The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 126: It’s almost life-threatening

Being fired from the company before the end of the world will only result in the loss of money and career.

In this post-apocalyptic world, being expelled from such a powerful team would be life-threatening.

Because of this, no one dared to approach that group of women, even if the brothers were ready to be lustful, for fear of being caught by Boss Wei.

After all, no one dared to test the scope of Boss Wei's bullying and harassment of women.

It's always good to be careful.

As for those who don't know how to be cautious, I'm afraid not many in the entire human society are still lucky to be alive.

Hearing that a group of women had arrived just after dark, the two singles behind Zhang Jianye were sore.

As a result, things have turned around. These beasts haven't had the chance to claw their way, and they still have the chance to win over her heart, but no one has gained the upper hand.

The two of them were so happy that they both smiled crookedly.

Wang Mang: "..."

He glanced at the two of them with disgust. Although he struggled to speak Mandarin, he had no problem listening.

Look at that unseen look, isn't it a woman? As for the face that looks like pig liver?

Although Wang Mang didn't complain, the bright and undisguised expression on his face was clearly visible to the two of them.

"Wang Mang is a straight man who doesn't know how to deal with his age. It is difficult for such a person to make friends before the end of the world. After the end of the world, he will probably become an old bachelor."

The two of them looked at Wang Mang's unconvinced expression and didn't know where he was wrong, so they immediately threatened the other party to stay single for the rest of his life.

Younger brother Jiang Zhi: "..."

Maybe it's because he, an ordinary person, is too ordinary and doesn't understand what these people with superpowers think about all day long.

He hurriedly said: "The cafeteria is warming up midnight snacks for the night watch team. Can the three eldest brothers go and have a bite together?"

Jiang Zhi guessed that none of the three had eaten dinner. As expected, as soon as he said this, Zhang Jianye directly asked Jiang Zhi to lead the way.

Wang Mang wanted to keep vigil to prevent zombies or alien plants or beasts from sneaking into the school, so he could only watch the four of them walking towards the cafeteria.

Well, fortunately, someone will bring them supper later, so it’s okay not to go.

As for being laughed at as an old bachelor, Wang Mang would still care about it before the end of the world.

It’s the end of the world, is the food not delicious? Or is the food not powerful enough?

What kind of woman are you chasing after? Isn't it better to hold some delicious food and wait for the woman to catch up with you?

Sure enough, for a smart person like him, no one is destined to catch up with his level of thought.

Zhang Jianye and the other three finished their supper and were led by Jiang Zhi to the place where their parents and relatives stayed.

Because these people were all relatives and friends of Zhang Jianye and other people with special abilities, they were arranged on the same floor.

Seeing that the three people came back safely, everyone finally calmed down.

Zhang Jianye has always been thinking about the group of women brought back by Base Chief Xu.

Lying on the bed, he and his wife talked softly about what happened after they separated.

After talking about how to bring him back to his parents and how to go to Hujiagou, Zhang Jianye asked: "Have you and your parents seen the new group of women in school today?"

The wife shook her head and said, "My parents arrived early. I stayed in the dormitory with my parents and didn't go to see the excitement."

Zhang Jianye left his wife in the town before picking up his parents, so Zhang Jianye's wife was familiar with the situation in the town.

After Zhang's parents and Zhang's mother arrived in the town, she had been busy. When she heard that a group of women had come to the base, she only had a few gossips and didn't go to see anyone specifically.

When she heard her husband ask this, she said softly: "What's wrong?"

"I hope my little sister is among the people rescued by Base Commander Xu."

Only Xu Zhiyong, Li Yi and Wei Qin knew what happened to Zhang Xia's group of women. None of these three people gossiped about such things with others. Naturally, Zhang Jianye, who had heard his wife mention it a few words, didn't know either.

If he had known, he would not have wanted his little sister to be among the group of women brought back.

His wife was afraid that Zhang Jianye would be worried about his little sister and think about it here, so she simply brought up another gossip that would make people at school more interested.

"Let me tell you, in addition to bringing people back, your base commander also brought a big tree. The tree can walk on its own. Unfortunately, I didn't see it at the time, and I didn't dare to run by myself later. After all, it's still a tree. Exotic plants.”


Zhang Jianye was stunned.

"Yes, you don't know. In addition to this alien plant that I heard has reached the third level and can grow in size and size, your base director also brought five small alien plants with him when he first came to town. Oops, those five small alien plants Zhi, the little one is so cute, like a little doll."

The wife said with some regret: "It's just that ordinary people like us don't dare to touch it. Even if it is a sapling, it is still a strange plant. If it suddenly hurts us, we can't stop it."

"And Li Yi from your base, when he came back after dark, he was carrying a basket on his back. I heard that there were also some small alien plants in it, but I don't know if the basket at the back really contains alien plants."

"Does your base manager have special abilities that are particularly attractive to alien plants? Or is it something like affinity?"

Zhang Jianye corrected: "You are the base director and not the base director? We should be the base director."

The wife slapped her forehead and said, "Look at my reflexes. Yes, we are the director of the base. We are husband and wife. You are both from the base, so my parents and I are also from the base."

Speaking of her parents, her eyes dimmed a little, pitiful that her family had no survivors.

After her brother was infected at the beginning of the apocalypse, her parents were unprepared and stepped forward with a loving mother and father in mind, only to be bitten by her brother who turned into a zombie.

When her mother was bitten to death, her father dragged her wound and called her, telling her to live well and never get close to those monsters with red eyes.

Because her father called in time, she and her children were at home. She heard a knock on the door from behind. When she opened the door and saw the person outside with red eyes, she refused to open the door. Only then could she rely on the food stored at home to survive until her husband came to save her. .

As for what happened to the bitten father after he called her, Zhang Jianye's wife did not dare to have extravagant hopes.

The two chatted and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Zhang Jianye came to the cafeteria and sat down.

He didn't dare to mention his suspicions to his parents.

I'm afraid that if the two old people are happy, the old people will not be able to bear the great joy or great sorrow.

Zhang Xia and her group of women had not slept peacefully for a long time. They slept until ten o'clock in the morning and then called each other to go downstairs to the cafeteria.

The woman who took them to settle in the dormitory yesterday had already said that they would eat in the cafeteria these two days and there was no need to cook alone.

Some of them had rested and were rushing to find their families. The rest were already from Xu Zhiyong's base.

The remaining people will be responsible for their own supplies until they reach a safe base.

The women who are leaving are all envious. If there were not relatives waiting for them, such a tolerant and powerful base, they would also want to join.

This is because they really want to join the base without knowing that the base has a safety shield and a mission hall.

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