The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 761 All living things are suffering, only the blade can slay the evil spirits!

The energy in Wang Mingyang's body has not been fully replenished.

And the source blood is still devouring his energy at a rate of 1% per minute.

And the speed is getting faster and faster.

In this state, it is indeed not suitable to fight with a guy who is suspected to be the Lord of Light.

Besides, there are many ancient angels around the opponent.

It is not too late to avoid the sharp edge for the time being and come back when the state is stable.

Anyway, the opponent will not run away for a while.

"Then, let's find a place to stay first."

Xiao Huanyan nodded and prepared to control the Feiyu to leave.

However, Wang Mingyang's face suddenly changed.

A Buddhist bead emitting a faint golden light appeared in front of him, and a wisp of faith power dissipated from it.

Just now, the Buddhist bead stored in the mustard seed space suddenly trembled violently.

And the Buddha who was bowing his head suddenly raised his head, his eyes through the void, and cast towards the location of the Feiyu.

"Buddha's light shines everywhere!"

As the Buddha murmured in a low voice, the sky suddenly shone with golden light.

The invisible Feiyu was actually looming in the golden light.

Optical invisibility has lost its effect!

"Huanyan, take the Feiyu away."

Wang Mingyang grabbed the Buddhist beads, and before he finished speaking, he had already appeared in the air.

Originally, he didn't want to confront the Buddha directly at this time.

Since he had been discovered, Wang Mingyang didn't think about it.

It doesn't hurt to find out the details.

As for whether it would alert the snake...

Anyway, the monk can run away, but the temple can't.

Buddha has so many believers that he can always be found.

As both are fifth-level strongmen, they can see each other clearly at this distance.

Buddha and Wang Mingyang's eyes met directly.

"Amitabha, it seems that Wakado and Jiaxiye... were killed by the donor."

Ignoring the strange-shaped aircraft and leaving, Buddha slowly spoke to Wang Mingyang.

A peaceful and majestic voice came into Wang Mingyang's ears.

There was a heavy accent, but Wang Mingyang still understood it.

This is the language of Asan.

"I have killed many people. I don't know which two you are talking about?"

"Master, who are you?"

Wang Mingyang walked forward slowly and replied calmly.

He really didn't know who the 'Wakado' and 'Jashiye' were.

But he could vaguely guess that they should be the two fifth-level monks.

"My name is Xidado."

"Half an hour ago, I sensed that the Buddhist seals of the two Vajra protectors were broken..."

"Donor, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot!"

The Buddha stood up, put his hands together, and spoke solemnly.

The faint golden light spread out in all directions, surging towards Wang Mingyang like ripples.


"All living beings are suffering, only the blade can cut the evil demons!"

Wang Mingyang crushed the Buddhist beads in his hand fiercely, and the power of faith contained in it wanted to drill into his body like a poisonous snake.

As soon as it entered the body, it was annihilated by the light golden light.

The Buddha raised his eyes and looked at Wang Mingyang strangely.

Hundreds of meters passed in a flash, and the golden ripples were like hitting a wall, rippling in front of Wang Mingyang.

Still no progress!

Xiao Huanyan had already flown away on the Feiyu, and Wang Mingyang had no worries.

Even if he was not in full condition at this time, he wanted to test the weight of this Buddha.

Even if he could not defeat Xidado and hundreds of ancient angels, Wang Mingyang, who had the master of space, would have no problem leaving.

Thinking of this, Wang Mingyang held up the sky with one hand, and dozens of thunder balls quickly condensed and kept crackling.

Wanxiang Xinghuo was too blue.

To be on the safe side, Wang Mingyang chose to use other superpowers to fight the enemy.

"My Buddha is merciful, the donor does not want to convert, only the Vajra can subdue the demon!"

Seeing Wang Mingyang's actions, the Buddha Xidado chanted the Buddha's name loudly and stepped out of the head of the Buddha.

A sixth-level ancient angel spread his wings and flew up, catching him steadily.

As if sensing Siddado's killing intention, the ancient angels around all opened their eyes and looked at Wang Mingyang in the sky.

The next moment, countless white beams collided with the falling thunder ball.



The noisy mental fluctuations filled the sky.

More than 400 ancient angels spread their wings and flew high, and beams of various colors shot out again.

Buddha Siddado stepped on the ancient angels and quickly closed the distance with Wang Mingyang.

The sky was full of brilliant fireworks, blocking each other's sight.

But the mental power was always locked on each other.

The fireworks dissipated, and dense metal spears flashed with lightning, arrayed above the sky.

More than 400 ancient angels and their beams were so strong that even Wang Mingyang could only temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

His figure flashed and appeared on a tall building below.

There were also many startled Buddhist believers around, looking up at the sky with horror on their faces.

The metal spears flashed and disappeared under the blessing of the Yuan magnetic power.

Buddha opened his eyes, and a golden barrier protected the ancient angels in time.

But many metal spears still pierced the barrier.

Dozens of ancient angels who were unable to dodge were shot to pieces.

[Kill the parasitic ancient angel, and the reward is worth 100,000 points. ]

[Kill the parasitic ancient angel, and the reward is worth 100,000 points. ]

[Kill the parasitic ancient angel, and the reward is worth 100,000 points. ]

A series of prompt sounds made Wang Mingyang smile.

The ancient angel in the sky turned his eyes and stared at Wang Mingyang who fell to the ground.

All of them stopped in mid-air, and various beams of supernatural energy were emitted from their eyes again, shooting down.

The Buddha had an angry look on his face, and he pointed at Wang Mingyang with one hand like picking up a flower.

A golden beam as thin as a hair shot straight at him.

Wang Mingyang frowned slightly. He didn't expect that this Buddha Siddhartha would ignore the lives of the Buddhist believers around him.

He controlled those ancient angels and launched an attack.

With a thought, he laid a space barrier in front of him.

At the same time, he activated the power of the Yuan magnetic field, and the roofs of the surrounding buildings collapsed instantly. Pieces of concrete flashed with Yuan magnetic electric light and shot into the sky.

He flashed and prepared to move again.

However, the golden beam came first.

Not only that, it also strangely penetrated the space barrier and went straight into Wang Mingyang's chest.

"Om Mani Padme Hum..."

The familiar and vast Buddhist sound resounded in Wang Mingyang's mind again.

Countless emotions surged in his heart, and complicated desires continued to grow.

This golden beam of light did not have any attack power.

However, it shook Wang Mingyang's mental power.

It interrupted the flash he was about to launch.


In an instant, the beams of light gathered by the ancient angels hit the space barrier directly.

The terrifying power almost instantly penetrated the space barrier.

The concrete block wrapped in the power of the Yuan magnetic force was annihilated by the continuous beams of light after only blocking for one second.

Wang Mingyang's face suddenly changed. He did not expect that the spiritual power released by the main body could even affect him.

The low-profile version that he felt through the Spark Man before was not so powerful.

The blazing sun bloomed in the spiritual world, slightly dispelling the weird Buddhist sound.

The Yuan magnetic repulsion surged wildly, forming a thick Yuan magnetic field around him.

However, the golden beam did not disappear.

Instead, as the Buddha continued to infuse power, it continued to shoot into Wang Mingyang's body.

Not only that, the golden beam gradually became stained with a hint of white.

The Buddha used the power of faith that Wang Mingyang was familiar with.

[Analysis completed: Psychic ability - Emotion Manipulator, can manipulate the emotions and desires of all creatures. ]

[Assessment level: SS level. ]

The spiritual battle in the sea of ​​consciousness made Wang Mingyang unable to notice the prompt sound of the book spirit analyzing the ability.

The Buddha in front of him was the owner of the SS-level emotion manipulator!

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