The two girls were so busy that they were busy.

Hearing that the other party wanted to make a talisman on the spot, Huang Sheng honestly wanted to go and see it.

However, since the other party deliberately emphasized the sixteenth carriage, he didn't want to be disturbed by others, which he understood.

The yellow paper pasted on the door at that time should be some kind of talisman paper. Such a fragile piece of paper could actually stop the maggots. It was really magical.

He called the two women over. When they heard that there was a talisman paper to report, they naturally didn't say anything and immediately burned incense and blessed the middle-aged man in black.

The middle-aged man asked for physical and mental ability blessings, which belonged to the most conventional type of gain.

It seems that making talismans is also a physical job, which is somewhat similar to his card making.

Huang Sheng touched his chin. It was still early and his energy had been restored.

Since the ground monster would not appear until midnight tonight at the earliest, he could not do nothing during this period. He also planned to make a few cards.

Anyway, there were two women around, so he was not afraid of losing too much energy.

There was no hope for the strong light card, as there was no condition to make it on the train.

But the fighting card was very promising!

Caihua, Caiye, Yin Zhiqin, and Liao Xiaolou each had a certain strength, and they also had their own equipment bonus.

If it was recorded in the fighting card and used at the right time, it would surely be a very good killing move!

Caihua got a snake-shaped long sword and a wooden dagger, Yin Zhiqin got a shock hammer, Liao Xiaolou got a boomerang, and the pair of gloves that increased the attack power were in Caiye's hands. With personal strength plus equipment effect bonus, Huang Sheng was looking forward to the final effect.

Without further ado, he immediately called a few people to the thirteenth carriage and called Lingtian Lingzhen.

Since the number of passengers on the train has decreased too much, everyone is basically concentrated in a few carriages, leaving a large number of empty carriages in the middle.

There are still people in the fourteenth carriage occasionally, but there are basically no outsiders in the thirteenth carriage.

Hearing that they can help Huang Sheng make cards, several people also readily agreed. The first one to appear is Caihua.

The black cat squatted on her shoulder, holding a wooden dagger in her right hand, waiting for Huang Sheng's instructions.

Huang Sheng sat at a small table and was drawing cards, and the pen tip quickly outlined Caihua's tall and attractive figure.

After the drawing, Huang Sheng's old face blushed. He would not admit that he had added more ink and brush to some sensitive lines.

The black cat on Caihua's shoulder suddenly jumped forward!

At the same time, she also rushed forward, and her body shape quickly changed into a black cat while running, and the wooden dagger disappeared, turning into the shadow of the weapon on her front paws!

The air was torn apart quickly. In just a few seconds, she launched dozens of attacks even though her injuries had not yet fully recovered!

The function of this wooden dagger is "clumsy but clever", which can increase the user's attack skills to a certain extent.

But the wooden dagger itself has no damage, which makes everyone jealous of its function, but it can't be used as a weapon when it really comes to fighting. This thing can only be used during normal training.

This is also the reason why this weapon was not outstanding at the time, but it happened to be suitable for Caihua. After she transformed into a black cat, she could not use weapons, but she could enjoy the functions of the weapons she held, so she bought it.

"Don't stop, continue."

Seeing that the card had not changed yet, but there was already a tendency of change, Huang Sheng hurriedly encouraged, fearing that Caihua's momentum would be lost.

Finally, after ten seconds, the card emitted a dazzling light green light, and all aspects began to change rapidly. The card was successful!

Compared with white, green is an improvement in quality and card ability. Huang Sheng took the card in his hand and played with it for a while, then smiled and handed it to Caihua, letting everyone check it.

"Brother Huang, after using this card, will a light and shadow me appear and then play the same attack?"

Caihua asked expectantly. Huang Sheng did not hide the use of the card from everyone in the battle last night, and she also saw the use of the fighting card several times before and after.

Huang Sheng nodded: "Yes, and this light and shadow will have stronger attack ability and more attack methods."

Next is Caiye wearing boxing gloves. Caiye was originally slightly injured, and now she is in good condition.

In order to let several people know the effect of the card more intuitively, Huang Sheng plans to make one more card based on her as a template and use it to open everyone's eyes.

His profession is still very cool. In the future, the extra cards can be sold completely, and they must be sold at a good price. These people are the first batch of potential customers.

Caiye, the cat-eared girl, is petite, but extremely agile.


As Huang Sheng signaled to start, she shouted and began to rapidly attack the air in front of her, with a pair of fist shadows so fast that they were almost invisible.

This was Huang Sheng asking her to use 80% of her strength, after all, this was just an experimental card.

After a few seconds, the card took shape. Huang Sheng signaled Cai Ye to stand on the opposite side in front of everyone, and then chose to use the card. The target of the battle was naturally Cai Ye himself.

After all, it was too wasteful to use the card on the air, and it was still necessary to fight with real people to see the real strength.

I saw a light and shadow take shape in the original place. Although only an outline could be seen, there was no doubt that this was Cai Ye himself.

It rushed towards the real Cai Ye on the opposite side with great momentum, and a pair of fist shadows wearing boxing gloves smashed at Cai Ye!

"Ah, I didn't hit so fast and so hard just now!"

Cai Ye hurriedly tried to parry, but immediately screamed, and was suppressed by the light and shadow in an instant!

The fake Cai Ye formed by this light and shadow not only attacked more fiercely, but also increased the skills of punching.

Straight punches, hooks, hammer punches... punches kept coming, and the light and shadows were very aggressive, pressing forward while hitting, making Caiye retreat continuously, unable to quickly organize a decent resistance.

With a bang, Caiye covered her nose and screamed in pain, and was directly knocked to the ground by the hammer!

Huang Sheng tried to control the light and shadow, and the figure stopped attacking, stood there with his hands hanging down, and slowly disappeared after a few seconds.

"Hahaha, how is it?"

Seeing Caiye crying and being dragged up by Caihua, Huang Sheng asked gloatingly.

Caiye, who had just been beaten up, was not angry. Instead, she wiped her nosebleed and widened her eyes excitedly: "Brother Huang, are you selling this card?"

Well, it was obvious that she had to put in a lot of effort to make the card, but in the end she had to beg others to spend money. Caiye said she felt so wronged!

But she had to buy it. After experiencing the power of a fighting card based on her own template, she would feel as uncomfortable as a cat scratching if she couldn't get this precious prop!

The other people also had burning eyes and were extremely excited.

Family members, who knows, just copy an attack that is more powerful than your real body, and take it out when needed, this killer is simply against the sky!

Not only is it powerful, it can even check and fill in the gaps of its own attack through the card effect!

If the color page can also be so fierce and fierce in the light and shadow boxing just now, then her combat power will increase dramatically!

"It takes energy to make this thing. After confirming that all crises have passed tomorrow, I will make one for each of you!"

"If we have the opportunity to meet again in the future, we will trade again, so you should find ways to make more black money in normal times."

Huang Sheng said meaningfully, rubbing his thumb and index finger together, making a gesture that everyone understands.

Everyone naturally said that it was no problem. Even if Huang Ge didn't say it, they would have to work hard to make black money. Anyone could see that this thing was the real hard currency!

The subsequent card making was also very smooth.

Yin Zhiqin roared and controlled the shock hammer. When this card was really used, all enemies in front of him would be repelled or even knocked away by the hammer. It was a very practical control attack.

There was no accident on Liao Xiaolou's side. In this non-combat situation, without external interference, he was already very skilled in catching the boomerang.

And the offensiveness of this dart was also very strong. It could even penetrate the wall of the train. Needless to say, the actual combat damage was naturally not worth mentioning.

Liao Xiaolou didn't dare to catch the knife in actual combat, but the light and shadow recorded on the card could!

The card included a total of Liao Xiaolou's process of slashing and catching the knife for about twenty times. If it was really used, it might be as fierce as a machine gun. Even Huang Sheng was looking forward to the effect of this card.

Soon, all the cards were made, and Huang Sheng felt a huge fatigue coming over him, and his waist ached.

The two women came to help and lit the red incense.

After a few more hours of sleep, he should be able to recover his energy in the early morning.

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