw a huge monster vaguely visible in the waves.

This monster is no smaller than himself!

A loud dragon roar came out, and the sound waves penetrated the water surface.

Underwater, the monster heard the dragon roar and felt that its dignity was violated. In the rippling water, its head broke through the water surface, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at the green dragon in the clouds.

The green dragon coiled, and at this moment a pair of dragon eyes were also staring at it!

The monster was nearly 100 meters long, and its black scales flashed coldly in the sunlight.

This is a giant python.

The head and neck of the giant python sticking out of the river are 20 meters long!


The green dragon roared and swooped down.

The giant python spit out its snake tongue and was not to be outdone. It opened its bloody mouth and bit it.

""Roaring thunder!"

Amid the dragon's roar, a bolt of lightning burst out from the dragon's mouth. The bright lightning was extremely dazzling, and the huge thunder also stunned the giant python.

But how fast is the speed of lightning?

In just a moment, the thunder landed on the giant python's head. A strong electric current flowed through the giant python's body, and the hissing and retracting snake tongue also drooped limply at the mouth.

The electric current not only hit the giant python's head, but also fell on the river. Water can conduct electricity, and a large area of the river was covered by the electric current. Many fish on the river were electrocuted and floated up with their bellies turned upside down.

""Hot breath!"

Another mouthful of flames spurted out.

Although Qinglong could control the three elements of wind, fire and thunder, their power was not as strong as that of the natural element.

They could only be used as auxiliary means of attack.

For example, they could wrap the elements around weapons to enhance the attack.

This giant python was so huge, but he didn't know how hard its scales would be. He didn't expect to kill it directly with thunder and fire.

The scorching flames surged down, and the giant python, who was confused by the electricity, couldn't react and was sprayed by the hot breath.

The high temperature evaporated water vapor, and the river was shrouded in clouds and mist. A slight smell of burning came.

But Ao Xin was not happy.

Because, this slight smell of burning was just some scales being burnt.

It did not hurt the python's flesh and blood.

While the python was still paralyzed by the electric current, he blew out another bad wind.

Countless wind blades strangled the python, scraping the scales that were burnt by lightning and fire into pieces.

And further cut the python's flesh and blood.

At this time, the python paralyzed by the electric current also came back to its senses, and it was in great pain and furious.

More bodies left the water, and it wanted to drag the Azure Dragon in the air into the water!

"Still a fool?"

Ao Xin was overjoyed when he saw that the giant python did not run away, but rushed up like crazy!

His original plan was to drive the giant python away first so as not to affect his base building.

He would kill it when he had a chance in the future.

Since the giant python did not run away, he could kill it directly!

Qinglong swooped down and did not continue to use the elemental abilities of wind, fire and thunder, as those abilities were too physically demanding. The dragon claw stretched out and grabbed the giant python's head.

The armed color covered the dragon claw, and the black claw flashed with cold light.

The giant python's fangs sprayed a stream of venom, and the venom shot towards Qinglong's eyes like a sharp arrow.

Another hot breath, and the venom was burned dry by the flames.

The dragon claw grabbed the giant python's big mouth, but the giant python's fangs also bit on the dragon claw.


All the Armament Haki was concentrated on the dragon claws to resist the piercing of the poisonous fangs.

Even with the Iron Bone Realm and the powerful Armament Haki, he could still feel the severe pain from the claws.

Fortunately, it was not pierced, and the Armament Haki still withstood the attack of the giant python's poisonous fangs.

"Humph! Since you can't bite through my hand, it's my turn next!"

The sharp dragon claws pierced into the python's mouth. Even though its scales were as hard as those of the Azure Dragon, the inside of its mouth was soft after all.

Three dragon claws pierced the giant python's chin, and the other two claws held the scales outside its chin.

""Get up for me!"

Ao Xin shouted, and pulled the nearly 100-meter-long giant python out of the river.

The giant python's body kept turning over, trying to break free from the dragon's claws.

But Ao Xin's strength was stronger than it, and he directly took it out of the water and flew up a hundred meters high! On the shore, there were still a few people hiding in cars or some shops.

They heard the dragon roar outside and saw the battle from the window.

A huge green dragon grabbed a giant python out of the river.

No matter how the giant python struggled, it could not escape the control of the green dragon.

These people were stunned.

Someone immediately took a picture of the scene and uploaded it to the God-given space, signing it as"The Battle of Dragon and Snake"!

"A 100-meter-long giant python suddenly appeared in the Bian River! It fought a great battle with the Azure Dragon! But it was finally defeated by the Azure Dragon and was captured by the Azure Dragon!"

This video quickly received more likes���Thousands!

Countless people commented below:

"Qinglong? Is he the Qinglong boss in the rumors?"

"Oh my god! A hundred-meter-long python. Those three-star hairy corpses that can easily destroy an army are probably no match for this python!"

"I heard that Boss Qinglong is from Biancheng. The author of this video said that it was filmed in the Bian River. It is very likely that Boss Qinglong took action!"

"This is too much! I have to be very careful when killing an ordinary zombie now, but others have already started fighting monsters of this level?"

"Hey, you guys think, could that giant python also be a person with special abilities? For example, the snake-snake fruit, mythical beast species, and the serpent form?"

Someone came up with a bold idea, which was immediately supported by many netizens:

"I think it's very likely! The number of devil fruits appearing around the world now has far exceeded those in the comics. This is most likely a war between the two big guys for dominance!"

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