"Jingjing, I really embarrassed you today..." Aunt Hong touched Nuonuo's head kindly, and said helplessly, "This child used to be quite obedient, I don't know what happened recently..."

"It's okay, it's normal for children to be naughty..."

Chen Jing didn't think much about it, and looked back at the wall clock on the wall, planning to find a reason to leave first, because the longer he stayed in this place, the weirder it felt. He always felt that there was something wrong with the way Aunt Hong and the others looked at him.

"Aunt Hong, it's getting late, I should go back too."

"Yes, yes! It's getting late!"

Seeing Aunt Hong agreed so straightforwardly, Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and he had to hold back all the reasons he had in his mind.

"If you go back later, your grandfather will be worried. Aunt Hong will pack some sashimi for you to take back!"

Aunt Hong wiped her hands on her apron, ran into the kitchen in a hurry, and said without looking back.

"Remember to say hello to your grandfather for me!"


Chen Jing was stunned, feeling a little incredible.

"Could it be that in this world... I also have a grandfather?"

Chapter 5 Diary of the Other World

After saying goodbye to Aunt Hong and the others.

Chen Jing took his backpack and left the dormitory of the White Steel Factory.

In the brief contact with the mother and son before, he probably had figured out what his identity was in this world.

In short,

His identity in the Other World is a "student tyrant" who graduated from elementary school at the young age of 22.

Although he did not choose to continue to study in junior high school, this iron-clad elementary school diploma is still enough. At least in the eyes of Aunt Hong and the others, Chen Jing is already a top student.

As Aunt Hong said.

In this world, he also has a grandfather.


I don't know if it is a bloody coincidence or there is some connection between the outer and inner worlds.

In this world, his grandfather is also called Chen Bofu.

"So let's just briefly sort it out..."

"I graduated from the Experimental Primary School of the 'Eternal Night Market'. I also have a grandfather named Chen Bofu. I usually make a living by tutoring students. I am preparing for the kindergarten education qualification certificate exam... a very simple identity."

"This world seems to have no logic at all, but it also seems to have some logic. Aunt Hong and her son are both crazy, but maybe they are normal in this world..."

"These creatures called 'aboriginals' call themselves humans and have the ability to heal themselves. At least Aunt Hong and Nono have..."

Chen Jing rubbed his eyes and continued to analyze in his mind.

"The information about the candidates mentioned on the light screen before, several times used the words 'all' and 'each'. Does that mean... In addition to me, there should be others who have been pulled into this exam?"

Chen Jing stood at the station at the intersection of the old street waiting for the 301 bus, his fingers gently flicking the corners of his clothes, his eyes fixed on the moon in the sky.

At this moment, the clouds in the sky had dispersed with the biting evening breeze, and the moon that had been hidden in the clouds slowly emerged.

Although Chen Jing was so surprised that he couldn't speak when he saw "it" for the first time, he got used to it after seeing it for a long time, and even felt that it was quite charming.


The moon in the inner world is very similar to the moon in the outer world.

But there are some differences.

Although both are clear and bright like white jade.


The moon in the inner world is dozens of times larger than the moon seen in the real world.

And it is alive.

At first glance, it looks like a spherical creature emitting white light floating in the sky.

No nose.

No ears.

Only a terrifying one-eye.

And a mouth that almost spans the entire equator of the moon.

That mouth is like an abyss torn open on the surface of the moon, full of sharp and dense teeth that seem to be made of dark moon rocks.

And that one eye...

It looks like a human eyeball covered with bloodshot.

The turbid, rusty whites of the eyes reveal a softness that does not belong to the moon rock.

The irises are also covered with bloodshot.

The pupils are constricted as if staring at something.

Chen Jing discovered that when the moon's single eye moves, its mouth will also move slightly, and the face made of moon rock has a human expression.

It seems to be saying something.

But Chen Jing estimated that it is probably not a good thing.

Because there is only one word to describe the gaze and expression of the single eye.


Perhaps this "moon" was there when the other world was just born.

It hangs high in the sky forever, looking down at this crazy world from a high position.

It seems that this world is just a funny joke in its eyes.

It has been grinning with its mouth across the equator from beginning to end, showing the world a sarcastic and mocking smile without any concealment.

The car is coming.

Chen Jing, with his backpack on his back, looked far away at the end of the long street, and saw a blood-red bus with the license plate "301" swaying left and right and rushing towards the station.

Accompanied by the harsh sound of brakes, the tires of the bus rubbed against the ground, leaving a mark at least 20 meters long, and finally stopped steadily in front of Chen Jing with a tailspin.

The moment the door opened, Chen Jing walked up with his bag on his back, then took out the bus card from his pocket and swiped it tentatively.

Hearing a beep, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is really money in the card..."

Chen Jing took back the bus card, silently glanced at the empty seats in the car, and saw that there was still room in the back row, so he went to sit down directly.

This bus pass was found in a backpack.

That's right.

There are a lot of good things in the backpack that Nuonuo "returned" to Chen Jing, at least it is very helpful for his current situation.

A bus pass.

An ID card.

A wallet.

A bunch of keys with access cards.

Finally... a diary.

I didn't have the chance to check these things carefully at Hong Yi's house before, and I had to pay attention to the movements around me when walking on the road, so it was not until I got on the car and sat down to make sure there were no threats around that Chen Jing had the mind to open the bag and check it carefully.

The first thing he took out and looked at carefully was the diary.

Before opening the diary, he looked around carefully again.

In addition to him, there were only the driver and two passengers in this car.

These aborigines looked similar to Nuonuo, at least they didn't look as scary as Hong Yi, and they had nothing to do with the word monster.

They didn't seem to be interested in Chen Jing.

The driver was concentrating on driving from beginning to end, while the other two passengers closed their eyes and leaned against the car window to sleep, just like those exhausted office workers in the real world who went home after overtime.

"There are still eleven stops..." Chen Jing glanced at the route map on the bus stop sign and felt that he should not go wrong.

Because before leaving, he heard Aunt Hong urging him to walk faster, saying that the 301 bus was about to end.

The 301 bus she mentioned.

It was the one Chen Jing was sitting on now.

And the name of the stop where he got off was consistent with the residential address written on his ID card.

Both were Zucchini Crossing-Dunwich Street.


So this name that combines Chinese and Western, is it serious?

Chen Jing yawned and leaned against the car window to open the first page of his diary.

"7.10: Nuo Nuo gave me a notebook that I can use to write a diary, but I don't think there's anything to write about... Forget it, I'll just write about it."

"7.15: I seem to have forgotten to write a diary again, but there's really nothing to write about the past few days. Except for the time when Grandpa got drunk and beat up the security guard at the gate of the community, there's basically nothing to remember... Actually, the security guard deserved it. He dared to charge the owner for entering and leaving. He was really poor, but Grandpa was really a bit heavy-handed..."

"7.16: Manager Sun of the community property came to us. According to the old tradition of our community property, they were going to let Grandpa take over the position of the previous security guard, because there was only one security guard in the community. After he died, there would be no one to watch the gate. For the time being, the property can only tie a dog to guard the gate, and it's still the kind that hasn't been weaned for half a month... (I heard from Grandpa that it was Manager Sun's relative , no wonder they look so similar)"

"7.16 afternoon: Grandpa quarreled with the property management staff, and I didn't keep an eye on him and he started fighting again. I really don't understand why Grandpa is always so irritable."

"7.16 night 20:11: Manager Sun from the property management came to my house to argue with Grandpa, saying that he could understand that the old comrades didn't understand their work, but it was a bit too much for the organization not to understand the difficulties of the organization."

"7.16 night 20:15: Grandpa told Manager Sun to get out, and then started swearing (it was really swearing, so swearing that the dirty things in the unit building covered their ears and ran out, I couldn't listen to it anymore).."

"7.16 night 20:17: Manager Sun, nicknamed the Dunwich Two-Headed Dog, was scolded and cried. Oh, no, only one head was scolded and cried, and the other head was still arguing with Grandpa and saying some things I If you don't understand, what... why are you yelling so loudly! If you keep yelling! Can you be a little nicer! "

"7.16 night 21:00: Manager Sun ran away with the only head left."

"7.16 night 21:05: My window was smashed, and the glass was shattered all over the living room. I ran over to see that it was Manager Sun who threw the brick downstairs. He turned around and ran away after throwing it. His hand was really strong... This is the 16th floor!"

"7.16 night 21:10: There was another furry dog ​​head in the refrigerator."

"7.17: Grandpa was called away by the property company in the morning. After he came back, he said that he was the new property manager and the only gold medal security guard in the community. Then he stood at the gate of the community with a baton, and hit anyone who came in or out, saying that he had wanted to beat the owner for a long time..."

"7.17 night 23 : I suddenly found that writing a diary is quite interesting, but it feels like time is passing faster... Grandpa's birthday is the day after tomorrow!"

"7.18 9:10 am: I secretly ordered grandpa's favorite birthday cake with offal flavor, and I will hide it in the refrigerator. This time I can't do it like last time. I want to celebrate with grandpa, so I have to work harder to finish all the work..."

"7.18 4 pm: Today's mental treatment is over. The doctor said that my suspicion is correct. I am just mentally ill and recommends amputation. Can I believe him?"

"7.18 4:30 pm: Grandpa rushed over to meet the doctor as soon as he received my call for help. They talked friendly for about half a minute, and then they flipped the table and started fighting for no reason. I was at the scene... I think the doctor may not have the opportunity to treat patients in the future."

"7.18 5 pm: Grandpa went back. He said I was not sick and asked me not to think too much, but I just felt that I was not normal... I seemed to be really sick. ”

“7.18 19:00: Why is there still a traffic jam? I have to go to tutor Nuonuo soon. I think I will be late. I heard that Aunt Hong made some delicious food for me...but I don’t like it. ”

"I don't like these weird things, and I don't like killing people."

"I don't like quarreling, and I don't like fighting."

"I feel that everyone is so weird. Why do they think killing people is normal? Or am I really sick, sick, sick... Never mind. Tomorrow is Grandpa's birthday. I have to spend time with him. We'll talk about these things later!"

"By the way, I won't tell Grandpa about the headache I've had in the past few days, so as not to worry him, but... is what Grandpa said true?"

"Am I really not sick?"

"Or am I really crazy?"

"Never mind. Celebrate Grandpa's birthday first. I'm not sick, I'm not sick... I'm sick, I'm sick, I'm sick..."

The diary ends here.

Chen Jing closed the notebook with a complicated expression and glanced at the electronic clock in the car.

July 19th.

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