The migrant workers who were standing respectfully in front of Meng Kui were also shocked when they saw the real fire of the sun.

"It turns out that the third mythical beast ability user in the rumor is Sister Liu!"

They were horrified. Meng Kui and Liu Xiyao were both under Ao Xin. The power of three mythical beasts was invincible.

Now thinking about being accepted by him, these people felt it was worth it! Is n't this better than following Feng Kun?

It's a pity that the opportunity to flatter was taken away by Zhou Xiang.

Now, Meng Kui often asks Zhou Xiang directly when asking questions. Zhou Xiang's status is even higher than Feng Kun!

He secretly cursed this kid for being shameless, but he was envious.

But the opportunity was seized by Zhou Xiang, and they could only sigh.

Liu Xiyao killed one person directly, and they found that this beautiful woman was equally cruel!

"Do you think you are safe if you hide away, let men play with you, have food and shelter?"

Liu Xiyao said:

"There are also zombie viruses in the air, which can infect weak creatures."

"Moreover, as more zombies are killed and the apocalypse progresses, the zombie virus in the air will become more and more concentrated!"

"If you don't practice, even if you hide, you will be infected and become a zombie!"

Her words made the crowd agitated, not only the women, but also the migrant workers.

These were things they didn't know.

In the previous life, it was not until a long time later that someone discovered this truth.

But by that time, 90% of the people in the world had died!

"Practice domineering, exercise your body, and become a strong person! Not only can it give you dignity in the end times, but it can also help you survive well!"

Liu Xiyao slowly circled around the group of women:

"You are right, I am the master's plaything! But that is because I am lucky and have good vision! The master has never treated me lightly!"

"Your luck is not as good as mine, so all you can rely on is your own perseverance!"

"Become strong, at least you can choose which strong person to be your plaything, instead of being toyed with by just anyone!"

"I heard from Meng Kui that some of you are the wives and daughters of the wealthy people in this villa area, and some of you were plundered by them from the neighboring communities."

"Your husbands, children, and parents were killed by zombies, and they were also killed by them. Don’t you want revenge?"

At this time, some women in the crowd had a flame of hope in their eyes.

The migrant workers watching nearby opened their mouths in surprise.

"Brother Meng, this..."

Zhou Xiang relied on his favor and whispered to Meng Kui, but was glared at by Meng Kui:

"Shut up!"

Over there, a woman who looked no more than twenty years old looked at Liu Xiyao:

"Can you really help us get revenge?"

Her gaze turned to the migrant workers again, and the person she was looking at was Zhou Xiang!

Her cheeks twisted, which was caused by resentment!

Liu Xiyao smiled faintly and said softly:

"I'll make the decision and give you a chance for a fair duel!"

"As long as you are strong enough, you can kill your enemies under my supervision!"

The woman asked loudly:"What if I am stronger than you?"

Liu Xiyao said:"In this world, the strong are respected."


The woman stepped forward and said,"I'll fight you!"

Liu Xiyao smiled and said,"Very good, what about you?"

She asked the group of women:

"Fight with me and become my subordinate. I will take care of your food and give you the opportunity to become stronger! At the same time, you don't have to serve these men anymore!"

"If you don't agree, I won't force you. You can continue to be sex toys here."

The women began to whisper, and after a while, one of them asked:

"But what if your master wants us to accompany him?"

Liu Xiyao looked a little unhappy:"The master didn't even touch me, how could he be interested in you?"

"Of course, if the master really wants you to sleep with him, you have to do it!"

"However, from now on, only the master can force you to do this kind of thing!"

The women discussed in a low voice for a while, and finally, another girl stood up:

"I am willing to fight too!"

One after another, young girls and young women stood up one after another until the last five were left.

"What about you guys?"

A woman who looked to be about thirty years old smiled bitterly:

"Zombies are so scary. Fighting means death, and being infected also means death. I'll just live as long as I can."

The others were silent, but they all meant the same thing.

The girl who stood out first couldn't help but said,"Sister Tang, there are only five of you now, and there are more than a hundred of them. You will die!"

The woman called Sister Tang lowered her head:"That's better than being bitten to death by zombies when you go out."

Liu Xiyao didn't force them:"Okay, everyone has their own aspirations, and I've said everything I should say."

She pointed to the first girl who spoke:"What's your name?"

"My name is Bai Sisi! I am nineteen years old!"

When Liu Xiyao called her name, Bai Sisi keenly realized that this was an opportunity, and quickly reported her name and age.

Liu Xiyao nodded, and did not ask her what grudge she had with Zhou Xiang.

She didn't care about these things.

"From today on, you will be my deputy!"

Liu Xiyao's words made Bai Sisi very happy, and she responded loudly:"Yes!"

"Stand at the front, start with you, and count!"

Bai Sisi shouted loudly:"One!"


Counting is something they often did when they were students, so they are very familiar with it.


After counting, Bai Sisi said loudly:"Report to Sister Liu, there are thirty-one people in total!"

She has already put herself in the role of Liu Xiyao's assistant.

Liu Xiyao nodded and said:

"You have been lacking exercise for many years and have been imprisoned for a long time. Your physical functions have declined. I will give you ten points each to exchange for the Armament Haki training method. From now on, run around the community!"

She did not let these people directly join the battle, which was tantamount to sending them to death.

After asking them to add her as a friend, she transferred ten points to each of them.

The women accepted it in surprise.

It seemed not bad to follow this mysterious woman.

Next to him, Zhou Xiang saw that the women had already lined up to run after exchanging for Armament Haki, so he dared to speak:

"Brother Meng, are you really going to let them seek revenge on us?"

None of them have clean hands. If they are really sought after for revenge, they are really worried about being beaten to death.

Meng Kui glanced at him and said,"Are you scared?"

"Be scared, Brother Meng, you saw how vicious that girl's eyes were, she really wanted to kill me!"

Zhou Xiang wanted to cry, who knew that these imprisoned women would have a chance to turn things around?

Meng Kui said:"As long as you are always stronger than them, why do you have to worry about being sought for revenge?"

"Don't just stand there, follow me out to hunt zombies!"

All the migrant workers had bitter faces and dared not speak. They picked up their various weapons and followed Meng Kui out of the villa area.

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