The game was a big success, but the game was a big success.

[Now make a final settlement of your performance in this game]

[Comprehensive contribution rate: 4.14%]

[Comprehensive evaluation: B]

[You have received the following rewards: 50 black banknotes, 1 evolution point I, 1 marrow washing serum, 1 weapon strengthening hammer, 1 ticket for No. 1032 general train, and space storage box permissions to be activated]

[You have received the following rewards: entry-level gunmanship true meaning, entry-level physical enhancement]

[You have obtained a new feature: sit back and watch (click to view)]

A voice sounded in my mind, and a large amount of text data stream suddenly appeared on the visual interface in front of me. The settlement that Huang Sheng had been waiting for after the crisis finally arrived as promised!

"Oh my god, why are there so many rewards? I can't even see them all!"

Huang Sheng quickly opened his eyes and checked carefully. Fortunately, the information in front of him would not disappear in a short time.

There were about ten rewards of various types in total. After about ten seconds, a pile of things suddenly appeared on the coffee table in front of him!

A stack of 5-denomination black notes. The official name of this thing is black banknotes, and the name is almost right.

Put it away first. Now he has a total of 109 denominations of black notes in his hand. I didn't expect that he worked so hard to kill monsters for so long, but in the end, he almost didn't get more rewards than the settlement.

A glass bottle similar to the pen-shaped container of soul energy restart liquid, which should contain marrow washing serum.

This thing should be able to remove impurities from the human body and enhance the potential of the human body. Huang Sheng's eyes were hot.

A small metal pocket hammer, not even as big as a palm, this is a weapon strengthening hammer!

There is no doubt that Huang Sheng will use this thing on the spear that has accompanied him throughout the battle and is now more and more reluctant to let go!

And a paper ticket.

This ticket came so unexpectedly that he couldn't associate this crisis with the ticket. He didn't know what the hell this thing was.

After a careful look, it seemed to be just an ordinary ticket...

Uh, no, the ticket holder didn't write his own name on it, but a code of letters and numbers, and the carriage was No. 15.

At the same time, this ordinary No. 1032 train had no starting station or terminal station, only a boarding time and place.

The time was eight o'clock in the evening five days later, and the location was in an abandoned subway station in Donghai City!

"The train appeared in the subway station... You understand humor, did you write it wrong."

"This train feels a bit evil... Should I go or not?"

Puzzledly, he put the ticket away and his eyes fell on the last pink, beautiful glass bottle that looked like a perfume bottle.

There was only a sticker on it, with "I" written on it, not 1, nor the lowercase letter L, but the Roman numeral 1.

This seems to be the evolution point I?

He thought it was a little extra, but it turned out to be an oral liquid.

At the same time, he felt a warm feeling in his mind and chest.

There was a slight itch in his mind, and then he felt that his mastery and understanding of the spear skills had increased dramatically!

How to use, how to fight, how to use force correctly, and many other basic knowledge were presented and transformed and mastered by him!

This is the true meaning of entry-level spearmanship!

And the heat that poured into his chest was slowly spreading, and he clearly felt that his physique was slowly getting stronger!

The muscles bulged slightly and became gradually solid, and the loose and sloppy body and skeleton were slightly tightened, as if the whole body was wound up.

This young body, although still tall and healthy, but not much exercised, finally took a solid step forward, and the body function became stronger!

There are two rewards left, one is the space storage box authority.

The other is the so-called characteristics, sit back and watch.

But now he couldn't take time to check, especially the space storage box permissions that made his heart beat wildly.

Because as he welcomed the reward settlement, others seemed to have received their own rewards.

All the messages in the group were refreshing frantically, and Ma He and Bai Mengxue were constantly chatting with him privately!

Ma He was fine, but the private chat messages kept popping up. Because he was too excited, he made calls and played videos, as if he was crazy. It can be seen how excited the other party was.

With the help of the text pager, the messages from Bai Mengxue can be directly displayed on his visual interface, and he couldn't help but look at them.

She sent all the rewards she received to him.


The permanent identity of "policeman", a characteristic "cautious", the same entry-level physical enhancement, in addition to 10 black banknotes, and a fingernail-sized equipment "communication enhancer".

In general, there are not many, far behind Huang Sheng.

But compared with Bai Mengxue's performance, it is similar. After all, she hides in the office half of the time, and the other half of the time is to follow him to save his life and get rewards.

As the name suggests, the communication enhancer can greatly enhance the signal after being placed on mobile phones and other communication equipment. It can be said that it complements the text pager and is more suitable for her positioning.

[Cautious: Danger is always close to you, not far away. With this characteristic, the probability of encountering danger is reduced]

This is the characteristic of the cautious entry, which can reduce the probability of danger. It is very good and very practical.

Huang Sheng then looked at his "sitting and watching".

[Sitting and watching: The enthusiastic bear the fire of enthusiasm, and the bystander sees the source of the fire. With this characteristic, the observation ability is enhanced]

Not bad!

Improved observation skills can help you find opportunities and weaknesses in things, avoid risks when signs are found, and also reduce the probability of encountering danger.

In Huang Sheng's opinion, this should be better than the cautious entry.

Finally, Bai Mengxue's overall evaluation is D-, and the overall contribution rate is not even 0.5%, let alone 1%.

Mach is even worse than the two.

His evaluation is only E-, and the reward is only 2 black notes and an energy capsule, but he is lucky enough to get a protective equipment strengthening hammer!

As the name suggests, this thing is used to strengthen defensive equipment. Like a weapon hammer, just hit it once to strengthen the equipment!

Huang Sheng wants this thing with his real name!

He looked in the group and saw that many people posted their evaluations, contribution rates, and rewards. Of course, more people must be hiding and unwilling to tell others, which is normal.

Everyone's evaluation is generally F-level.

Those who did not leave the dormitory and the buildings were all rated F-, and their contribution rate was infinitely close to 0. In other words, they had no achievements at all, and naturally they did not get any rewards.

Only a few people received 1 black note, which may be a probabilistic reward.

Those who did not leave the building but made certain contributions, such as those who had medical skills, command and observation skills, and those who left the building but performed poorly and basically went shopping, received an F rating and a reward of 1 black note. Very few people would trigger other sporadic rewards.

Those who participated in the battle and made certain combat and exploration contributions, that is, those who mainly fought with the lantern man on campus, were mostly rated F+.

Rewards were 1-2 black notes, as well as a random capsule medicine such as physical strength capsule, energy capsule, vitality capsule, and hemostatic capsule.

There were very few E-level ones, and Mach was considered lucky.

He gained combat gains before the lantern man became stronger, retreated in time, and played a certain role in the building, which was why he received such a rating.

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