The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 953 Successfully Landed

952. Successful login

The development of this landing battle went smoothly beyond imagination, because with the communication cut off, the strength of the Galactic Republic was almost useless, and their warships were also a mess flying around, fighting on their own.

As I said before, the Jaeger-class battlecruiser is no match for the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser when it loses its shield. What's more, the fighters of both sides have not taken off, and the warships of the Republic dare not fight against the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser. Appear in front of you!

Therefore, when it was discovered that the fleet of the Fourth Civilization with the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser as the main force arrived in the Eriadu satellite orbit first, many warships on the Republic side chose to counsel. Without a unified command, this became There was a herd effect-the first few warships shrank, and the other warships stopped their engines. They could only watch the warships of the Fourth Civilization land on the Eliadu satellite from a distance.

The same is true on the ground battlefield.

Because there was no space pressure, the landing of the Fourth Civilization Army was not greatly affected, and the landing operation was carried out very smoothly, and more than ten stable landing positions were established.

Set up fixed anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft missiles, temporary energy shields, mobile radar stations, field hospitals, front-line maintenance centers and other facilities on the landing positions.

At the same time, the troops of the Injori rushed out earlier. Their combat effectiveness is extremely strong, and for those Republic defense lines that have no assistance or crossfire, they can basically be pierced with one stab.

Although as the war continues, the more than 1 billion armies previously recruited by the Republic have completed their training intensively, and the guard troops deployed by the 18th Army are also trained troops, but they are not clone troops after all, and they are still not clone troops. Rival of the Injori.

The Kali army followed closely behind and continued to expand the results of the battle.

While the defenders of the Republic were struggling to deal with these two powerful fighting races, the Fourth Civilization Army had also completed its initial landing deployment.

A large number of biped walking mechas got off the transport plane and lined up, ready to go into the battlefield.

These biped walking mechs have a box-shaped body and long anti-joint mechanical feet, all of which are AT-PT walkers! These are all installed in the cargo hold of the Blade Fleet, and after the Fourth Civilization robbed the Blade Fleet, they were also given as gifts.

In the Blade Fleet, the Fourth Civilization got a total of 5,340 AT-PT walkers, and this time, Ling Liang directly invested in 2,000!

The reason why a large number of AT-PT walkers were used in the landing battle of the Eriadu satellite, instead of the siege tanks commonly used by the Fourth Civilization Army with mastodon infantry fighting vehicles, vulture fighting vehicles, and M-9 Wolverine anti-aircraft vehicles, Coupled with the armor unit combination of the Giant Mecha and the Wolf Mecha, it is mainly a logistical consideration.

Because this battle is likely to be a lone battle, in this case, it will be more convenient to use the AT-PT walker that exchanged fire from the Republic, and it will be more convenient to get supplies, and you can directly use it on the spot. supply.

During the 2 hours when the stellar flares raged, it was a complete nightmare for the 18th Army of the Republic!

They have no communication, so they can only fight on their own. There is no plan, and all actions are performed by the commanders of the basic tactical units on the spot. There is no planetary shield, no fire control radar, and nothing.

Within 2 hours, the Fourth Civilization transported as many as 130,000 army soldiers to the Eriadu satellite to land on the satellite. Not only did it overfulfill the task of transporting soldiers, but it also transported more supplies, allowing the This force can last longer.

Two hours later, the magnetic field storm generated by the stellar flare finally dropped to a level that was not enough to affect the planetary shield, and the Eriadu satellite immediately raised the planetary shield, completely separating the Army and Fleet of the Fourth Civilization.

But the aftermath of the flare is still there. Although the planetary shield is deployed, the communication is still intermittent, and the interference to the radar is still very serious.

Severance-Tann did not back down because of the deployment of the planetary shield. On the contrary, she began to pursue the Republic fleet fiercely without covering the landing ship landing!

The fleets of the two sides continue to fight fiercely in the high orbit of the Eliadu satellite!

The Governor of the 18th Army of the Republic, Wilhof Tarkin, immediately issued numerous orders after the communication was restored, to stabilize his position, to keep his fleet retreating, and to form a defensive formation to avoid being cut off by the fleet of the Fourth Civilization. Come.

The fleet commanders of the two sides tried their best. Severance Tann had the advantage in battleship performance, while Wilhof Tarkin had a planet and a satellite with powerful firepower support. , both of them played a very high level of command when the communication was greatly disturbed.

This contest can be called a contest between the most pinnacle fleet commanders in the current galaxy.

But the result was soon revealed—Wilhuff Tarkin was defeated by Severance Tann's artistic battleship command, and finally had to completely withdraw from the high orbit of the Eliadu satellite. Regroup the fleet near the planet Eliadu and wait for the further dissipation of the stellar flare energy.

During these several hours of battle, Severance Tann finally commanded the Fourth Civilization's fleet, swept away the previous storm of the Republic's defense line and suffered heavy losses, and damaged and sank a large number of Republic warships.

At 0:34 on May 6th, the energy of the stellar flare finally dissipated to a relatively safe level. Governor Tarkin immediately ordered all fleets to launch a counterattack immediately, and at the same time, from the ground airport of the planet Eliadu and the satellite, And in the hangar of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser, more than 5,000 fighter jets have taken off successively!

Severance Tann's combat goal has been achieved. After the Republic's fighter group regained its operational capabilities, she understood that it was pointless to continue spending time here, so she led the fleet back to a distance of 0.5 light minutes, far away from the Republic's fleet. confront each other.

At this distance, the fighter group of the Republic needs to fly for a long time to arrive, and it is too far away from its own mothership, and its combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

At the same time, her fleet did not stop the continuous bombing of the planetary shield of the Eliadu satellite.


At the same time, Ling Liang had also entered the temporary command center set up by the Fourth Civilization Army on the Eliadu satellite. This was a radio and television center in a colonial city, and she regarded it as her own command center.

The area where the army landed is more than 500 kilometers away from the planetary shield generator of the Eliadu satellite. With the restoration of communication, the defenders of the Republic finally began to exert their advantages in the main battle.

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