The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 985: Aftermath of the Terrorist Attack (Part 2)

984. Aftermath of Terrorist Attack (Part 2)

Confederation of Independent Galaxies, there is evidence!

During his public speech, Earl Dooku directly showed a recording, and also had a record of his actions.

According to this recording and action records, it is the Galactic Republic’s Coruscant immigration management department that has received an official authorization from their superiors to receive a batch of cleaning robots.

And this authorization from the superior is genuine, not forged.

At the same time, there is further evidence that a higher class of people dominated this terrorist attack. Even, this person can also influence the deployment and arrangement of the Galactic Council to a large extent.

And the reason why Cade Bain and his group were able to successfully attack the Galactic Council was also because someone was cooperating inside and outside, and this insider had a very high status!

The evidence provided by Earl Dooku is very strong, and there are actually factual facts.

This time, the Galactic Republic suddenly fell into a passive position. Because if this incident was ordered by the top leaders of the Republic, then it is obvious that the Galactic Republic wants to continue the war, and now the wave of peace that has swept both sides of the war will completely hit the face of the Galactic Republic.

But if this matter is not officially authorized, then the Republic must give an explanation on this matter, even if it is to throw out a scapegoat, it is impossible without enough weight. But once this happens, it will set off a huge political turmoil and plunge the Republic into a new round of internal friction.

When he saw Earl Dooku's speech, Palpatine was in the meeting place of the Galactic Council, his fists were clenched tightly under the platform, and there was endless anger hidden under his calm expression! !

Now he finally understands why Cade Bain and his group made an empty attack! Why did another wave of people run over and snatch Ainle-Tim away.

Because in this way, the whole thing is out of his own control!

And Cade-Bane rushed to nothing, all his actions, now there are only traces of Palpatine's own actions on the side of the Galactic Republic, but no traces of separatism! That's why Earl Dooku dared to throw out these evidences directly! Because the small tricks that the Confederation of Independent Galaxies really engage in are not here at all!

Schiff-Palpatine never believed that the Confederation of Independent Galaxies had the ability to carry out a single operation to rescue Ainle-Tim, but they really did it!

In this way, coupled with Earl Dooku's sudden action that was completely different from the plan, he fell into a passive state directly!

Now he had to give up some pawns to prevent his small actions in this matter from being dug out. But this comes at a price...


Meanwhile, the Jedi Order launched an investigation into the killing of Master Ross del Massona.

Master Yoda personally led several Jedi masters to the mansion of Rush Clovis. The direction of Clovis' room was already a mess, and even the walls collapsed.

The aftermath of the battle that took place here was no less than a direct explosion of a blockbuster!

Just arrived here, all the Jedi masters frowned, "The power of the dark side! This is the dark side force!"

But Master Yoda shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "The force of the dark side, this is not. It is more chaotic, more brutal, this force."

"Isn't it the dark side force? But I do feel the killing and blood in this force." The Jedi master said.

Master Yoda came to Masona's body, only to see several stab wounds on his chest, and a doll made of broken steps beside him, which was very ugly and even a little hideous.

His brows were furrowed tightly, and he was silent.

At this time, Master Windu walked quickly from the door, "What happened to Masona?! Here... this is not the dark side force! This is an ancient power..."

"Master Windu? Aren't you on the front line?" A Jedi Master was a little surprised.

"Master Masona is my adjutant, and I didn't expect to be murdered here! I have to come and see what happened." Master Windu's face was very ugly, "This power is the same as the one that started to be active in the outer ring star area last year. The killers are very similar."

Master Yoda nodded. "Assassinate Governor Tarkin, he did. Unfamiliar use of the Force, that means."

Master Windu also nodded, "Indeed, this may mean that we have new enemies."

He looked at the voodoo doll, and said solemnly: "The wounds that appeared on Master Massona's body all correspond to this doll. And there is also a strong force reaction on this doll. Could it be that this person is Master Massona killed directly through this doll?"

"On the scene, there was only Master Massona's lightsaber trace, and the other party did not use a lightsaber. We have never heard of this kind of fighting method..." said a Jedi master.

"Looking up the classics, searching the database, we must. Find the source, this unique way of using the force." Master Yoda said.


After Mr. Ainle-Tim returned to the planet Marathal, he also immediately had a call with the Prime Minister of the Fourth Civilization, Francis Underwood, and then asked to see the Governor of the Dawn Planet, the supreme leader of the Fourth Civilization Tang Xiao.

On the second day after Planet Marathal publicly announced to join the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, Ainle Tim secretly went to Planet Dawn to meet with Tang Xiao.

"Your Excellency the Governor, thank you very much for your command of this rescue operation. I once thought that I would never be able to return to the Outer Rim Star Region," Councilman Tim said.

"If it were you, you are worthy of my involvement." Tang Xiao said seriously, "Not only because of your lofty reputation, but also because you represent the choice of billions of Granites. The people, It’s our foundation.”

"Your Excellency Governor, I admire your foresight, but under the current circumstances, I would like to hear your opinion on this war." Tim said.

"You have been in the core circle of the Republic and Coruscant for many years. You must be very aware of the gap in strength between us and the Galactic Republic. But even so, you still have no hesitation in announcing to join the Confederation of Independent Galaxies. I really want to hear what you mean first. .” Tang Xiao kicked the ball back directly.

Ainle-Tim shook his head, "This is our only option, because I'm sure that if we stay in the Galactic Republic, the situation of our Granites will only get worse."

He paused, and said: "The Galactic Republic is undergoing some subtle changes, some terrible changes... The power of the Republic is concentrating on a few people..."

He looked up at Tang Xiao, "The Galactic Republic is heading for another path."

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