"Ah?" Chen Jing turned around with a confused look on his face, "What's wrong?"


Li Mobai couldn't remember how many times he had apologized to him, but when he saw this familiar face, he still felt guilty. If he had been willing to listen more to Chen Jing's opinions, the outside world would not be the same. He will ruin it...

"Are you talking to me?" Chen Jing pointed to himself in confusion.

"Yeah." Li Mobai nodded.

"Did you use my eraser as a cake cut again? Or did you steal my refill and use it to poke people?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"It's more serious than this." Li Mobai sighed.

"You didn't lose the English paper I gave you, did you? I wrote the essay for more than an hour! If you lose it, I will fight you tooth and nail!" Chen Jing suddenly became anxious.

"It's more serious than this." Li Mobai shook his head.

"What is that?" Chen Jing was confused.


As he said that, Li Mobai suddenly hugged Chen Jing and gave him a chokehold. The bright smile on his face could not tell whether it was true or false.

"I stole your fucking change to buy spicy chips! Hahaha!"


"Li Mobai! Why are you laughing behind you! You have a problem with me, right? Stand up!"

"Your mother dares you, Mr. Li, to stand up...forget it."

Li Mobai shrugged and stood up with a bright smile.

It seems that whether it is reality or virtual.

The way the computer teacher curses is still so ugly.


Li Mobai yawned and glanced around boredly, getting a clear view of the entire class.

Sun Hao, who was sitting in the third row from the bottom, was still trying to steal the seventh mouse ball. The girl in the sixth row was still not satisfied after changing QQ shows fourteen times in a row. Li Hao in the corner was still looking at his mobile phone. The novel in...

Just when Li Mobai turned his eyes back again, he saw Chen Jingzheng looking at him with gloating and snickering.

"You are laughing at me." Li Mobai cursed helplessly.

Although this is all simulated, it's really nice.

There is no need to think about those mind-numbing things anymore, and there is no need to fight to the death with other creatures.

Just live aimlessly like this, maybe just bask in the sun.

After all, the sunlight streaming in through the gaps in the curtains... was really warm, and the wind that smelled of formaldehyde from the plastic case and floor was also very gentle.

"I should be able to get a perfect score this time... If the guy who changed the essay dares to deduct my points... I will have to kill his whole family..."

Li Mobai was thinking about this simulation strategy and couldn't help but yawn and stretch.

And just then.

A sudden sound made him stifle his yawn.

"Why are you still acting like this? If you can't pass the exam, why don't you use your brain? Why are you killing the whole family..."

When he heard this voice, Li Mobai subconsciously looked at "Chen Jing" beside him, only to see that he was still staring at the screen and typing on the keyboard, chasing the thief running in front of him.

“Am I fucking hallucinating???”

At this moment, Li Mobai was not happy at all. On the contrary, he was a little nervous and even afraid... because he was afraid that this was really just an illusion.

Although judging from his physical structure and mental stability, it was impossible for hallucinations to appear on him, but he was just afraid... unspeakably afraid!


He was looking forward to this day day after day, looking forward to the old friend who had disappeared for thousands of years returning to him, but when he actually heard the voice, he couldn't believe it.

He was afraid that it was all fake.

He is afraid that he is just happy in vain.

He was afraid...so afraid!

The indescribable loss and emptiness that hit his face had not let go of him for thousands of years, torturing him in agony from the beginning to the end.

"Why do I seem to hear A Jing's voice..."

"Why are you hiding in the core of the surface world... And you have cut off contact with the old man and the others... This is not the way to lose your temper..."

Before Li Mobai fell completely into a daze, the voice only left one last sentence.

"Come back quickly, I'll wait for you at Kakosa."

Chapter 909 Final Chapter: The Future Beyond Time (Part 2)

When Chen Boxu woke up from his long sleep, he could hardly remember how many years had passed since Chen Jing left.

Hundreds of years?

For thousands of years?

"Why the hell did you wake me up?"

Chen Bofu was lying on the rocking chair in the study room, looking at the two old men in front of him impatiently.

Armitage, Hassard.

"Oh, I'm afraid you'll sleep to death, so I came here to see you." Armitage said with a smile, "This is what everyone agreed. After all, everyone is worried about you...you know what I mean. ?”

"Yes." Hassad nodded, "You old guy has been crazy all day long. Suddenly you said you wanted to sleep forever, and then you slept for such a long time... You think we are not afraid? We are afraid that you old guy can't think about it. !”

"Go away and say something useless..." Chen Bofu cursed, then slowly stood up and sat upright, rubbing his slightly stiff shoulders, and turned his head to look out the window.

In the yard of the old house.

Xiao Hei, who looks like a young boy, is sitting on the ground writing something with a pen. Surrounded by a soft cloud-like color, Chen Boxu knows that this is the color of the deep space looking for Xiao Hei to learn from him. The key is how to completely transform into a human being.

In the corner of the yard, on the swing that looked shabby.

Wei Nan and Yan Que were sitting side by side on the swing, swinging forward while whispering about some dynamics of the "Interstellar Parliament".

Xu Ye and others were standing in the distance. They didn't seem to dare to walk into the yard, for fear of provoking the old man who was suddenly awakened...

"You are all fucking idle." Chen Bofu turned over and left the recliner, rubbing his shoulders and walking out of the house, "What are you doing standing outside! Are you afraid that I will beat you? Get out of here!"


As Chen Jing's grandfather, and the only extraordinary creature who has been promoted to Sequence Nine besides Li Mobai, Chen Bofu is qualified to point at their noses and scold them... In fact, the last time they interrupted the old man's long sleep, they were scolded bloody.

"I can be promoted to Sequence Nine while I'm fucking sleeping. You have been stuck in Sequence Eight for so many years, and you still have the nerve to come to see me?! Get out of here!!" This was the original words Chen Bofu cursed when his long sleep was interrupted last time.

But what's the point of him being promoted to Sequence Nine?

It's meaningless.

At least that's what Chen Bofu himself thinks.

Even though he has been promoted to the level of Sequence Nine, he still looks much older than those useless people of Hazard. He walks unsteadily as if he will fall down if the wind blows, and the wrinkles on his face are even more frightening.

So every time they meet, seeing Chen Bofu like this, everyone can't help but feel a lump in their throats, knowing that the old man misses Chen Jing too much...

"Old man!"

"Please walk slower, be careful of your feet!"

Wei Nan and Yan Que were the first to run over to support the old man. Their appearance has not changed in all these years, and they still look like they are in their twenties... Especially Wei Nan, whose impetuous temper has not changed at all, and there is still a murderous look between her eyebrows, but overall she looks much more mature than before.

"I can't die, why are you helping me..." Chen Bofu said with a curse, and then looked at Ryan who was hiding behind Xu Ye.

"Didn't I ask you to go to Kakosha to help? I told you not to come back, you bastard, you are really..."

"Don't be angry, old man!" Xu Ye was still the same, with a smile on his face that was kind from the bottom of his heart, "Ryan has helped us a lot over the years, and this time he came with us to see you!"

"Yes, old man!"

The little guy Ryan has now become a man in his twenties, but his loyalty to the Chen family has never changed.

"Master, please let me come back. I'm worried if I'm not by your side..."

"If you ask me, you should just go back to the main city of Kakosa with us." The pigherd held a bunch of packed fresh ingredients, and the smile on his face was still innocent, "I'll cook today! Make you a good meal!"

"Old man, everyone missed you during your absence." Yugui, wearing the uniform of the temple, couldn't hold back his dead face in front of the old man, and said sincerely, "You are the only relative of the 'king'. If anything goes wrong..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Baien pushed him aside.

"No one quarrels with me when you're not here." Old man Lawrence came out from the back, with a helpless smile on his face, "Amitage and Hazard are so busy that I can't see anyone. I'm so bored that I want to learn to sleep like you."

"Can you learn it?" Ketuart squeezed Lawrence aside and walked into the yard with Dagon and Tekili, "Master Chen! How did you break through to Sequence Nine? I've been thinking about it for hundreds of years and still can't figure it out..."

"He is the king's grandfather, and you are not. Why can you be promoted like the old man?" Xi stood aside and sneered, "Just because your body has so many tentacles? It's like an octopus about to be put into the pot..."

Seeing that they were about to quarrel again, Chen Bofu frowned and cursed.

"Can you be quiet? You're bothering me right after I woke up... Piggy, aren't you going to cook for me? Go ahead. I'm a little hungry."

"Okay! I'll go now! Just wait a moment!"

The gathering was in the courtyard of Chen Jing's old house. After all, the house was too small to accommodate so many people, so they could only use random methods to make a few large round tables in the middle of the courtyard.

"Grandpa, I remember Mr. Wu seems to live here too... Why don't you ask her to come and have dinner with you?"

"Forget it, she's even more pessimistic than me, and she's probably still asleep, let's not bother her."

Chen Bofu raised his glass and drank it all, his whole mood seemed very low, looking at his old age, even his cloudy eyes could hardly open, how could he be as high-spirited as the old madman in the past...

"You guys can leave after dinner, I'll go to sleep for a while, don't come to me if you have nothing to do, wake me up when my grandson comes back."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other for a while, and seemed to want to say something, but seeing the old man's resolute attitude, they didn't have the courage to speak again.

"Master, you should go back with us..." In the end, only Ryan dared to say, "We are really worried about you being here..."

"What's there to worry about!" Chen Bofu frowned and cursed impatiently, "Can't I stay in Sentinel Ridge? Do I have to go back to the main city of Kakosha? Besides... I don't want outsiders to see me like this now."

Chen Bofu can always perceive the changes in himself, and he knows how embarrassed and miserable he looks, so he doesn't want to go back to the outside world and doesn't want to contact anyone... because he doesn't want to embarrass his grandson.

He is Chen Jing's grandfather.

He is the only blood relative of the King of Deep Space.

If outsiders see him like an old beggar, who knows what he will mutter in his heart...

"Don't worry, old man, A Jing will definitely come back." Yan Que comforted softly.

"Sure?" Chen Bofu smiled bitterly, "It's been almost a thousand years now, right? Who has any news about him? Besides, that kid has never left me for so long, I'm worried about him being bullied and wronged outside..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Bofu poured himself another glass of wine, and Hasad on the side handed him a cigarette, but he didn't take it and didn't intend to take it.

"My grandson has always wanted to go home, so I have to wait for him here, otherwise he won't even see a shadow when he returns home, how worried he will be..." Chen Bofu sighed.

No matter what Chen Jing's identity is, no matter what sequence Chen Jing is.

In the eyes of the old man.

He has always been the child who needs to be cared for.

But now the old man can't do anything, and doesn't even know how his grandson is doing outside...

Perhaps because the topic returned to Chen Jing, the atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly became depressed, and Wei Nan and Yan Que were silent with red eyes.

"It's July now, and you've come at the right time. Sentinel Ridge is only comfortable in summer. It's freezing cold when it rains, let alone winter..."

Seeing that no one was talking, Chen Bofu changed the topic. After all, he didn't want to host a meeting to commemorate Chen Jing.

"Well, it's quite cool." Hasad sighed, clinking his wine glass with Chen Bofu, "It's just that the cicadas and birds in the mountains are too annoying, and you don't mind the noise."

"My grandson likes it." Chen Bofu smiled, "He has liked these sounds since he was a child. He can't sleep well without hearing them. It seems to hypnotize him, but I think it seems a bit noisy. I have to clean it up in a few days..."

As he said, Chen Bofu turned back and looked into the depths of Sentinel Ridge.

In the mountains covered with green forests, the noisy cicadas kept echoing in the valley, which was indeed a bit annoying to listen to...

"Forget it, I'll go there later. It should be quiet if I kill a bunch of them." Chen Bofu muttered to himself and was about to turn around and continue drinking with Hasad, but he saw a black dot suddenly appear on the other side of the mountain from the corner of his eye.

The black dot seemed to appear out of thin air.

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