Qingdian County is also north of Chuncheng.

Songlin County is right in the center of Chuncheng and Qingdian County.

Both are about the same distance.

Wang Mingyang flew all the way on his skateboard, spraying tail flames to reduce gravity.

The speed soared.

Ten minutes later, I saw a dim county town in the distance.

Fortunately, it is the end of July and the moonlight is still relatively bright.

Choosing the tallest building to fall down, Wang Mingyang observed the entire county through the moonlight.

Based on Gong Zhan's description, he was basically certain that there must be a high-level spiritual zombie hidden in this county.

The team sent by Gong Zhan and the others were basically second-level superpowers, and the leader was a third-level one.

These people are good at speed, stealth, and detection powers.

If the number of zombies around you increases rapidly, someone will definitely be able to detect them in advance.

Logically speaking, they wouldn't be surrounded by corpses, but they were just dumped.

Even the captain who had already entered the third level was surrounded and killed in order to cut off his queen.

There must be many advanced zombies in the group of corpses.

Among those with superpowers, there will also be those who have awakened spiritual control powers and can control zombies to attack and so on.

But controlling this kind of corpse group is simply not something they can do.

After this investigation, it can only be a high-level spiritual zombie.

Looking at the darkness below, Wang Mingyang frowned slightly. In this case, he wanted to find the spiritual zombie.

It's really difficult.

Flying into the air again, an oversized floating ball of light appeared.

Wang Mingyang released floating light balls while flying.

The next moment, bright white light bloomed, illuminating the entire city.



The monster-gathering effect of the floating light ball attracted countless zombies and mutated creatures.

The whole county suddenly started to move.

In the darkness, countless zombies rushed madly, converging towards the direction of the floating light ball.

With this floating ball of light, Wang Mingyang flew towards the outside of the county town.

In the city, who knows where the spiritual zombie will be hiding.

Third-level mutated creatures already possess simple intelligence.

Especially the kind of spiritual zombies that can control the zombies are the sixth among zombies.

There is no difference in appearance from ordinary zombies at all. If it does not actively expose itself, just like the exploration team, it will never see this zombie until it dies.

However, Wang Mingyang believed that this oversized floating ball of light must still be attractive to this zombie.

I believe it will definitely follow!

In the dark city, many survivors heard the noise and cautiously opened the corner of the sealed window to look outside.

Only a bright light was seen in the distance, and countless zombies were rushing in one direction, chasing the ball of light in mid-air.

Many bolder survivors climbed directly to the rooftop and stared at the sky in the distance with their mouths open.

Under the light of the ball of light, a figure floated in the air, arrogantly looking down at the tide of corpses that were chasing him madly.

Wang Mingyang didn't stop until he led the tide of corpses to the foot of a mountain.

The tide of corpses gathered below, roaring towards the sky, and countless black claws stretched towards the sky, making it look extremely penetrating.

It was a complete scene from hell.

Wang Mingyang once again released many oversized light balls, illuminating the tide of corpses covering the plains below the mountain.

Countless elemental powers and rocks smashed into the sky.

The elemental zombies and power-type zombies in the zombie wave could no longer hold back and began to attack.

However, Wang Mingyang's position was more than two hundred meters away from the ground.

These advanced zombies cannot be attacked at all.

Wang Mingyang knew very well that to find the spiritual zombie in such a massive tide of corpses was to find a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, Wang Mingyang decided to let the zombie take the initiative to be exposed.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Mingyang flew around the tide of corpses below.

Pieces of flames were thrown down by him, and within a radius of one or two kilometers, fires quickly ignited into the sky.

The densely packed zombies were all set on fire.

Wang Mingyang also continued to control the oxygen in the air below to make the combustion more intense.

Attracted by the oversized floating light balls, these zombies will not run away at all.

They were all crowded together, reaching for the sky in vain.

A few second- and third-level zombies already have a sense of danger.

Torn back and forth between complete death and the inexplicable attraction of the light ball, many high-level zombies began to jump outwards, trying to escape the sky-wide fire.

What Wang Mingyang has to do is to kill these zombies one by one.

More than a dozen level three zombies, their bodies burning with flames, were frantically attacking Wang Mingyang who was blocking the road.

However, Wang Mingyang casually beheaded them and pocketed the third-order crystal nuclei.

Suddenly there was a violent noise in the sky, and a huge swarm of mutated mosquitoes gathered into a black cloud and rushed towards this side.

In the other direction, a group of bloodthirsty bats gathered.

Wang Mingyang frowned and used the floating light ball to attract zombies. He was already mentally prepared.

Such a bright floating ball of light in the night sky will definitely attract mutant creatures at night.

Wang Mingyang was not afraid at all.

Dark clouds covered the sky and blocked out the sun, and lightning flashed.

When these mutated mosquitoes and bats entered the attack range, countless lightning beams struck them.

Countless lightning and thunder fires exploded, and large swaths of mutated mosquitoes and bat corpses fell down.

Wang Mingyang threw out countless magnetic explosion fireballs, smashing them madly at the mutant mosquito swarms that were overwhelming.

These mutant mosquitoes and bats were a great threat to the survivors at night.

Wang Mingyang was also happy to help if he could kill them all here.

After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and it also has crystal cores in its body.

Especially mutant mosquitoes and blood-sucking bats, which are most likely to explode blood crystal cores.

"Chu Hui, this kid, is about to take off!"

Wang Mingyang's mouth curled up slightly. Chu Hui's blood ability has too few crystal cores that are suitable.

In addition to letting him exercise his combat ability more, the effect of other crystal cores after absorption is really a bit poor.

Everyone needs third-level crystal cores, which are basically allocated according to attributes.

It's a bit of a waste to let him absorb them.

Now that he can obtain so many blood crystal cores, the benefits to him are huge.

Therefore, Wang Mingyang does not intend to let these mutant mosquitoes and blood-sucking bats go.

While observing the group of corpses below, he continuously releases magnetic fireballs.

The corpses burning in the sky fell like rain.

But the corpses of these mutant creatures also caused chaos among the zombies below.

Fresh flesh and blood is also the favorite of the zombies...

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