After Ao Xin released his dragon transformation, he realized that if he wanted to quickly increase his Haki level, he couldn't rely too much on his fruit ability.

In this battle, he could clearly feel that his Armament Haki and Observation Haki had improved significantly.

When he was tired, he returned to the armored vehicle. Ao Chen handed him a piece of sui shui meat. He used the sui shui meat to restore his strength and continued to fight.

After a full hour, he finally cleared out the zombies in front of the north gate of the factory.

Shaking his sore arms, he strode to the front of the factory.

"I want to go in and get something!"

He stated his purpose straight away.

But how could Lao Zhang believe him so easily?

"What do you want to take?"

Ao Xin couldn't say that he wanted to take the devil fruit.

It seems that the devil fruit here is hidden in an inconspicuous place, otherwise it would have been eaten by these people long ago.

"Get some vegetables."

He said. As soon as he said this, Lao Zhang was more certain that he was coming for his base, and wanted to trick him into opening the door and occupy the base!

What is there in the Art of War?

Destroy Guo by a false route!

Although he is just an ordinary worker, he also reads the Art of War on weekdays!

Don't try to trick him!

"We don't even have enough to eat, you can go find it somewhere else!"

Lao Zhang refused.

Ao Xin narrowed his eyes, knowing that these people would not let him go easily.

"What if I must take it?"

The threat was very strong. Although he was not a good person, he would not kill people casually under normal circumstances. He hoped that these people would know what was good for them.

Obviously, these people did not know what was good for them.

After being threatened, they even aroused public anger!

"Why are you so arrogant, kid? Do you think you can be invincible just by killing a few zombies?"

""Damn, there are so many of us, would we be afraid of you? Come in if you have the guts!"

The workers were clamoring, but Lao Zhang remained silent. He wanted to test how Ao Xin would handle it.

If he just gave in, that would be the best.

If there was a conflict, with so many people on his side, would he really dare to kill them all?

After causing public outrage, even if he occupied the factory, would he not want people to manage and build it?

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Ao Xin was not interested in this factory.

He also knew that others would not believe it.

An invisible aura spread out, and the workers felt as if they were facing the might of a majestic king. They trembled and were terrified, and some even fell to their knees.

The most timid ones were even frightened to death.

Only Lao Zhang and a few others who had already started practicing could look directly at him, but they were also trembling in their hearts.

""It's a domineering color! It's definitely a domineering color!"

A worker who knelt down said,"Boss, let him come in. It's not shameful even if he is the boss!"


The workers who were cursing Ao Xin just now were shocked by the domineering color and turned against him one after another, wanting to welcome the new king!


Lao Zhang and the others had complicated expressions. Even though he had paid so much for them, they would still sell him out without hesitation at the critical moment.

After Ao Xin released his domineering color, he no longer planned to continue negotiating with them.

It was such a waste of time!

A layer of black light was wrapped around the baseball bat in his hand. With a strong smash, the obstacles that the workers had worked so hard to set up were broken.

Lao Zhang clenched the weapon in his hand, but he didn't dare to make a move.

Ao Xin glanced at him. He had naturally noticed those little movements:

"It's better to be honest and think about whose brain is harder, yours or the zombies'!"

Then, he called to the armored vehicle:"Xiao Chen! Come!"

"Hey! I’m here!"

Ao Chen, who had been watching the show, heard his call, immediately pulled out the key and jumped out of the car, jumping towards Ao Xin.

"What a beautiful girl!"

They then realized that there was another person in the car, a beautiful girl in her twenties.

This made them start to speculate about Ao Xin's identity.

Ao Chen ran to Ao Xin, hugged his left arm, and walked with him into the factory as if he was back home.

The workers watched them go away, and some were staring at the car parked at the door.

"Dongfeng Warrior, if we can get this car, it will be more convenient for us to go to the city to find supplies."

"If you are not afraid of that expert, just go ahead and steal!"

"No matter how strong he is, he is still a human being. By the time he found out, I had already stolen the car!"

"Haha, if you run away, he will take out his anger on us. Do you want us to die?"


Lao Zhang interrupted their argument irritably:"Don't touch that car! Otherwise, they will become enemies of our entire base! Come with me to see what they are going to do." If they really just want to take some things and leave, it would be fine....

Ao Xin sniffed the delicate little nose while leading Ao Xin to the back of the warehouse. Lao

Zhang and others who followed them from a distance were puzzled:"Why are they going to the cafeteria?"

"Do you really want to get some vegetables?"

In the cafeteria, there was a group of women picking vegetables, cutting meat, and washing pots. They were the family members of the workers. After being taken to the factory, they were responsible for logistics.

At this moment, seeing Ao Xin and the other person come in, they felt very strange.

They had never seen these two people before.

And with Ao Xin and Ao Chen's looks, if they had seen them, even if they had only seen them once, they would remember them for a long time.

Obviously, these two people were not people from the factory.

""Who are you?"

A fat middle-aged woman blocked their way and asked arrogantly.

Not to mention strangers, even if they are co-workers, they cannot enter the kitchen casually!

In the end times, supplies are limited, and every piece of supplies must be reasonably distributed. How can you enter and leave at will?

"Get lost!"

Ao Xin snorted coldly, and the shrew immediately became furious:"What did you say, you little bastard!"

"You bastard, where do you think this is? If you dare to talk to me like that, I'll hang you at the door and feed you to the zombies!"

She looked at Ao Chen again and said,"Hey! You brought a pretty girl with you? Which club did you bring her from? She'll be a treat for the young men in the factory who don't have wives!"

Ao Xin raised his head, his eyes filled with an inviolable majesty.

Just as the shrew was frightened, Ao Xin smashed the baseball bat in his hand down.


Behind them, Lao Wang, who followed them into the cafeteria, was furious. He saw the young man smash his wife's head with a stick!

The brains flowed all over the floor, and the women in the room screamed in fear.

"Murder! Murder!"

They had seen zombies kill people, but this was the first time they saw people killing people.

Lao Wang raised the steel knife in his hand:"I'm going to fight you!"

Veins popped out on his forehead, and anger filled his chest.

"Lao Wang, calm down!" Lao Zhang wanted to hold him back, but how could he hold back the angry Lao Zhang so easily?

The hatred for murdering his wife made him lose his mind.

An angry person has infinite potential. He rushed towards Ao Xin with a knife like an angry beast, vowing to avenge his wife.

Seeing that he could not stop Lao Wang, Lao Zhang stomped his feet and gritted his teeth and said,"Brothers! Let's go together! Our women have been bullied, we can't let this evil man go!"

Ao Xin had a blank expression on his face. He might not do anything if someone scolded him, but if someone scolded his family, he would definitely make the other party pay the price in blood!

"Xiaochen, in the apocalypse, it’s not just zombies that are dangerous, there are also humans!"

"Oftentimes, the evil in people’s hearts is scarier than zombie monsters."

"Now you have the courage to kill zombies, but do you dare to kill people?"

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