Behind the screen, a pair of eyes are staring at the picture that has begun to flicker snowflakes, and next to it, a mask with a skull pattern is placed.

"Battlemail, Gatling, and the suitcase, how did these things suddenly appear and disappear, what the hell is this kid!" slammed his fist on the computer desk, his voice full of anger.

He didn't think that Chen Wei was a monster who had been injected or infected with the virus, even though Chen Wei had the appearance of a monster.

"What could be this black liquid?" replayed the footage several times, but he still couldn't find any clues.

At this time, the satellite phone rang on the side.


"It's the doctor, sorry, the plan has changed, it's more difficult to explain, I'll send you the data video transmission." "

That's right, Doctor, about the second version... Okay, I'll wait. Hanging

up the phone, he got up from his seat and walked behind him, a cage more than ten meters away.

"Water, please, give me a sip of water. The man fell to the ground, his wizened arm stretched out through the gap in the railing, his voice weak.


The black-robed man lifted his foot and stomped on the man's hand, even though his five fingers had been twisted and severely deformed, he didn't have the strength to scream, and the hunger was even stronger than the pain in his hand.

The man raised his head, he couldn't see the face under the black robe clearly, he was vague, and he could hear a contemptuous voice, "Don't touch me with your dirty hands!"

After the man passed out, the man in the black robe reached out and opened the cell door, took out an injection gun from his waist, and opened the black robe with his left hand, which was trapezoidal and hung with blood-red medicine.

The higher you go, the darker the color of the potion and the smaller the quantity.

The black-robed man originally reached out and wanted to remove the third-order potion, but after thinking about it, he still took down the second-order.

Chen Wei is a very dangerous person in his eyes, and if he doesn't get rid of it as soon as possible, it will definitely affect the plan.

After taking out the medicine, fill it into the injection gun, squat down, insert the needle into the man's neck, pull the trigger, and the medicine in the medicine bottle is instantly injected into the body.

Then, at the place where the injection was taken, the blood turned purple and began to spread throughout the body like a spider's web.

Throwing the injection gun aside, the black-robed man reached out and picked up the water cup next to him and poured the water on the man's face.

The man trembled, woke up, and kept dipping his hands into the water from the ground, sucking it into his mouth, looking hungry and thirsty.

"This man, go kill him! If he doesn't die, you have to die, don't you understand?" the black-robed man squatted down again and showed the mobile phone screen to the man.

"Understood, understood!" the man nodded desperately.

His eyes were fixed on Chen Wei's photo, noting his appearance, and he was determined to kill him.

The man knew very well that he had also been injected with a virus agent, and if he didn't obey, it would only be a dead end!

Chen Wei waited in place for a while, not to mention the black-robed man, not even a mechanical crow.

I immediately regretted it, I knew that if this was the case, I shouldn't have shot that mechanical crow.

It's good now, Jiangcheng is so big, people can't find themselves.

"Or is it that the strength I showed made him feel fear?" Chen Wei felt that guessing was not a solution, and if he walked around, he might crash into the monitoring range.

Wandering slowly around the city, Chen Wei, the mechanical crow, didn't see it, but let him see a scene that men would probably like 90% of the time.

A woman was standing on the balcony, scratching her head and posing, and kissing Chen Wei.

"Is this hungry stupid?" Unfortunately, this woman is not the type that Chen Wei likes, so he doesn't plan to pay attention to it and continues to let her go crazy alone.

"Big brother, big brother, don't go! I'm cheap, a piece of bread, or a bottle of water, it's fine. Seeing that Chen Wei was leaving, the woman lay on the guardrail in a panic and shouted.

When things are impermanent, there must be demons.

"Hey, are you a man or not? Don't you lift it? The old lady is like this, and you still like to ignore it. Sensing that Chen Wei was still not interested in herself, the woman finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"You'd better learn how to keep your mouth shut. The moment Chen Wei turned around, a cold light flickered.


The woman was stunned, embarrassed, and slowly turned her head, seeing the Tang knife straight into the cement wall, still trembling and buzzing.

"What should I do? Brother Qiang, he won't be fooled. The woman turned to look at the man who was smoking in the room.

"Ahh The

woman said nothing, but stepped aside, so as not to get in the way of the man.

For a moment, her eyebrows furrowed together.

And what about the knife?

I didn't see it on the ground.

"Could it be that I'm hallucinating?" the woman muttered under her breath.


next second, the gunshot rang out.

The bullet was fired at Chen Wei at high speed.

"Sure enough, it's greasy, this is a trick to eat people?" Chen Wei shook his head and smiled, shook his body, and easily avoided the bullets.

"What's the situation?" The man looked confused, Chen Wei dodged the bullet after all.


Damn, I don't believe it yet!" the man said, pulling the trigger again.

As a result, the bullet was easily dodged by Chen Wei.

"Is this guy hanging?" the man tried to shoot, but all the bullets had already been fired.

There is a way in heaven that you don't take, and there is no door to hell for you to throw yourself in?

Chen Wei felt that this sentence was used to describe this pair of men and women, which was simply suitable.

"Brother Qiang, look at him, what's on him?" The woman covered her mouth with one hand, raised it with the other, trembled slightly, pointed at Chen Wei, and said in fear.

"Huh?" Hearing this, the man looked over and found that Chen Wei was being swallowed by a black viscous liquid.

In the next second, he turned into a killer bee and flew this way.

"Strange, monster!" the man hurriedly ran into the room and closed the glass door.


woman was banging on the glass desperately outside, "Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang, open the door quickly! Don't, I don't want to die!"

Seeing that the huge killer bee was getting closer and closer, the woman slapped the glass harder.

"Knock, knock, knock down, knock Lao Tzu and let you pay for your life!" the man's eyes were ruthless.


woman finally panicked and fell off the balcony, blood gushing out, and died instantly.

The man didn't care, and lay back on the bed.


glass door was easily shattered, and the man was so frightened that he quickly got up from the bed and wanted to run to the other rooms.

When the hand touched the doorknob, it instantly withdrew like an electric shock, and the pain was so painful that it burst into tears.

Fingers, fingers were burned!

The man seemed to see a thunderbolt just now.

When he turned around, he happened to face Chen Wei in the form of a killer bee, with a pair of eyeballs and thunder flashing.

"No, don't come here! I, I didn't mean to. "

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