The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 983 Chaotic Coruscant

982. Coruscant in Chaos

"What's going on?! Why is there a power outage?!" After the power outage in the prison, the guards fell into further panic again.

James Bond also pretended to be terrified, and said loudly: "No! No! If this continues, the prisoner will die here! If Congressman Tim dies here, all of us will have nothing to eat!"

Because of the power outage, the communication has been completely interrupted now. When have these guards seen such a scene? !

You must know that the Milky Way has been peaceful for more than a thousand years, and many guards have never even shot at moving targets. As for enemy attacks? Up to now, even the simulated scenes in the holographic combat simulator may have been made up indiscriminately.

"Quick! Break the controller!" Bond said, pointing to the iron gate controller.

The two guards rushed over and smashed the controller with their rifle butts, and the iron door opened silently. In order to prevent being locked after a power failure, all such automatic doors will have such settings.

Because of the gunshots from outside, Ainle-Tim had been hiding in the corner, and a group of guards rushed in to surround him, but they didn't know what to do.

James Bond ran over and roared, "What are you doing? Hurry up and send Congressman Tim to Parliament!! Now the prison is not safe anymore!!"

"Oh...oh!" Several guards quickly helped Ainle Tim up.

When they heard that they were going to the parliament, they immediately felt that it made sense. Ainle-Tim was one of the most prestigious members of the Galactic Council. It would definitely be the safest to send him to the council at this time. If you blame them afterwards, they will definitely not be involved.

"Where is the spaceship!?" Bond asked again.

Several guards immediately chattered. Some said that the warden had a spaceship, some said that the transport spaceship would arrive regularly, some said that there was a medical emergency spaceship behind, and some even said that he could call a spaceship to come.

Bond didn't hesitate, "Okay! Just the medical spaceship! Go!"

In the prison, this power outage made the already chaotic prison even more chaotic. After the control room was destroyed and the communication was interrupted, everyone had no idea what to do.

They were completely unable to organize effective resistance, and could only run around screaming loudly. And Gabriel Tosh is continuing to amplify the chaos. He continued to snipe and kill the pilots of the hoverbikes, making the hoverbikes dare not take off, and then entering the prison, making those humanoid mechs useless at all.

After dozens of guards were killed, the prison was completely out of order. Tosh acted like a stroller in the prison. When he was in a good mood, he raised his gun and killed a few people. He raised his hand in the shadows and looked at the message sent by the universal tool, and sneered, "Parliament, under attack, Very good. The second, task, can be done."

It took nearly an hour for more reinforcements to arrive at the Justice Department prison due to a power outage due to the destruction of the energy center and the attack on the Capitol. However, apart from the corpses and ruins all over the floor, what was left to them was the empty room of Ainle-Tim.


At the same time, Cad-Bane's gang successfully attacked the Parliament building under the cooperation of unknown "big shots". Taking advantage of the blackout caused by the destruction of the energy center, Cade Bain and the others broke into the parliament building and kidnapped more than 100 congressmen who were still staying here.

They planted bombs around and threatened that if there was any change in the republic, they would detonate the bombs and kill these congressmen.

These parliamentarians kidnapped by them are basically representatives of each star area. There are several planets behind them and the support of tens of billions of people. If these people are killed in the parliament building, then apart from these star areas It is possible to join the separatism in the future, and it is estimated that no one will dare to hold a meeting in the Congress of the Republic in the future.

When the kidnapping happened, the speaker of the parliament, Schiff Palpatine, who was escaping the disaster in his office, immediately took command of the overall situation in the heavily protected office. He contacted the Jedi Order and asked them to come quickly to solve the problem.

However, under the threat of bombs and the scruples about the lives of those congressmen, even the Jedi Order was helpless. At this time, Anakin Skywalker, who stayed in the Parliament Building with Padmé Amidala, sneaked out and contacted Master Windu.

But in the parliament building, Anakin did not carry a lightsaber, and could only watch secretly, and there were not many things he could do.

At this time, Cade Bain and his group finally put forward their own conditions: to request the Galactic Republic to immediately release Councilor Ainle-Tim, and the Speaker needs to personally issue an amnesty to them to ensure that no one can leave after they leave. time to hunt them down.

Schiff Palpatine sternly rejected the proposal, but Cade Bain responded immediately. He locked more than 10 congressmen in a room and detonated the bomb directly!

The picture of the dead bodies of congressmen in the room shocked everyone! This time, Schiff Palpatine finally bowed his head, and he said that he would consider it carefully.

However, before he could think about it for a long time, new news came that the prison of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic was robbed, and Councilor Ainle-Tim was missing!

Schiff Palpatine informed Cad Bane of the news.

Cade Bain's expression at the moment was extremely exciting, he felt like he was being played by someone like a clown!

He took great risks to come to the power core of the entire galaxy and kidnapped more than 100 congressmen, just to get Ainle-Tim out. Because he understands that once he starts doing things in Coruscant, it is easy to get in and difficult to get out.

So it is impossible for them alone to rescue Ainle-Tim. At this time, the mysterious "big man" gave them this plan. They thought about it and found it feasible, and they could get a lot of money for it. A reward, so I did it with my head pinned to my trouser belt.

But now tell them that Ainle Tim has been rescued?

Is this a joke? Then we risked our lives all the way here, and got lonely?


When there was a stalemate in the parliament building, in the luxurious mansion of Rush Clovis, the representative of the Interstellar Banking Association...

The air was distorted, almost hard to tell with the naked eye, quietly heading towards Clovis' room.

There, Clovis was sitting on his couch with his back to the window, seemingly working on paperwork.

Suddenly, 'Clovis' spoke: "Welcome, mysterious guest. I may have to tell you that your plot to assassinate Mr. Clovis must come to an end. If you don't dislike it, then Please also sit with me in the Jedi Temple for a while."

The sofa passed, and 'Clovis' tore off the wig and imitation mask. Under the mask was a human Jedi warrior in his 40s with a refined appearance and long hair tied behind his head!

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Ross Del Masona, Jedi Master, and at the same time, the person who arrested you." Masona showed a confident smile.


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Cade Bain, the parliamentary kidnapping case. 】

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