989、False Peace

The motion of the peace initiative was quickly passed in the parliament of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, and Mina Bontry was appointed as the special envoy for peace, and officially sent a note to the Galactic Republic through official channels.

However, after the peace proposal of the Confederation of Independent Systems was sent to the Galactic Republic, it was directly rejected.

A spokesperson for the Galactic Republic stated that the separatists have not yet explained the previous terrorist attack on Coruscant, and in this case, the Republic does not believe that the other party has any sincerity in negotiating.

However, this time, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies expressed very sincerely that it is willing to cooperate with the Galactic Republic in all investigations. If it is found out that it was done by its own people, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies will not tolerate it.

But before that, it is still hoped to make official contacts with the Galactic Republic, paving the way for the opening of formal peace negotiations.

For such a statement, within the Galactic Republic, members of parliament headed by Bail Organa and Padmé Amidala supported it one after another, and expressed in the parliament that they should respond to this peace negotiation as soon as possible.

The situation began to be very unfavorable to the main combat faction secretly supported by Schiff Palpatine, because if they were still advocating the continuation of the war at this time, they would undoubtedly be on the opposite side of public opinion.

After all, the current Galactic Republic, especially Palpatine's side, is such a bitch, the kind who acts and stands. None of them want to bear the responsibility of instigating a war.

However, at this moment, Speaker Schiff Palpatine finally stood up.

In a parliamentary meeting, facing Padmé Amidala's appeal, Schiff Palpatine stood up, smiled and said: "A very good speech, Senator Amidala, your desire for peace , The sympathy for the vast number of creatures in the Milky Way has been truly conveyed to each of us. I can't wait to start this peace negotiation..."

He said with a little pain: "It is a shame for me that the war broke out during my term of office. I desperately hope that this war can also end during my term of office so that I can let go of this war." Huge pressure and responsibility, return to the manor on the planet Naboo, and enjoy the old age in peace."

"The end of the war is what each of us desperately wants to see." Padmé Amidala said.

"I heard that on the side of the separatists, Mina Bontry came as their peace envoy. I also have a lot of friendship with her. When she was working on the planet Naboo, she served as your mentor, right? ?” Palpatine asked very kindly.

"It is true. So according to the constitution, I need to avoid suspicion during this peace negotiation." Padmé Amidala said very frankly.

"Oh, hehe, there is nothing to avoid. I believe you can clearly separate private affairs from public affairs, just like the Rush Clovis matter before, isn't it?" Palpatine stabbed Padmé for a moment.

Padmé frowned and said, "I will never bring my personal feelings into work."

When Rush Clovis, who was hidden in the shadow of the parliamentary venue, heard this, the expression on his face became even colder.

Schiff Palpatine on the stage changed the subject and asked naturally: "So, may I ask, Senator Amidala, what kind of etiquette will we use to receive Senator Mina Bontry? The identity of the national ambassador? The identity of the star sector representative? Or the identity of the councilor?"

As soon as these words came out, both Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa's expressions changed drastically, and they even turned pale at that moment!

Schiff-Palpatine's smile looked a little unpredictable at this time, "Yes, I want to say, how will we treat the separatists in this peace negotiation? Let them use the star area local officials Come here as a person? Or as an equal regime envoy? This is very important."

At this moment, Palpatine threw a decisive blow, which is also a problem that those pacifists can't solve at all——


The Confederation of Independent Galaxies has always regarded itself as a regime independent of the Galactic Republic, but the Galactic Republic has never considered them to be an independent regime.

From the perspective of the Galactic Republic, the war that broke out now is just a civil war within the Galactic Republic! It is a war between localities and localities, not between countries!

The Galactic Republic has never recognized the name of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies. On any occasion, they call each other separatists.

So now, the two sides are going to start peace negotiations, no problem, what about the name? What about jurisprudence? Let me be clear first. Unless you admit that you are part of our Galactic Republic, nothing will be discussed.

From Padmé’s point of view, if they agree to look at the Confederation of Independent Galaxies at the national level, then they will immediately be charged with splitting the Galactic Republic, which is treason!

But if it is treated at the level of the star sector, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to accept it.

Because of the same problem, it is also in front of Mina Bonter! She absolutely cannot accept star sector level treatment, otherwise, it would be treason.

This is a knot!

Both Count Dooku and Palpatine have good, valid reasons for denying peace.

Because between the outer ring of the Milky Way and the inner ring star area, not to mention the nation, even the race, even the origin is different!

Mina Bontry's peace envoy stayed on the neutral planet Mandalorian and dealt with it through Satine, Duchess of the planet Mandalore, but with little success.

The Galactic Republic simply does not allow her entry as a special envoy of a sovereign state!


While the sham peace talks have stalled, the war between the two sides has not stopped.

21BBY, May 34th.

The Galactic Republic fleet assembled in the Dron galaxy launched a counterattack against the Confederation of Independent Galaxy fleet assembled in the Antal galaxy.

During this attack, the Galactic Republic invested more than 200 warships, including more than 80 hunter-class battlecruisers. This also shows that in just a few months, the Galactic Republic has recovered from the losses in previous battles and has regained a powerful mobile fleet!

The two sides started a bloody battle near the planet Antal V, and General Grievous personally commanded the battle. His military talent was brought into full play, and the fleet of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy was extremely brutal under his command, biting the fleet of the Galactic Republic like a jackal.

The Jedi Order organized a beheading operation against General Grievous. However, after forcibly boarding Grievous's flagship, the Invisible Hand, they were helpless in the face of General Grievous's powerful strength. The two Jedi The Master was killed by General Grievous during this decapitation operation.

The battle in the Antal galaxy has become extremely cruel, but Earl Dooku, who is far away on the sub-planet of Laxus, knows that this battle is a warning from Darth Sidious to him!

Sidious is telling him, what is real power, what is real power!

industry! science and technology! productive forces! fleet!

Everything is in his hands, and it is becoming an extremely powerful sword!

A mere Confederation of Independent Galaxies, a mere Count Dooku, a mere Death Angel...

You... can't resist it!

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