
There was a loud bang, followed by a slight bone crack.


Ao Xin cursed inwardly. The zombie's skull was as hard as steel!

The custom-made thickened and heavy baseball bat actually broke directly!

The only result achieved was to knock a crack in its skull.


The zombie Taoist roared, biting towards Ao Xin's neck with its stinking fangs.

He retreated quickly, and at the same time, he blew out a breath of hot air and roared thunder again, temporarily blocking the zombie.


A scream came from behind. It was Ao Chen who got off the armored vehicle after hearing the sound of fighting. This was the first time she saw Ao Xin being repelled by a monster.

"Xiao Chen escaped underground! Wait until I kill him before coming out!"

I thought it was just a corpse, but it turned out to be a two-star zombie!

This kind of zombie has strange strength, bronze skin and iron bones, and the armored vehicles of human civilization can no longer defend against it.

Therefore, for Ao Chen, it is safer underground.

Ao Chen also knew that he could not help in this situation, so he quickly entered the beast form and turned into a palm-sized white-haired and golden-patterned mouse, and quickly escaped underground.

Ao Xin was a little out of breath. He used the heat breath twice in a row and maximized the output of the lightning he could control, which made him consume his physical strength very quickly.

Moreover, the stick just now also shook the blood in his body.

The zombie Taoist jumped again, quickly closing the distance with him, and ten gray nails stabbed at him like ten sharp blades.

With a roar, a pair of dragon claws grabbed the zombie's wrist, and the two began to wrestle.

Although the zombie has reached the second star, theoretically it requires the human iron bone realm to compete with it.

But he relied on the body strengthened by the Azure Dragon, and for a while he confronted the zombie.

The two sides wrestled, and the zombie explored again Ao

Xin was furious, lowered his head, and used the dragon horn on his head to butt the zombie's forehead.

The dragon horn was quite sharp, and he pushed it with all his strength, blinding one of the zombie's eyes. Even the dragon horn went deep into the zombie's brain.

If an ordinary creature was hit by this, it would have been killed, but the zombie had no sense of pain. He tilted his head back and pulled his head off the dragon horn. With a roar, his arms were slightly bent!

Ao Xin's eyes jumped. The reason why the zombie's limbs were stiff was because the zombie virus was accumulated in the flesh. After it completely absorbed these zombie viruses, it would regain the flexibility of its limbs.

Now the two arms of this zombie were slightly bent, indicating that it was accelerating the absorption and fusion of the zombie virus! This stalemate cannot continue!

The zombie has unlimited physical strength, and he will be exhausted to death!

With another roar, he threw away the zombie's arms and turned into a green dragon and soared into the sky.

The dragon's tail whipped down, causing the zombie to stagger, and a thunderbolt struck down, making its body even more charred.

"Bad wind!

Countless wind blades spewed out from the dragon's mouth, and even though the zombie had a strong body, countless pieces of flesh were cut off!

When the wind and clouds moved, the blue dragon rushed down, grabbed the zombie's arms with a pair of dragon claws and lifted him up.

The zombie, whose body was unstable due to the bad wind, could not use any strength, and was directly carried into the sky by the blue dragon.


The dragon claw exerted force, trying to tear the zombie in half.

However, the zombie was also exerting force inward , and he couldn't tear it apart! His realm was still too low. Although he could suppress the zombie after transforming into a blue dragon, it was not easy to kill it.

Moreover, in just a moment, he felt exhausted.

He could still hold on for a while if he just flew in the form of a dragon, but he couldn't fight for too long.

He rushed into the sky again and threw the zombie in the dragon claw downward.


The zombie's body hit the tall statue enshrined in the main hall of the Taoist temple.

But how could the clay statue resist the hard body of the zombie?

The statue was smashed into pieces. shattered into countless pieces.

The zombie rolled to the ground, and his indestructible body became bumpy.

Some were destroyed by the wind blades of Bad Wind.

Some were destroyed by the heat breath and thunder roar.

Some were worn away when it was smashed down. There was also a bone fracture on his head caused by a baseball bat.

The Azure Dragon also fell to the ground and turned into a human form again.

Ao Xin gasped for breath. This was the first time he used the Azure Dragon form to fight with all his strength.

It is indeed very strong, but it is still too much for him now.

Kaido is strong because he is an existence that can destroy a country by himself, and the Azure Dragon Fruit is the icing on the cake. He relies entirely on the Azure Dragon Fruit, so the strength he exerts is naturally very different.

""Brother, eat meat!"

Just as he was panting, Ao Chen suddenly emerged from the ground behind him and took out a piece of succulent meat and handed it to him.

She had thought that her brother's physical strength would not be able to support it, so she entered the God-given space in advance to exchange succulent meat that could quickly restore physical strength for Ao Xin.

After taking the succulent meat, Ao Xin chewed it in big mouthfuls. Ao Chen was also very sensible and went underground again, not to be a burden. With his physical strength restored, the zombie Taoist priest had also turned over. He transformed into a human-beast form again, covered his dragon claws with armed color, and dealt with the zombies.

The dual protection of armed color and dragon scales can effectively prevent the invasion of zombie viruses.

However, if he continued to fight like this, he would still be dragged to death.

He needed a weapon!


After another collision, he quickly retreated, but it was too late to enter the God-given space to exchange weapons.

Ao Chen did not have enough points.

Just as he was thinking about countermeasures, he suddenly saw an iron rod falling next to the broken mud block of the statue from the corner of his eye.

"What is that?"


He suddenly remembered that this was the Leizu Temple, and this bamboo-shaped iron stick was the steel whip in the hands of the Leizu statue enshrined in the Taoist temple!

This thing is at least stronger than a baseball bat, right?

Ao Xin rushed over there and picked up the bamboo steel whip on the ground.

Because the statue was tall, this steel whip was also thicker and longer.

The length of ordinary whip-like weapons usually does not exceed 80 centimeters, but this one is 1.2 meters long!

The whip body is also thicker and feels heavier.

With his current strength, it is just right to use it!

Just after picking up this bamboo steel whip, the zombie Taoist priest had already... It has pounced again.

Its body has been broken, but its attack is still swift.

Ao Xin used up his last bit of physical strength to release the most violent electric current. Lightning and armed color were all wrapped around this bamboo steel whip, and it smashed down towards the zombie Taoist's forehead!


The huge recoil force shattered the dragon scales on his palm, but the zombie Taoist's head was also smashed to pieces by this whip!

The violent electric current poured down along the zombie's flesh and blood, and the burnt smell of the roasted zombie meat came. The zombie virus in its body was catalyzed by the high temperature of the electric current and also spread into the air.


After leaving the human-beast form, Ao Xin could no longer hold the heavy bamboo whip and threw it to the ground. He felt sore, weak and exhausted all over. Ao Chen, who had escaped underground, heard the fighting above stop and appeared carefully from a distance. When he saw Ao Xin sitting on the ground gasping for breath, he ran up and brought him some meat and fresh water.

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