The End of Technology

Chapter 178 Subversive Imagination

"Will Ning Zi be troubled?"

While Zhuo Mingqian was still confused, Lu Xiaoya had already slipped out of the back door nimbly.

In fact, Zhuo Mingqian wanted to explain to Lu Xiaoya that Ning Jie's doctoral thesis defense was actually a process. Didn't even Principal Chen come and sit down and watch?

Those old academicians might not quite understand what Ning Zi is studying.

Moreover, it was obvious that the academicians were at a disadvantage during the discussion. Before Ning Zi could even begin to answer many questions, internal debates began.

From the perspective of Zhuo Mingqian who consciously participated in many doctoral thesis defenses, Ning Zi's performance today was perfect. Although he didn't understand, he never let go of his ability to observe words and emotions. Just looking at Teacher Ning's expression, one could tell that there was no surprise.

But he didn't dare to say that he knew Ning Zi better than Lu Xiaoya. After all, the two sleep together every day.

When Lu Xiaoya jumped out, Ning Xiao and Zhai Qiuxian also followed him out of the lecture hall, and Zhuo Mingqian naturally followed at a trot.

Many people have gathered in the corridor outside the lecture hall.

A lot of people came to observe Dr. Ning Ji's graduation defense this time, mainly postgraduate students from Huaqing University and Yanbei University. However, for today’s doctoral defense, you need to apply online and get an electronic pass before you can attend, so this situation is expected.

Ningyuan has already arranged staff and is orderly inviting these doctoral students who are observing to other conference rooms and lecture halls on the fifth floor for discussion, so although there are many people, it is not chaotic. Zhuo Mingqian also saw at a glance that Ning Zi was chatting with someone at the front door, while Lu Xiaoya was standing to the side.

Ning Zi's expression was indeed quite serious.

Zhuo Mingqian was just about to go over when he saw Ning Jue waving to him, and he quickly quickened his pace.

"I have something to do. It may take about an hour. The defense committee will eat first after the results are released. You don't have to wait for me. You can help me entertain."

"Ah? What is so important? Today is your graduation defense, why don't you wait for the results? What will I say when the big guys ask me about it later?"

Zhuo Mingqian was stunned and asked immediately.

"Well, just say that the questions raised by Academician Yuan just now gave me some inspiration, and I'm going to look up some information."

"There seems to be no problem in the defense. I feel like you answered it well."

"It's not a defense question. It's just that the question about disturbance just made me think of a possibility. We usually think that the four-dimensional or higher-dimensional dimensional space will maintain a relatively stable state in real time, and the disturbance control of overlapping dimensions will always be It is orderly and follows the basic rules of physics, such as the conservation of energy. But if two different dimensional spaces overlap, and if the rules are contrary to the rules, it may not be a stable space, but will continue to expand, just like... …It’s like…a singularity in the universe. Well, do you understand that?”

Zhuo Mingqian shook his head blankly.

"Well, you don't understand. Anyway, I'll leave this to you first. I will be back before two o'clock in the afternoon. After lunch, you can arrange for the academicians to take a break. By the way, Xiaoya, cousin, I will I won’t accompany you anymore. Let’s celebrate tonight. If you have anything to do, please go to Xiaozhuo directly, or ask Xiaoya to go to Director Jin, and they will make arrangements.”

"No problem, just do you want to help?" Lu Xiaoya raised her head and asked.

This question made Ning Zi laugh happily, stretched out her hand and pinched Lu Xiaoya's cute little face, and said: "You are not interested in these things, I will tell you tonight to help you sleep better. "

"Ouch..." Lu Xiaoya was a little embarrassed. After all, she really fell asleep just now, but who told her to get up too early today?

"Okay, Ning Zi, you go first. You don't have to worry about us. We can take good care of you."

"Well, let's invite Professor Fang to have dinner with us tonight."


After saying hello, Ning Zi nodded to Zhai Qiuxian again, then turned around and left directly.

"What did Ning Zi say just now?"

"Time? Space? Low dimensions and high dimensions? Let me tell you, these things are not something that normal people can understand. If you want to understand them, you must first understand a bunch of symbols. Really, last time I saw Ning Jie's handwriting Only when I got those manuscript papers did I realize that there are so many symbols in mathematics, and each one of them is very weird, so let’s not worry about that. As long as there are no problems with the defense, it will be fine.”

Lu Xiaoya said carelessly.

She is very tolerant and has already given up on treatment.

Currently, the biggest problem with marrying Ning Zi is that although we all have the same brain, I always feel like my own brain is not enough.

In the end, I can only lament that all the nutrients I eat are used to build muscles. But for Lu Xiaoya, this kind of trouble is actually not a particularly bad thing, because she can always quickly adjust her mentality and focus elsewhere.

For example, after marrying Ning Zi, she can freely go to Ning Yuan every day and enjoy the delicious food carefully prepared by the chef with peace of mind. This alone can make her feel happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Xiaoya, does he often do this?" Zhai Qiuxian suddenly asked.

Lu Xiaoya tilted her head and thought for a moment, then shook her head blankly and said, "Not often, right? Normally, he rarely has something to do. It's not like this."

"Oh, looking at Ning Zi's cautious look, maybe there will be some breakthroughs and something big is going to happen, right?"

"Haha, Ning Zi is not omnipotent. Besides, if something big happens, it's none of our business. Come on, I'll take you to the kitchen to see if Master Su is here today. If he is, we will be in luck. Master Su The cooked food is really delicious. Brother Zhuo, let’s get out of the way first.”

After saying that, Lu Xiaoya happily led the two women toward the elevator. In fact, Zhuo Mingqian also wanted to follow him, but Ning Zi also arranged a task for him, so he had no choice but to give up.

He is too difficult.

At this time, Ning Zi had already walked out of Ningyuan and returned to the study room of the small villa.

After entering the door, I saw March pacing in the room.

As soon as he entered the door, Ning Zi said: "Wrong theoretical guidance may also lead to correct results. For example, Carnot's theorem was obtained through the reasoning of the caloric theory, and the caloric theory has been abandoned by the theoretical community. Therefore, the media space was The research relies on the exhaustive method?"

"Meow..." the kitten meowed, then jumped into Ning Zi's arms.

"It can be said that it is just a lucky exhaustive method. The specific principle is to constantly modify the frequency to correct the response of microscopic particles, and then track the particle transition through specific traceable values, collect data and model. But at that time we The amount of data we have is enormous. If you're right, it could take thousands of years to exhaust all the scenarios if we weren't lucky."

Obviously March has read his mind, and Mao Mao understands him.

"It is known that you come from another universe. Each universe is connected to the interior by a medium space. The principle followed inside the medium space is that the particle motion speed is always greater than the speed of light. Based on these conditions, there are many models of the macroscopic universe. The universe is in different stages, exploding, expanding, heat dying, being squeezed by the surrounding universe, and then energy is injected into the medium space, and the universe begins to shrink... But what if it is wrong?

Let's first assume that the theory of relativity is absolutely correct, then calculate according to my idea, if there is such a hypothetical circular high-dimensional space, then according to the formula of relativity, it should not be a regular sphere, or a singularity, its The interior may be hollow, as if there is a sandwich between the universe. Therefore, the physical law in the medium space is not that particles are always greater than the speed of light, but that the speed of light is slowed down when passing through the interlayer.

This formula should be deducible. With this formula, we can directly calculate the curvature and position of the space, and locate the space through experiments. But this requires correction of Ning's inequality. k is not the only constant. It should depend on the position of the light point when it passes through the magnetic field. If accurate calculations can be made, theoretically the medium space can be deduced with precise coordinates outside the space. It's not a subway station, but a massive energy store. "

As Ning Jie talked, a picture of the beginning of the birth of the universe appeared in his mind. Different dimensions are intertwined to construct a large, complex and disordered system. Under the influence of rules, the originally chaotic and disordered state gradually begins to become orderly. Galaxies began to form, and countless stars began to perform their duties in an orderly manner, rotating under the force.

This sounds contrary to the theory of entropy increase, because energy injection is required to change from disorder to order. Otherwise a closed system will only become increasingly chaotic. So there is only one reason for all this. During the expansion period of the universe, energy has been injected to ensure that the direction of the planet becomes more orderly.

The previous March theory Curry believed that the projection of medium space in the universe corresponds to the yet-to-be-discovered dark matter and affects the expansion of the universe. But now Ning Zi feels that this conclusion is open to question.

"Meow, I don't know, but I can do a preliminary verification of your idea. If your idea is correct, then taking the Milky Way as an example, giant celestial bodies are allowed to exist in its central area, and there may even be two there. The connection point of the recurved high-dimensional space. However, according to the current astronomical theoretical model, the middle region of a large galaxy is a black hole with a huge mass, and it is impossible for any celestial body to exist. In fact, no celestial body has been found to exist in this region so far. "

Ning Zi nodded and said: "First of all, not finding it does not mean that it is not there. The current astronomical theoretical model may still be wrong. It was not found before because everyone did not think in this direction. If you don't look for it, , how do you know? I think we should first construct this theoretical model, and then start calculations to find out where these celestial bodies may exist. As for the verification work, that is what astronomers should be responsible for, right?"

"Meow, of course. If this is proven, then our plan should be advanced. This means that human civilization can travel the entire universe at a faster speed, and can even transform the planet by guiding energy into the medium space. Adjusting the habitable environment of the planet is indeed a genius idea. Then the next step is the writing of the paper and the huge calculation work. But I need you to record the entire derivation process in detail first."

Ning Zi nodded and said: "This is also the reason why I chose to come back at noon. I need to complete the paper as soon as possible and then hand it over to the astronomers for verification. It is exciting to think about it. A root derived from zero dimensions. "Three-dimensional lines can theoretically completely cut through all three-dimensional, four-dimensional or even higher-dimensional structures, even black holes. The structure of space is so wonderful."


It was exactly two o'clock in the afternoon when Ning Zi returned to the doctoral defense site.

There was actually nothing much to say about the rest of the agenda, and there were far fewer people watching.

For the big guys in the defense committee, Ning Zi's sudden departure in the morning seemed a bit shocking, but with Zhuo Mingqian's dedicated explanation, it was actually not that unacceptable.

In Zhuo Mingqian's words, it is understandable that Ning Zi was inspired by her mentors and suddenly had an inspiration and rushed to record it.

Mathematicians are probably the group of people who believe in inspiration or enlightenment more than literary people.

There are countless examples of people who have been studying a topic for many years and were stuck on a certain issue for months or even years, but suddenly one day they seemed to have an enlightenment and figured out this key node.

The trigger may be a casual remark, a question thrown by someone, a lonely afternoon, or even a fallen leaf, which makes no sense at all.

In particular, most mathematics masters who have reached the position of academician have had this kind of epiphany experience. When inspiration comes, all the problems in front of you will be solved naturally, and you will achieve supreme glory. The only problem is probably that this kind of inspiration is uncontrollable. No one knows whether it will come or when it will come.

So probably the only thing a mathematician can do is to quickly record what he thinks clearly at that moment when he is inspired.

Not to mention that being able to bring inspiration to a young mathematician like Ning Zi, who is almost an all-rounder, is actually something that can be used to brag about. What big achievements will Ning Zi make in the future? When giving interviews or writing articles, It's also an honor to mention the source of inspiration casually.

In addition, the University of Sports did not neglect it either.

Although Ning Zi did not come, the instructor Chen Lili and the principal Chen Yonggang were also accompanying the whole process, as well as world-class experts such as Dominique Duncan and Conan Lamar. The standards were high enough.

So Ning Zi successfully passed the thesis defense just as Zhuo Mingqian expected.

Theoretically speaking, he can already be called Dr. Ning.

However, before Ning Zi officially received his doctoral diploma, Chen Yonggang announced something at the end of the report meeting.

“I announce the official appointment of Dr. Ning Ji as a tenured professor at the National Sports University and grant him the title of first-class full professor.”

So after Chen Yonggang said this, he could directly bypass Dr. Ning and call him Professor Ning.

This did not go beyond the expectations of many people present, as if the doctoral thesis defense was just a formality, giving everyone a step down.

The title of first-class full professor will be given sooner or later, just like academician will definitely be awarded.

It's just a bit sad.

After all, it might take others half a lifetime to complete the journey, but this guy completed it in his twenties.

Zhuo Mingqian even suspected that the school was paving the way for Ning Zi to become an academician next year. After all, if Ning Zi became an academician next year, it would be somewhat unpleasant if he was not a first-level professor.

Moreover, academicians are elected every two years, and each election takes almost ten months from nomination to finalization of the list.

I became a professor in December this year, and the nomination of new academicians will begin in February just after the new year. This time next year will be the time when the list of additional academicians will be announced. Zhuo Mingqian is amazed at how stuck this timing is.

As for the nomination of new academicians, which requires three academicians to write reports, this is not a problem at all for Ning Zi.

Not to mention Fan Zhenhua, Lu Zhengyue and the other two would write letters of recommendation for Ning Ji without any thought. Eight academicians came for just one thesis defense, not to mention that Ningyuan also recruited several academicians this time... Zhuo Mingqian was envious at the thought of this. He glanced at Chen Lili, who was standing next to Ning Ju with a smile blooming like a flower.

The student is already a first-level full professor. Will it be long before the supervisor is promoted to full professor?

When the students are all academicians next year, is it still far away for the tutor to become an academician?

A real winner in life.

Just when Zhuo Mingqian was filled with emotions, March had already sent a new paper signed by Ning Ji to the submission system of the world-renowned scientific journal "Science".

This is a paper covering multiple levels of mathematics, physics, and astronomy.

It took a total of five hours and three minutes from the idea to the completion of the paper.

Most of that time is actually spent on calculations.

Ning Zi improved the formula based on Ning Wei's inequality in the system database. In March, he calculated several possibilities based on this formula and ideas. Then it was announced.

The reason why I was able to complete the paper so quickly was not only that March was a quick paper shooter and could quickly generate documents after having relatively detailed calculation data, but also because the structure of this paper was actually very simple.

Make a conjecture, then give the calculation method and results, and then directly draw the conclusion.

As for whether it is correct or not, it does not require much physical verification. As long as it attracts the attention of astronomers and the space telescopes in the sky are powerful enough, it will be OK.

So strictly speaking, although this paper is novel enough, it is not the kind of mathematical paper where the traditional proof process is extremely rigorous.

In fact, many derivation processes are simply omitted, and the conclusions are given directly.

For many new scientific researchers, if this kind of paper is submitted to a top journal, the most likely outcome is that it will be directly thrown into the trash can by the editor.

However, this paper was signed by Ning Zi and submitted by March, so the treatment was naturally different.

In particular, March is even more looking forward to the verification of the results of this paper than Ning Zi.

If there weren't too many unknown risks in the universe, and March was an absolutely rational being, it might choose to enter the medium space directly and go to the middle of the galaxy to see if the situation was really as Ning Ju judged.

Fortunately, as long as the paper can be published successfully, it is relatively simple to verify it.

Because according to the calculation results, March even directly referenced the coordinates of the center of the Milky Way in the paper to give the possible coordinate positions of the stars.

This means that astronomers are told where to move the space telescope and what angle to adjust to make it more likely to discover new celestial objects that may exist. The difficulty of verifying this result is almost infinitely reduced.

And March has no doubt that this paper will be published directly, even if the acceptance rate of "Science" is only 10%.

Ning Zi’s signature is actually enough.

March's judgment is never wrong. If it does make a mistake, it will naturally have a way to correct it.

Washington, DC, USA, early Monday morning.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so the Eastern Hemisphere is always more than ten hours ahead of the Western Hemisphere.

While countless young people in China have already begun to celebrate Christmas Eve, the United States has just begun a day of work.

Christmas is one of the most important holidays in this country, but this year Christmas Eve falls on a Monday, so this year the magazine office has similar arrangements to the school. I have to work for half a day today, take a break in the afternoon, and then go home to prepare for Christmas and New Year's Day.

Human nature is actually the same across the world. Except for a very small number of people whose hobbies and work are basically the same, or who really feel that life should be fought for their ideals, most of them can’t get excited when they are about to celebrate a big holiday. work.

That was the idea of ​​Hooker Wiley, editor-in-chief of Science magazine.

Although I still arrived at the magazine on time to report in the morning, my mind was actually on vacation. Today he prepared a big turkey. His son and daughter have already decided to bring his grandson and granddaughter back to spend Christmas Eve together. The family has not been so lively for a long time.

He prepared several jokes and planned to tell them to everyone at the dinner party.

Yes, while he was still making coffee, his editor knocked on the door and walked directly into his office.

Hook Willett liked the young Frenchman and was not offended.

"Hey Yarrell, let me tell you a joke. A robber pointed a gun at the victim and said, "Take out all your money." The victim raised his hands and shouted, "You can't do this." , I am a member of Congress of the MZD. So the robber immediately said: So, please take out your money, and then take out my money, sir. Haha..."

Yarel Riley smiled slightly, then spread his hands and said: "Mr. Weili, you have forgotten again, right? I am a loyal believer in MZD."

"Political correctness be damned, okay, what's the matter?" Hook Willy shrugged and asked.

"I think you should take a look at this paper. Maybe we can expedite its publication and surprise the scientific community at Christmas."

As he spoke, Yarel Riley handed over the printed paper in his hand.

"Oh, let me see, Ning? Oh my God, he actually submitted articles to us? Let me see what he said, oh, God, I remember that there is a big black hole in the center of the Milky Way. As we all know, black holes are not allowed near There are objects, because they will be swallowed by them... But it is indeed an interesting conclusion. Maybe we can make a special edition, you know? You are very lucky today, because you are in a good mood, so you make a decision, Yarrell .”

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