The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

"Attack its tail, big brother, cut off its tail!"

A man without eyebrows couldn't help but shout.

Everyone was shocked and horrified. They never expected that the monster that they "easily" killed seven of yesterday would turn into this!

And the only way they could think of to win now was to cut off its tail. They didn't dare to count on anything else!

Huang Sheng stared at the other party. He didn't know why this monster had such a strong fighting power, but it was obvious that its life structure would not change easily.

If he cut off its tail again, it would definitely play a decisive role.

The question was who would give him another chance?

This strange maggot showed a terrifying suppression power to everyone. Not to mention getting close, they didn't know how long they could hold on!

The long tail like a steel whip was just like a thunder whirlwind. Anything that got close would be whipped away!

The monster didn't give them time to think. It moved very quickly. In just a dozen seconds, there were people lying on the ground!

Two unlucky people were beaten to death by the long tail like a steel whip, and their flesh and blood were blurred!

Although the rest still seemed to be breathing for the time being, they also suffered varying degrees of injuries.

Only two-thirds of the people who were still standing were left in a blink of an eye.

"There's no other way. We must fight quickly!"

Huang Sheng flipped his wrist and finally took out a card. This was a strong light card.

Yesterday, Yu Xiao'e once used light to shine on a strange maggot, and the other party seemed to be more afraid of this.

But it was not used again in the battle later, because everyone was fighting close to each other later, and the strong light shining on the monster would also affect the companions.

But at this time, a strong light of up to 10,000 lumens for one minute should bring the ability to change the situation!

With a thought, the strong light card is activated!

In the dark and chaotic courtyard, there are several turned-on flashlights and lighting lamps scattered on the ground, and the rest of the people also shine various lights on the strange maggots.

Although there is light everywhere, the brightness is not high and it is very messy. Overall, the courtyard is still in a dark state.

But suddenly, people feel that it is dawn.

Ten thousand lumens is not enough to turn the wild into daytime, but if it is only irradiated in such a closed courtyard, the effect is amazing!

The ground, the walls, and even the air are all lit up!

Everyone is like being in broad daylight, and the strange maggots directly irradiated by the card are even brighter!

The strange maggots suddenly emit green smoke all over their bodies!

At the same time, it let out a crazy scream, curled up in pain and began to struggle on the spot!

Its body rose and fell, and the ugly translucent wings were not even enough to support its body weight, and soon it fell to the ground!

Although its long tail was still sweeping around, compared with the opponent's fast and powerful whipping in the previous battle, the force now seemed much smaller.

"Help me hold it, let it keep shining on the monster's head, where its head turns, you run there, always shining on it!"

Huang Sheng quickly glanced around, and then handed the card to Caihua.

Caihua was the most sensitive among all the people present. Only she could create opportunities for him by holding the strong light card and controlling the monster maggots tightly through highly sensitive movements!

Caihua looked at the card in shock like everyone else.

At this time, he suddenly came to his senses, hurriedly took it nervously, and adjusted his position at the first time, so that the shining side of the card could shine tightly on the monster.

Huang Sheng held the shield and approached the opponent with his gun.

The opponent's long tail kept twitching, hitting his shield from time to time, but the power was not as strong as before. However, if he used his body to resist, he could still make him vomit blood in less than two hits.

Huang Sheng was anxious.

He only had three strong light cards in total, but he didn't know if there was only one monster maggot.

So he had to end the battle as soon as possible to save the energy of this card.

In order to save time, he was whipped by the long tail at least a dozen times along the way, most of which were blocked by the shield, but his body also resisted several times, causing blood to flow from the corners of his mouth.

If he were an ordinary person, he might have fallen to the ground with serious injuries now!

Finally, just as the monster maggot adapted to the strong light and saw that its emotions were gradually stabilizing, Huang Sheng also successfully turned to its side!

Finding the right opportunity, just in case, the long spear used all its strength and chopped down frantically!

With a loud bang,


The same was true of the tail root. Yesterday's monsters were cut off silently.

But this monster, the end of its long tail made a violent sound as if it had been cut to other parts of the tail!

The opponent's broken tail was like a steel cable that had broken free from its restraints, instantly releasing terrifying elasticity and strange power!

It danced madly in the air and on the ground, making a whirring sound!

This was ten times more destructive than the flying tails of the first two monster maggots when their tails were broken last night!

It whipped Huang Sheng and the monster itself, the people on the ground who didn't have time to run away, and the nearby walls and houses!

Huang Sheng's eyes went dark, and his throat tasted fishy and sweet.

Even with the protection of the shield, he was instantly whipped away by the broken tail and hit the wall directly!

The ground was filled with blood.

The wounded who didn't escape when the strong light just now was all killed in an instant!

Their bodies were beaten so hard and so many times in a short period of time that they were no longer human!

Even the monster maggot itself was beaten to death by the broken weapon, and its head and body were not its head and body. It fell to the side without a head or a body!

Huang Sheng was knocked down and couldn't get up for a long time, but he stared at the direction where the strong light came from, and silently said to put away the card in his mind.

This strong light card really paid off. It was so useful and played a decisive role. It couldn't be wasted.

The strong light that enveloped the entire courtyard disappeared in an instant.

The dawn just now was like a fleeting dream, and the darkness returned here.

Only a few lights were on, emitting a light that was insignificant in comparison.

The three women and Liao Xiaolou ran in two directions respectively.

Yu Xiao'e and Liao Xiaolou rushed to the dead monster's body, where three light balls appeared at this time.

Unlike the common white light balls, two of the three light balls emit light green light.

The red mole girl and the necklace girl ran over to help Huang Sheng up.

The red mole girl leaned him against her arms, and the necklace girl lit the remaining incense and closed her eyes to pray.

Waves of energy and heat poured into his body, making his internal organs, limbs and head feel warm, and his physical discomfort was quickly subsiding.

He stood up, and at the same time, the other two picked up the exploded items.

In this battle, it can be said that 95% or even more than 99% of the credit is his alone. Not only did he quickly resolve the battle, but he also saved everyone.

He deserved to take all the rewards for himself.

There were three light balls, and the white light ball contained about ten capsules, which were common vitality capsules.

One of the two light green light balls contained black banknotes, with six ten-denomination notes, one ball equaled the three balls of black banknotes yesterday!

The last light ball contained a pair of exquisite white gloves with densely packed protective metal pieces at the joints.

From the Caida incident to here, Huang Sheng had accumulated three pairs of gloves.

The first pair was the black fingerless gloves he was wearing now. There was no attribute description for this thing, but it had a good protective effect on the hands and was also very helpful for him to use the spear. It had a hidden bonus.

The second pair was the climbing gloves that he had never used. He had just climbed over the wall and didn't use it. It was only a three-meter-high wall, so there was no need to use it.

The third pair was this one, called the Iron Fist Gloves.

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