The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 273: It is difficult to go from luxury to frugality

Sitting on the terrace, Wang Mingyang looked at the superpowers extracted from the system library.

For more than a month, he and Mo Yu No. 1 have read a huge number of books.

The reading value obtained has reached more than 800,000.

The superpowers extracted cover all major series.

Of course, a large number of superpowers have been integrated during this period.

He plans to integrate them in a targeted manner according to the different superpowers possessed by the six core members.

But Li Yuchan's current predicament requires a spiritual superpower to promote it.

And it cannot be low, at least it needs to be above grade A, otherwise the effect will not be great.

In the system, a lot of spiritual superpowers have been extracted during this period, but Wang Mingyang feels that it is not enough.

More than a dozen books on mind, spirit, and will are materialized.

Wang Mingyang took a deep breath and prepared to use these few days to specialize in this type of books.

Then all the spiritual superpowers will be integrated together, and a large amount of reading value will be spent on positive guidance.

With a high probability, a superpower above grade A can be integrated.

If it is grade S, it will be even better.

Not only can Li Yuchan be promoted to the fourth level, but his methods will be more abundant.

In the center of Chuncheng, three days ago, Gong Zhan and his party took away some survivors.

But there are still many survivors who are not ready to leave because they are strong.

The military shelter is very safe, but the distribution of supplies inside is also not very good.

Many powerful people are actually not bad.

There are many large supermarkets, shopping malls, and shops along the street in the city center, and these people have collected a lot of supplies.

Moreover, staying in the territory they have built, they can still play freely.

Going to the shelter will definitely have various restrictions.

It is not easy to survive the zombie outbreak, and you can rely on your strength to do whatever you want.

After tasting the sweetness of controlling others, how many people are willing to go to the shelter to be humble?

They also go out to fight zombies, and all the collected supplies belong to themselves.

As for the crystal core material exchange launched by the military shelter, it provides benefits such as weapons for going out to fight.

The strong people with elemental powers disdain it.

I am a ranged fighter, not a melee fighter.

It's just a weapon. If I really need it, I can just exchange it with the military district for a crystal core.

As for people's hearts, it's easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it's hard to go from luxury to frugality.

For various reasons, Gong Zhan and his group's persuasion of nearby survivors has come to a standstill.

In the past three days, the news that the hatching nest is about to hatch high-level zombies has aroused the interest of the survivors around.

Some of them moved their bases away from the hatching nest out of caution.

But some of the superpowers, thinking of picking up leaks, stayed.

The possible appearance of the fifth-level zombies did not scare off these bold superpowers.

Anyway, your military district said so. You can't just leave it alone with such a big threat.

I'll just watch from a distance. Once there is a chance, I will definitely grab the opportunity.

This is a fifth-level crystal core!

When many people have no idea about the fourth level, a fifth-level crystal core suddenly appears.

It will definitely attract many ambitious people.

The leaders were all level 3 psychics.

According to their thinking, as long as there were enough people, they could kill a level 3 zombie at level 2.

With so many level 3 beings, plus the powerful firepower of the military district and many masters.

Is it still impossible to surround and kill a lone wolf BOSS?

It's better to grind it to death!

If Wang Mingyang knew what these people were thinking, he would definitely laugh out loud.

Level 4 crushes level 3, but there are too many level 3 zombies, so a level 4 zombie can still be killed.

But level 5 has a high probability of having its own alien zombies in its own field.

It is simply impossible to kill them with numbers.

In a community not far from the hatchery, Chen Tian opened the door and walked to Lei Lie and sat down.

"Brother Lei, are we not leaving?"

Chen Tian looked at Lei Lie with some trepidation and asked cautiously.

When this information reached the ears of Lei Lie and others, it was already three days later.

At this moment, Lei Lie was already a level 3 strongman.

With his gravity-enhancing ability, he could turn zombies into immobile wooden stakes.

Unfortunately, he couldn't reduce gravity and fly like Wang Mingyang.

His development direction is to increase gravity and control the range.

"Leave... but don't go too far. If there is any movement, we will come back immediately to see."

Lei Lie thought again and again and chose a more prudent approach.

"Okay, then Wen Jun and I will arrange it."

Chen Tian turned away with a happy look on his face. When he heard that there might be a fifth-level zombie, he didn't want to stay here at all.

That's a fifth-level zombie, and he is only a second-level ability user now!

After Chen Tian left, a heavily made-up woman pushed the door open and walked in.

"Brother Lei, you haven't given me the crystal core you promised me yet. I worked so hard last night..."

The woman closed the door and sat in Lei Lie's arms, twisting her body and acting coquettishly.

It's hard for her. In order to please the boss of this small base, she still has the mood to put on makeup at this time.

"Okay, okay, go find Wenjun and get a first-level crystal core later, and tell him that I promised you."

Lei Lie patted the woman's butt and said with a smile.

"It's only the first level..."

The woman twisted her buttocks and rubbed Lei Lie's key parts, saying in a coquettish voice.

"Level one is already good, how many levels do you want?"

Lei Lie said in a slightly cold voice.

"Level one is good, I know that Brother Lei is working hard, and I won't cause you any trouble."

The woman seemed to sense Lei Lie's dissatisfaction and hurriedly put on a smile.

"Go find Wen Jun, I want to be quiet."

Lei Lie patted the woman's buttocks and gestured to the outside of the house with his chin.

"Thank you, Brother Lei, I'll go out first."

The woman immediately showed a flattering smile and kissed Lei Lie on the face.

Then she twisted her waist and left the house.

The young woman is different. When you pat her buttocks, she knows to turn over and lie down.

If it were a girl, do you believe it or not, she would still wonder why you hit her?

When the woman went out, Lei Lie snorted coldly and wiped the lipstick marks on his face with disgust.

If it weren't for the discovery that she had awakened healing abilities when the original group of people here were annexed, she would be quite useful to the team.

Lei Lie simply disdained to play with such a woman.

Although she was good in bed and had a decent figure and appearance.

But the woman's previous boyfriend was still in the team.

The leader of the previous group, the miserable man who was crushed into a meat pie by Lei Lie, even asked her to serve the miserable man in front of her boyfriend.

However, Lei Lie was a little depressed over the past few days.

Faced with such meat that was offered to him, it would be a waste not to eat it.

But Lei Lie didn't have the bad taste to mess with the other person's woman in front of her boyfriend.

So, her boyfriend was unexpectedly beheaded by a first-level hunter when he went out one time.

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