At the critical moment, he stopped the fourth-level sandworm that was about to hit him and rescued the fourth-level young man.

Li Yuchan glanced at the crowd and nodded slightly when he saw Lu Yu, who was wearing meteorite gold armor.

After searching all the way, my efforts were not in vain.

This guy should be the captain of those Genting warriors.

I just don’t know why he hangs out with a group of folk supernatural beings.

But it seems that these people should have saved him.

Otherwise, with Lu Yu's current physical condition, he would definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of the sandworms.

As soon as Li Yuchan arrived, he fixed the fourth-order sandworm in mid-air.

The other sandworms felt the aura emanating from him and did not dare to move at all.

Li Yuchan was not polite and casually released the phantom of thunder in the sky.

Launch an attack on the sandworm swarm not far away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of explosions, mixed with the sizzling sound of many electric currents, spread.

More than a hundred sandworms were slaughtered in just a moment.

He looked at the fourth-order sandworm in mid-air.

Li Yuchan just pinched it lightly, and the entire sandworm instantly exploded into a mist of blood.

A crystal core with a brown luster emerged.

With a thought, the fourth-order crystal core shot into Nuerman's hand.

"This crystal core is a thank you to you for saving this guy."

Li Yuchan slowly floated down in front of Numan and said lightly.


Nuerman looked at the crystal core in his hand, and then at Tuya.

Some are embarrassed to accept it, but some are reluctant to part with it.

"Take it, you deserve it."

Li Yuchan smiled calmly and walked straight towards Lu Yu in the crowd.

"Thank you..."

When Numan saw Tuya nodded slightly, he breathed a sigh of relief and put away the crystal core.

"Hey, Director Li, thank you for coming to the rescue in time!"

Lu Yu scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a naive smile.

"Thank you so much!"

"You are so brave, aren't you? You actually lured away the fourth-order sandworm all by yourself."

"Do you think you are very brave and manly?"

"If you hadn't been so stupid, Master Dao, I wouldn't have traveled an extra hundred kilometers!"

Li Yuchan immediately gave him a headache and yelled angrily.

He cursed a lot, but there was still a flash of appreciation in his eyes.

In the process of searching for Lu Yu, Han Yinyin had informed Li Yuchan of what happened via satellite phone.

Including Lu Yu's name, appearance and characteristics, etc.

"There's nothing we can do about it. The signal in the desert is too poor and we can't contact the base at all."

"I can only choose this path..."

Lu Yu endured the pain and smiled.

Li Yuchan's brain collapsed at that moment, and he really didn't hold back.

Fortunately, Lu Yu is also a third-level peak superpower user, otherwise this meeting would have been a big deal.

In fact, with their speed, they would most likely be able to hold on until Li Yuchan and Han Yinyin arrived.

It's just that under the circumstances, Lu Yu really couldn't guarantee the safety of his team, so he chose such a path.

Fortunately, Li Yuchan's mental strength was strong enough, so he didn't lose track of him.

Otherwise, Lu Yu and these folk superpowers would have died in the sandworm's mouth if they had accidentally missed it.

"You're lucky, kid. Here, treat your injuries quickly."

Li Yuchan rolled his eyes and threw him a healing potion.

"Hey, thank you, Mr. Li."

Lu Yu hurriedly caught the potion and drank it.

The wounds on his body began to heal visibly to the naked eye.

"Are you guys?"

Li Yuchan turned his attention to Tuya and the others and asked curiously.

"My name is Tuya, this is Ayina, Naiximu..."

Tuya took a step forward and introduced Li Yuchan and Li Yuchan.

Nuerman also came over at this time.

The other two young men are called Raid and Rafegue.

It happened to be two brothers.

The six of them are all natives of Jinchuan City.

I usually hunt zombies or mutated creatures in Jinchuan City.

Just some time ago, Numan was promoted to the fourth level, and then he thought about entering the desert to look for opportunities.

There are more and more high-level zombies in the urban area of ​​Jinchuan.

And those scattered zombies gradually became dominated by high-level zombies, forming groups of zombies.

For them, with only six people, the risk of hunting zombies has increased a lot.

Simply go into the desert and have a look.

Anyway, Nuerman and the others are familiar with these terrains.

As long as you don't encounter swarms of sandworms and mutant sand ants.

Solitary sand beasts such as ordinary mutated monitor lizards are easier to deal with.

But I didn't expect that not long after entering the desert, I encountered a swarm of sandworms triggered by Lu Yu.

"This little brother didn't lead the sandworm swarm to that ruins, so we decided to lend a helping hand."

Tuya made his final summary and seemed very candid.

He didn't exaggerate too much about how noble he and others were.

Everything stems from Lu Yu's own excellent quality.

Lu Yu sighed softly when he heard this, and thought to himself, if he had really lured the sandworms there at that time.

Maybe these people would attack themselves first and then flee the scene.

After all, in the apocalypse, a person who is eaten by sandworms will not matter how powerful Li Yuchan and others are.

It was also impossible to find traces of Lu Yu being attacked by a person with powers.

No matter how strong the organizational background is, they cannot be angry with them.

The cause and effect of this is determined by one drink and one peck.

"No matter what, you did save this kid."

"You almost died because of this..."

"I think you two were seriously injured. Those crystal cores are your compensation."

Li Yuchan stretched out his hand and the sandworm crystal cores a few hundred meters away floated over.

About a hundred second- and third-level crystal cores are just useful for Nurman and his people.

Li Yuchan would not be stingy with these crystal cores. Lu Yu's value is much greater than this.

These crystal cores are enough to equal their harvest in ten days.

This is still under the condition that Nurman was promoted to the fourth level and could find a suitable target for hunting.

And the fourth-level crystal core, they did not encounter a single fourth-level sand beast after entering the desert for more than ten days.

Knowing that a strong man like Li Yuchan would not look down on these crystal cores.

Tuya and others did not make a fuss and collected them openly.

"Okay, we should go back."

"Your team members are almost dying of anxiety."

Li Yuchan looked at Lu Yu and said, picking up the phone to call Han Yinyin.

Unfortunately, I don't know if it is affected by the magnetic field, the signal in this place is really not good.

After several attempts, he still couldn't get through.

Li Yuchan had no choice but to give up.

"Well, it's time to go back."

"Nurman, come to our base together!"

Lu Yu nodded in agreement, turned to Nurman and invited him.

Li Yuchan might not look down on the strength of these people.

But Lu Yu is different. Not to mention that Nurman's fourth-level strength is stronger than his.

The team configuration of these people is also very consistent with Lu Yu's team.

In addition, Nurman and his team did save his life.

Their character should stand the test.

Therefore, Lu Yu also had a thought and wanted to pull a few people into the desert base.

It would be perfect if they could join his team.

"Is this convenient?"

Nurman and Tuya looked at each other and hesitated.

They were also very curious about the organization that could have such a strong man as Li Yuchan.

Moreover, Lu Yu could lead the sandworm swarm regardless of life and death, and Li Yuchan could gallop hundreds of miles to rescue his subordinates.

In their opinion, such an organization should not be too bad.

"It's not inconvenient, let's go!"

Li Yuchan smiled slightly, he could guess Lu Yu's little thoughts.

With a wave of his hand, he floated up with Nurman and others amid their exclamations, and rushed towards the direction of the desert base.

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