The sun was shining brightly, and the sun was shining brightly.

While the lights were on, he leaned against the window and closed his eyes to take a nap.

It was only ten o'clock, and he didn't know how long it would take for dawn. If he didn't take a rest, he would be restless in the middle of the night.

After an unknown amount of time, he was suddenly kicked lightly. When he opened his eyes, he saw the necklace girl opposite.

He glanced at the time, and it was almost early morning.

He took out a bar of chocolate and ate some, and then replenished some water. Then he saw the two women staring at the food in his hand, and he couldn't help but glance at their clothes subconsciously.

Before, he was only busy looking at their faces and figures, and now he realized that the clothes the two women were wearing were very simple and worn.

Not only was the fabric made of coarse cloth, but the waist was also tied with hemp rope. No wonder they used candles to light the fire just now. Could it be because they didn't have a lighter?

It was hard to imagine that the two women lived on Earth. Could they be from somewhere else?

So far, he felt that the two women should be reliable. He might have to rely on them tonight, so he took out a chocolate bar and threw it over.

The woman with the red mole thanked her and started to share with her companions.

They chewed slowly, and even gradually narrowed their eyes, looking like they were enjoying it.

Huang Sheng stared at the time on his watch. It was midnight!

Will there be another moth?

The lights really went out again...

He suddenly understood a little bit now. This train said that it would not turn off the lights, but it kept pretending to be cool. Was it also hinting that the three passenger instructions mentioned were not to be trusted?

After the lights went out this time, no one had any conflicts for more than ten minutes, and even all the words were spoken softly, as if they were afraid of attracting attention and misunderstanding.

At 12:20, the two women on the opposite side turned their eyes towards the window.

A whistling wind blew up and came in through the edge of the window, which lowered the temperature inside the car and brought constant strange noises.

Huang Sheng turned off the lights and found that the window was slightly brighter. Not far away was a gray fog, which was bright at night.

But the fog was neither up to the sky nor down to the ground, as if the train was traveling in the air at this time!

And in the fog, there were dozens of small shadows shuttling back and forth.

After seeing the train, they rushed towards this side!

As the distance between the two sides got closer and closer, Huang Sheng saw that this was a creature like a maggot, with translucent structures like fish fins on both sides, and an exaggeratedly long thin tail!

"What is this thing? Are they going to attack the train?"

Someone couldn't help but scream.

In the eyes of everyone, this thing had no intention of stopping. It was already very close, but it was still getting closer!

"I have a bad feeling. Let's prepare for battle. Oh my God, they look so disgusting!"

"Ahem, where does the rotten smell come from?"

People became agitated again, but this time their attention was all on the outside of the train. These things floating in the void really made people feel uneasy.

Fortunately, there was no problem for a while. These things seemed to swim around the train. Except for sometimes suddenly sticking to the window to scare people, there was no attack.

The front of the maggots was extremely ugly and disgusting. Not only could it not distinguish the organs, but it also had the characteristics of corruption.

The strange smell in the car now might be coming from the maggots.

They were about as thick as a human waist. The movements were smooth, but not graceful at all. They only gave people endless disgust and fear.

Huang Sheng was also panicking. He was not afraid of lions and tigers, but he really couldn't stand caterpillars, maggots, centipedes, cockroaches and other insects.

Especially the one in front of him that was enlarged countless times. With the experience of the lantern man last time, he now felt that this kind of thing was extremely dangerous.

Soon after, the area that emitted gray light began to be left behind the train, and the window entered darkness again.

At this time, there was a sudden loud crash from an unknown part of the train!

This crash not only shook the entire body of the train, but also brought a faint sound of rail friction!

The timid ones screamed subconsciously, fearing that the train would overturn.

"Fuck, what is hitting us, can it be those things?"

At the next table were several white and black men. They were anxiously holding flashlights and shining them frantically outside, hoping that nothing would be illuminated.

Then a black man suddenly screamed, and his flashlight illuminated a strange maggot with its face pressed against the window!

The black man was

He was so scared that he ejected on the spot, flew out with a whoosh, and fell heavily to the ground!

I have to say that he has a good athletic talent!

"Fuck, is this thing really hitting the train?!"

"Oh my God, if this ugly thing flies into the car, what should we do?"

Everyone started to discuss, solemn and terrified.


Another collision, with the same powerful force. While the car body was shaking, there was another violent friction sound from the track!

Huang Sheng's scalp was numb. The huge monster maggots coming in was secondary. What if this train really overturned?

This train was not running on the regular rails. There might be a height of 10,000 meters next to it. If the train overturned, there would be only one way to die.

Everyone was panicked.

Time passed by, and the constant collisions continued. At the same time, people found desperately that they could still see their figures outside the window after being illuminated by lights!

These things seemed to be entangled with the train, and they were unwilling to get into the car!

The frequency of collisions was getting higher and higher... Huang Sheng felt that the train seemed to be slowing down to prevent overturning.

He looked at the two women, who must know more than him.

This train was not only dangerous, but also had an important function, otherwise it would not continue to produce tickets and be treated so seriously by the authorities.

However, no matter what secrets it had, he had to persevere and survive first.

The woman with the red mole took out the residual incense in her hand again, and then handed him the paper he had used for divination before, which had "iron" written on it.

Success is due to the golden sword, iron walls and iron walls, and death is due to the golden sword, losing souls and losing sorrow.

After hearing this, he remembered that he still had a shield to use, and he might not be without the power to protect himself when facing the strange maggots.

He pretended to reach out to search in his backpack, but actually released the curved shield.

After taking out this piece of iron, he suddenly opened the curved carbon fiber shield under the inquiring eyes of the two women, and the shield was as big as a smaller umbrella!

When he was sitting, most of his body was blocked by the shield, and he looked extremely safe.

Holding it lightly in front of him, Huang Sheng quietly waited for the moment when the strange maggot broke through the window.

The two women's eyes lit up, and they were obviously happy and excited.

The red mole woman reached out and pulled him, pointing to one of the four corners of the nearest carriage, and the necklace woman picked up the two women's things, indicating that the three of them should go there to hide and prepare for the battle.

Huang Sheng thought about it and it was right. There was a car wall to rely on in the corner, and the defense surface would be greatly reduced. It would be much safer to stay there.

So the three people gave up their seats here and rushed directly to that corner.

This corner is on the left side of the connection direction between carriages 15 and 14. Going forward is the door passage, and going forward is carriage 14.

Seeing the actions of Huang Sheng and the other two, the others also woke up from their dreams and scrambled for the remaining three corners.

Chapter 023: Blood-recovering bracelet and mocking tablecloth

(Two chapters in one)

Finally, several eyebrowless people and several cat-eared people each grabbed a corner at the other end of the carriage, which was connected to carriage No. 16.

These two groups of people were very good at fighting. At least a dozen people were beaten back and injured during the robbery, but everyone was very restrained and no more blood was seen.

The corner next to Huang Sheng was occupied by a group of strong white and black men. Five or six of them huddled together, some holding knives, some holding recurve crossbows, and even some holding guns!

Huang Sheng's side also had more than the three people at the beginning. Three people were too few, and the number of people still needed to be increased.

There was an additional thin man playing with a butterfly knife, and at the same time, there was an additional Chinese young woman in her thirties who did not get on the train with them. The young woman also carried a gun in her hand.

There were five or six people in each corner, adding up to more than 20 years old, occupying the best defensive position.

Excluding the few people who died when the lights went out for the first time, there were only 14 or 15 people who couldn't get a corner, and nearly half of them were injured from the first lights out.

None of the four corners were easy to mess with. Huang Sheng didn't need to take action, and the two women finally showed their incredible strength.

They didn't make any noise or take any action. As long as someone broke in here, the two of them looked at each other and then silently said that the person who came here would either have a stomachache or be exhausted. This strange ability made everyone avoid it like a snake or scorpion!

After a few more collisions, there was a sound of broken glass.

I don't know where the glass was broken!

There was no more collision after that, but there was a crazy fight and shouting in a carriage in the distance, even from such a distance, the sound continued!

At the same time, the gloomy wind in the carriage blew more and more fiercely, and the stench of corruption it brought filled the nose, making people vomit unbearable, and from time to time someone bent over and retched.

In Huang Sheng's observation

After observing, I saw that the people trapped in the middle had a layer of gray and decayed aura on their faces under the light. It was not strong, but it looked a little ominous.

"Is this what it means to be shrouded in bad luck?"

Huang Sheng muttered to himself. He reached out and touched his face, and then looked in the mirror, but he didn't find anything unusual.

"Those people are in the middle of the train, where there is nothing. The rotten wind blows on them. Could it be the wind?"

Huang Sheng thought secretly in his heart that because they were hiding in the corner, the wind was relatively small.

The five people stood in the position of two women standing at the back, and Huang Sheng and the young woman holding a Glock in his hand stood in front.

Because Huang Sheng was worried about the thin man, he stood on the side of Huang Sheng's arc shield, which was considered to be the front.

Huh! ! !

Another gust of wind swept over, and the sliding doors connecting the carriages opened automatically!

At the same time, wrapped in a strong stench, a long body floated in from mid-air!

Under the light, it looked like a fish swimming in the water, extremely graceful and agile.

However, its ugly and unbearable image was even more impressive!

Especially when it just appeared, with one breath, Huang Sheng and the others seemed to have their internal organs overturned, and they were so disgusted that they almost fell to the ground on the spot!

Several people tried their best to shrink back.

The young woman's soft body was pressed against the wall of the car by him, and the thin man was pressed on his curved shield. They tried to shrink into a small ball to reduce the chance of being noticed by this monster.

However, the several strong men on the opposite side were not so calm, and responded in a completely opposite way to them!

As soon as they saw the strange maggots breaking in, they thought it was coming for them, and they attacked together with tears and shouts!

Crossbows and bullets were fired at the air, but when all the long-range attacks hit the opponent's body, there was a sound of "pu pu pu" like mud being trampled, and a puff of gray liquid splashed!

The strange maggot was originally wandering towards the opposite door of the carriage, and was naturally enraged by the sudden attack.

Its body turned violently, and it pressed down on several people, circling and wrapping several people in its body!

Especially the opponent's extremely long tail, which strangled several people like a python, making them unable to even scream, and the weapons in their hands fell to the ground!

In the hoarse and desperate struggle, several people stared at Huang Sheng and others with wide eyes, eager for them to help.

After wrapping several people, the strange maggot did not stop, dragging them all the way to carriage No. 16!

As soon as its body left, several people rushed over to grab the weapons and items left on the opposite side.

"Don't fight among yourself, the black money will be divided equally among the five of us. If there is a dispute and conflict, we will commit suicide!"

Huang Sheng said, fearing that several people would fight because of interests, and then everything would be over.

"What about the other things? I mean those special items!"

The thin man asked in a low voice.

"Use black notes to buy what you want, and the black notes will be divided equally among everyone!" Huang Sheng replied quickly, and several people quickly reached an agreement and snatched all the items from the opposite side.

Under the light, Huang Sheng found that the gray liquid was not only smelly, but also corrosive, but the corrosiveness was not too strong, and it should not have much impact as long as it was wiped clean in time.

"It seems that most of them took the black notes with them, but they left two items behind."

After this strange maggot dragged a group of people into the opposite car door and disappeared, it seemed that the next one would soon come. Several people hurriedly turned off the lights and huddled together again, but the harvest had just been roughly counted.

A total of 31 black notes, a thin bracelet covered with rust, and a red tablecloth.

Hematopoietic bracelet, effect: The wearer of the bracelet has additional hematopoietic ability, which can continuously replenish the lost blood for himself, but it needs to consume double life energy.

Attracting tablecloth, effect: Using the tablecloth makes you the most conspicuous target, which will generally attract attacks from enemies who are not smart enough.

In short, one item can restore blood, and the other item can taunt!

Of these two items, Huang Sheng immediately took a fancy to the blood-making bracelet. Although the appearance of this thing is really hard to see, its function is extremely powerful and practical!

As for the attracting tablecloth, this thing is also a rare good thing. Although in most cases, you can hide from danger, but sometimes you need the enemy to come to you actively.

In addition, the flexible use of the attracting tablecloth can also be used to save people at critical moments. Generally speaking, the value of the two is equal!

The red mole girl and the necklace girl didn't speak, and Huang Sheng always felt that these two people didn't know much about equipment.

Too much interest, it seems that he only likes black money.

This is the best, saving a lot of unnecessary competition.

Several people did not speak yet, and soon, the second monster maggot poked its head out of the door, wandering leisurely in the air, and also went straight to the No. 16 carriage.

"I want a bracelet!" Huang Sheng spoke immediately.

Seeing that not only the two women did not speak, but the young woman also did not speak, the thin young man asked: "Then I want a tablecloth, how do you divide the black money now?"

"Tell me the price first, how much do you think the two equipment are worth?" Huang Sheng asked. He now has three-digit black money, and he is not worried about not being able to pay the cost of the purchase. Of course, it is better to spend less.

The red mole woman quickly said: "Thirty, one."

Huang Sheng shook his head and bargained: "No, it's too expensive. Now many people on the train have only a dozen black money in their entirety."

Bai Mengxue only got a 10 black money reward for her D-level evaluation. Thirty is indeed too much, which is equivalent to more than half of his income from fighting the lantern bearer desperately.

"Two pieces for fifty, please."

In order to save time and quickly divide the spoils to deal with the following matters, Huang Sheng said a relatively high number.

Seeing that the others did not react, he knew it was a success.

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