The mutant beast meat in a basin on the table, as well as other well-preserved hams and other things.

It would not surprise these team leaders at all.

Instead, these fresh vegetables really shocked everyone.

Many people knew about Mo Yan's existence.

However, everyone always thought that she was just a caged bird in a luxury house in the middle of the mountain.

Specially responsible for cooking and so on.

However, no one knew Mo Yan's other identity.


In the end times, a wood-type superpower who can grow vegetables and food.

Or the most special one among wood-type superpowers.

Some people have awakened the healing superpowers in the wood system.

Healing ability, light system, water system can also do it.

Even some special strengthening superpowers can do it.

Just like Sun Jian's super-speed regeneration at the beginning, I don't know what method was used to restore Hou Jun's broken hand.

But, only planters like Mo Yan can promote plant growth.

Become a rare existence.

There are also many people in the villa area who can make plants grow, but none of them can compare with Mo Yan.

For example, Yan Xue from the Twelve Girls' School can stimulate the growth of vines.

But it would be time-consuming and laborious for her to stimulate the growth of vegetables.

Only Mo Yan can stimulate the growth of vegetables quickly.

It's as if her natural power was born for planting.

She has almost no fighting power.

Wang Mingyang took out a lotus seed before, and used a third-order wood crystal core, and crushed a dozen first- and second-order ones together and mixed them into the water tank.

Soaked the whole lotus seed for many days, and then planted it in the mud mixed with a dozen earth crystal core powders.

Let Mo Yan use the natural power on the lotus seed every day.

Unfortunately, after a month, it still couldn't sprout.

In the end, Wang Mingyang had no choice but to give up and gave the lotus seed to Mo Yan.

The spiritual creatures of heaven and earth are indeed not something that can be cultivated artificially.

"Okay, don't be too surprised, this is also a manifestation of the use of supernatural powers."

Wang Mingyang smiled and waved his hand. No one present was stupid, and they would probably make some guesses soon.

With Mu Ningxue's relationship, he didn't want to hide it from Lin Ji and others. Maybe they also discovered the existence of the wood planter.

Mo Yan and the others came out of the kitchen and sat down one after another.

"Eat when it's time to eat! Drink when it's time to drink! Eat as much as you want, all you can eat!"

Wang Mingyang raised his glass and said only one sentence.

Forget about the leader's speech before the meal!

Wang Mingyang, who came from a part-time job, disliked this the most.

Everyone laughed and took action.

For a while, Su Yu and Mu Ningxue sat next to Wang Mingyang.

Lin Ji, as Mu Ningxue's subordinate, was also a relative and accompanied him.

He secretly looked at the core members of the third-level strength in the restaurant, and there were more than a dozen second-level combat team captains.

Lin Ji was shocked.

"A bunch of freaks!"

Lin Ji sighed secretly. He had experienced a lot of life and death, and thought that his awakened superpowers were also very powerful.

Among the third-level people he met, there were few rivals except for Yunhu's group.

Not to mention the fighting power of the seven people he saw in the afternoon, any one of them could crush him.

Even the few young people he saw just now gave him a feeling of extreme danger.

The little boy with a pair of scarlet eyes made him feel blood flowing all over his body at a glance.

The girl of the same age beside the boy looked weak, but Lin Ji felt that she was the most dangerous.

The delicate body seemed to contain great terror, making him feel like he was being stared at by countless eyes.

The most terrifying thing was that from the few words of the chat, these two little guys were actually only at the peak of the second level.

Lin Ji had killed many zombies, mutant creatures, and even superpowers at the peak of the second level.

But he couldn't feel contempt for the two little guys in front of him.

Fortunately, his eldest daughter was already a fourth-level superpower.

Moreover, it was an extremely powerful fourth-level!

This was also a point of comfort for Lin Ji at this time.

His eyes could not help but look at Wang Mingyang who was in the main seat.

This man was so terrifying...

"Mr. Lin Ji, I toast you a glass!"

"I admire you for coming across the province to look for Ningxue despite all the hardships and dangers!"

Wang Mingyang smiled slightly when he saw Lin Ji's eyes on him and raised his glass.

"Boss Wang, you are too kind. I watched the young lady grow up. I will come to look for her for both public and private reasons."

Lin Ji quickly stood up and picked up the glass, and replied respectfully.

Wang Mingyang's actions made Lin Ji feel flattered.

Didn't you see those team leaders, all of them cast envious eyes at him!

This is the king of Yunhu!

He has the military district under his feet, and he is the most powerful existence in Chuncheng and even the entire Yunnan Province!

The fat man, who was a big mouth, had already talked about Wang Mingyang's glorious deeds that were spread abroad when he received Luo Jin and the others.

Therefore, Lin Ji was even more shocked.

He single-handedly stopped the zombie tide and covered the evacuation of the military district troops.

He brazenly broke into the military district and killed Sun Jian, the commander of the Chuncheng Military District.

With a third-level body, he led several third- and fourth-level Yunhu people to kill the fifth-level peak alien zombies.

These major events have now spread throughout Chuncheng.

Any one of them is a height that others cannot reach!

Lin Ji was even worried before, if Wang Mingyang did not let the young lady leave, what should he do?

After thinking about it, there is no way.

The gap in strength is too big.

What's more, his eldest daughter seems...

"Mr. Lin, you are welcome. Ningxue is our family, so don't treat yourself as an outsider."

"Relax for a night, I will arrange your return trip tomorrow."

Wang Mingyang pressed his palm lightly, motioning Lin Ji to sit down and chat, and said with a smile.

A small hand stretched out from under the table and gently twisted Wang Mingyang's right thigh.

Wang Mingyang's eyes jumped, but the smile on his face did not change at all.

"Okay, you two don't make it so high-sounding."

Mu Ningxue smiled sweetly, rolled her eyes at the two of them, and turned to Lin Ji and whispered: "Brother Lin, Mingyang will also enter Sichuan Province soon... I will tell you the specific matters later."

Lin Ji's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help but look at Wang Mingyang.

He nodded slightly, and his smile remained.

Lin Ji understood immediately. Although his position was only the chief of Fengxue Security Company.

But he spent most of his time with Mu Tianming to protect him. He could be said to be the person Mu Tianming trusted the most.

Under the influence of his ears and eyes, his vision would not be bad. Countless thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

But all these thoughts were of great benefit to Mu's family.

"Haha, then I'll be polite, Boss Wang, I'll treat you to a drink another day!"

Lin Ji was also a generous person. He reacted quickly, raised his glass and drank it down, and laughed at Wang Mingyang.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"It's a deal!"

Wang Mingyang didn't put on airs, picked up his glass and fought with everyone.

For a while, the guests and hosts were happy.

The whole banquet lasted nearly two hours, and there were empty bottles all over the floor.

Beer, white wine, red wine, and fruit wine were all available.

The physique of the superpowers was strong, even those who had a poor alcohol tolerance before.

Now they are only slightly drunk.

Finally, Wang Mingyang saw that it was getting late, so he signaled everyone to end the banquet.

There were so many team members outside, and it was a rare occasion to meet everyone and have fun together.

Wang Mingyang led everyone out of the banquet hall and came to the barbecue site.

The appearance of the King of Yunhu immediately ignited the atmosphere in the venue.

As the news spread that Wang Mingyang led the six most core members to kill the fifth-level peak alien zombie.

Today, Wang Mingyang has become the idol of everyone in Yunhu.

Even the idol of the entire Chuncheng survivors.

Seeing the idol in person, how many people can resist cheering?

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