The key is to win the game.

The characteristic of being unstoppable can increase the advantage of favorable situations and reduce the disadvantage of unfavorable situations.

And this Peace Eagle Badge deserves the prefix of Honor Level.

This thing is directly bound to the Evolver number, and it will be recycled by the Evolver system after death. It can be said to be extremely special.

Its function is also extremely overbearing and unreasonable. Every copy event can force the opening of the peace time. If anyone disobeys, he will be directly executed by the rules of the copy and event. If he still doesn't die, there is another chance for an unfair duel!

He used the opportunity to upgrade the props directly on the carbon fiber shield to see what changes will happen after the third upgrade.

In fact, I want to use it for the rope, but the system prompts that the rope cannot be upgraded at present.

As he moved his mind, the unfolded carbon fiber shield underwent a qualitative change.

The shield body split directly into two pieces, fixed on both sides of the handshake like an H shape.

Then the edge of the shield body clicked, the blunt surface structure retracted, and a sharp serrated blade popped out from its inside.


The two pieces of the shield body directly turned into two semicircular weapons, ejected from the shield handshake, and shot out in a rotation!

After a whirring and killing in the air, it flew back again!

Huang Sheng carefully connected it with the handshake, and the two pieces of the shield body clicked again, returned to their positions tightly, the blade retracted, and the blunt surface popped out.

Then he tried to retract the shield, and the shield finally turned into two hexagonal thin plate armor arm guards with triangles at both ends.

There are prismatic protrusions on the hexagon, which are as light as nothing when picked up. As long as they are placed on both arms, they will automatically tighten and wrap around and firmly fix on the arms.

Simply put, the third upgrade has turned the carbon fiber shield from a piece of armor into an offensive and defensive equipment.

And after being put away, it directly turns into a pair of metal arm guards, which also have strong body protection capabilities in daily life when shields are not needed.

Carbon fiber shield +3, effect: This prop upgraded from ordinary equipment has considerable protection, shock absorption, anti-injury, bulletproof, electromagnetic shielding and other effects

And looking at this shield again, it has become a prop!

There is a touch of blue light on the shield, and it is a blue quality prop, the same level as the nosy rope!

Equipment fusion opportunity, Huang Sheng tried to fuse the iron fist power gloves and climbing gloves.

Climbing gloves have good functions, but they have caused him a lot of trouble because they are too troublesome to wear for a long time.

If the functions of the two gloves can be integrated, it will be very impressive.

After taking out the two pairs of gloves, the system prompts that they can be integrated and gives a preview of the fusion.

The main body of the gloves is the Iron Fist Gloves, and the wrist of this pair of gloves has become slightly longer.

At the same time, the gloves, which originally only had metal pieces at the joints, have now become some unknown metal, and there are some granular protrusions on the fingertips and palms.

Storm Climbing Gloves, Effect: It is a fusion of the Iron Fist Gloves and Climbing Gloves; when using weapons and tools, it will significantly enhance the power of weapons and tools and reduce the loss of power; when fighting with bare hands, it will greatly enhance the damage to the hands; provide a variety of protective protection for the hands

The name of the gloves changed after the fusion, and the quality was also upgraded to blue!

So far, Huang Sheng has three blue props, and even if this copy lacks regular rewards, his gains are unprecedentedly rich!

At this time, the copy has been completely ended.

When this news rang in everyone's ears, huge cheers broke out in various places in the lifeless square!

The middle-aged man with the black mole contacted Huang Sheng through the intercom as soon as possible, asking him when the square could resume contact with the outside world.

"No hurry, the three-legged man said that there are still some finishing work to be done in the copy, and we also have important things here."

Huang Sheng wanted to talk to the other party, and the middle-aged man with the black mole naturally nodded in agreement.

Through this copy incident, he discovered a very serious problem, that is, an evolver with strong strength and potential is simply worth thousands of troops.

It seems that the official training method and direction of evolvers should also change!

Soon the two met, and the middle-aged man with the black mole said that in order to thank Huang Sheng for his great contribution this time, he would strive for a considerable reward for him, which would include black banknotes, props, and real money and real estate.

Huang Sheng certainly welcomed everyone who came and welcomed them very much.

On the way here,

He had manipulated the copy authority to spit out all seven three-legged people outside a prosperous wholesale market in Donghai City, keeping his promise and allowing them to leave calmly.

Huang Sheng wanted to tell the middle-aged man with black mole two things.

The first thing is that the copy will open a small hole to communicate with the outside world in advance, first restore the communication between the inside and outside of the copy, and let the outside world prepare for comprehensive medical rescue.

Wait until it is ready before completely removing the copy to avoid any unnecessary accidents caused by the sudden restoration of internal and external communication.

The reason why he wants to take care of such trivial matters is not because he is full, but mainly because Dongsheng Square is still being visited by his copy.

In the case that he is not sure whether the follow-up will affect his copy if he does not handle it properly, he would rather do something more.

The second thing is to ask the middle-aged man with black mole to command military personnel to conduct a major investigation of all kinds of scum that have emerged among tens of thousands of people in the past few days.

Catch those who should be arrested, and kill those who should be killed!

After being trapped for only four days, some people have already broken through the lower limit of human beings. If such people fall into Huang Sheng's hands, there is only one word: death.

He himself did not have so much free time to deal with these people, but he would never watch them do evil and return to the civilized world openly.

Such people are potential demons among the crowd. If they become evolvers in the future, they are likely to do evil and cause greater disasters.

"Don't worry, we know these people, but we have not been able to take care of them these days. Of course, we can't let them go unpunished when we leave."

The middle-aged man with the black mole said.

Some of the extremists, such as those who kept women and children in captivity in gangs, he would directly order to be shot, and would not give them the opportunity to go to court.

Huang Sheng gave the coordinates of the small entrance and exit to the other party, and waited for the other party to communicate before opening the large entrance and exit. Then he took this opportunity to meet Liao Xiaolou.

Because the copy ended too quickly, Liao Xiaolou didn't even understand the situation before everything ended. When he knew that Huang Sheng was the instigator, even he was silent.

On the initial train, he could still comfort himself that the times made heroes, and perhaps Huang Sheng's ability was suitable for the environment of the initial train.

But the Dongsheng Square incident was so big that hundreds of evolvers were in a mess. They clearly came in together halfway.

As a result, he destroyed the dungeon by himself, and he was still confused. What excuses could he find to comfort himself?

"Get me more weapons later. This stuff is very useful."

Huang Sheng patted the other party on the shoulder, and made an appointment for the two to work together to make a batch of dart cards tomorrow morning, and then left with Yu Xiao'e and others.

Yu Xiao'e and others also received dungeon rewards.

Because they followed Huang Sheng to participate in a lot, Yu Xiao'e, Yu Zhengyang, Su Xiaoqin and Dong Liu each got a feature.

Compared with Huang Sheng who did not get any regular rewards but got better benefits, they got some regular compensation such as black money and capsules.

Among them, Dong Liu even triggered the temporary identity of "reporter".

But because the situation of this incident was special, after all, the dungeon changed hands quickly, so she is still a temporary identity until now, and she has to go through the next incident or dungeon before her identity can be officially changed and permanently obtained.

The effect of a reporter can be summarized in Dong Liu's words: by following the most cutting-edge current events in the dungeon, one's own survival rate can be improved, and more event clues can be obtained.

No wonder Dong Liu wanted to follow him at that time, which was out of character. Who else in this dungeon could be more cutting-edge than him in the most cutting-edge current events?

As expected of someone who deals with human relationships all day long, this woman is very smart.

To put it bluntly, this profession is to improve the ability to survive and obtain information, and it is a purely auxiliary professional identity.

In the case of a reporter's own lack of ability, try to cooperate with others, especially those with strong abilities.

Around ten o'clock in the evening.

In the temporary rest room, Huang Sheng lay on the bed for a while. This dungeon ended quickly, but he also spent a lot of effort.

Da Da Da, the door was knocked, and it sounded like a woman knocking with her long nails.

Looking out through the cat's eye, he found that it was Dong Liu standing at the door, looking a little nervous, and looking around.

Huang Sheng couldn't help but smile slightly.

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