Chapter 970


Padmé Amidala looked at the handsome man in front of him, smiled very decently and said, "Actually, there is no other meaning, I invited you to dinner, mainly because I It’s really a bit out of order.”

Rush Clovis said tactfully: "It's not your fault, Padmé. We can't relax at all when it comes to national affairs."

As he said, the hand on the table naturally moved forward, and then gently placed it on the back of Padmé's hand.

Padmé's face changed, and she wanted to pull her hand away, but she held back when she thought of her mission, and just reminded, "This is not the time before, is it?"

Rush Clovis sneered, but still took his hand back gracefully, "I always think that this wrong war made us lose our sense of normalcy and make wrong decisions. In fact, We don't need to be so alienated."

"Wrong decision? I'm glad you think so, Clovis, because you still have to explain the matter of the Interstellar Banking Association after all." Padmé said, but at this moment her tone was very relaxed, compared to The stern questioning at the venue in the afternoon is now more like ridicule among friends.

Rush Clovis said leisurely: "This is exactly what I want to tell you... Padmé. The Interstellar Banking Association is not what you think, they just want to protect their own Just property. But if you look at the planet Cato-Neimoidia for example, it was once a battlefield. If General Severance Tann hadn't repelled the Republic fleet there, even I would be bankrupt now. "

Now Padmé Amidala was really surprised, "Cato Neimoidia? You actually have property in Cato Neimoidia? That world of wealth that is second to none?"

"Well, after all, serving in the Interstellar Banking Association is still a very generous thing." Rush Clovis waved his hand casually, as if he didn't seem to care about his huge wealth at all.

Padmé Amidala looked a little lost, she lowered her head, sighed and said: "But no matter what you have there, it is very dangerous now. If you really want to continue with me, then we should leave These disputes are right...ah, no, no...nothing..."

Padmé knew she was aphasia, and quickly wanted to change the topic, but for a while, she didn't know what to say, so she had to lower her head shyly.

Rush Clovis keenly grasped Padmé's words, and he said in great surprise, "You mean, you want to continue with me... Padmé, you should know that this year How do I spend every night without you since..."

Excitedly, he tried to grab Padmé's hand again, but was dodged.

Padmé turned her head to the side and whispered, "You know, I don't have many friends in Coruscant... Representative Onaconda Farr and Representative Bail Organa, they are more like elders to me . . . I'm really lonely."

"I understand your feelings! I understand so much, Padmé...I...I really don't know how to describe it. This war, this war was a mistake! So much so that I lost you for a while... But that's not the way it is, it's not." Rush Clovis was rambling excitedly.

A hint of impatience flashed in Padmé Amidala's eyes, but he still pretended to refuse and greeted, and once again slapped the salty pig's hand extended by Clovis, "You are right, if you don't If this war... If the war can be stopped, maybe we can really start again. But, but... The Interstellar Banking Association is too dangerous, too dangerous..."

Rush Clovis said seriously: "Actually, I know that too. But don't worry, in my current position, no one can hurt me anymore. The Interstellar Banking Association is indeed dangerous, because it controls countless In this galaxy, if you control wealth, you control life and death. But I am the one who controls wealth.”

"You seem to have changed a lot." Padmé was stunned.

"My feelings for you have never changed." Rush Clovis said seriously: "What I have changed is only my way of doing things. I am cooperating with the Interstellar Banking Association to make an investment. Once this investment can If I succeed, then I can at least enter the top 100 on the wealth list of the galaxy. At that time, I can let go of everything and enjoy life with you..."

Padmé Amidala lowered her head to hide her expression, pretending to be in pain, "No...I can't think about it so much now. This war has exhausted my mind, countless people die every day, But... there's nothing I can do..."

As she spoke, she actually sobbed.

Seeing her crying, Rush Clovis became a little flustered. He stood up and wanted to hold Padmé's shoulders, but Padmé shook her shoulders while pretending to cry, and Clovis's He shook his hand away, and cried even louder.

Clovis had no choice but to squat next to Padme and said softly: "Maybe you have been under too much pressure recently. Why don't I take you to the planet Cato-Neimoidia for a while? Those who are qualified to enter this planet of wealth. There, all the scenery, services, and food are so perfect... until the future that can be seen, this is our life. Tomorrow, what about tomorrow?"

Padmé shook his head wearily, and smiled bitterly: "I'm very happy about your invitation, Clovis. But not tomorrow, I have a speech to attend tomorrow, and I have to wait for my guard captain and The pilot of the spaceship is back. Let's go the day after tomorrow... I really want to see the scenery of the wealth world Cato Neimoidia."

Clovis smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

The corners of Padmé's mouth turned up slightly, and her eyes were sharp under the cover of her palm. She said softly, "I look forward to the day after tomorrow... Thank you, Clovis."

"Everything about me is yours. Padmé are shining like the stars in the sky."


Back at the mansion, Padmé Amidala seemed to be a different person directly. She took off the complicated hair accessories, simply tied a capable ponytail behind her head, and then took out the communicator to connect.

The figure of Master Windu appeared in the holographic projection.

"Clovis invited me to the planet Cato-Neimoidia. You must know that this planet is the best wealth world under the Trade Federation, and they will not let outsiders enter. In this case, I have reason to suspect that Rush - Clovis is colluding with the Trade Federation. It seems that your intelligence is correct." Padmé said seriously.

"I am glad to see that you are not embarrassed by this, Senator Amidala." Master Windu nodded.

"From the day the war broke out, Clovis and I have nothing to do with each other. Seeing him and the separatists plotting conspiracies and tricks now only makes me sick." Padmé said coldly .

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