The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 936 The Strange Salari Fleet

935. The Strange Salari Fleet

At the same time when the battle in the Eliadu galaxy officially broke out, on April 19th, Ron Schlieren led the Republic fleet to set off from the planet Aiyatu 6 to attack the planet Tibrin, and joined forces with the Serari who were defending there. The fleet exchanged fire.

The Serarian fleet is centered on three 1049-meter-long Doomsday Battlecruisers, five 296-meter-long Juggernaut-class drone motherships, and ten 288-meter-long Enforcer-class heavy destroyers. Thirty 77-meter-long Executioner-class heavy frigates.

The Salarians actually have their own warships, but this part of the mothership database is incomplete and not complete at all (who made the detailed settings of these warships not available in "Mass Effect"?). But in their After getting the complete battleship database technology of the Emma Empire in "EVE" from Tang Xiao, they thought that this series of databases was very suitable for them, so they took the battleships of the Emma Empire as their own development direction.

At present, the drones carried on these battleships are all vulture robot fighters widely used by the Confederation of Independent Galaxy. Anyway, the combat efficiency of this robot fighter is not bad, and it is the same as the B-1 combat robot. full.

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Therefore, although the Salarians have completed the research on the Acolyte I light drone that is included in the technology of the Ella Empire, considering the convenience of supplies, they still use a large number of vulture robot fighters.

In this fleet, there are only a small number of Acolyte I light drones equipped, and the main purpose is only to collect actual combat data.

In terms of size, the Salarian fleet is at a complete disadvantage to having 8 Hunter-class battlecruisers and 2 Cheer-class assault landing ships.

But after the battle broke out between the two sides, the fleet of the Republic suffered a lot in front of this completely unfamiliar fleet!

The Salari took off a large number of vulture robot fighters, and started a dogfight with the fighter group of the Republic. Taking advantage of this opportunity, their fleet directly charged towards the Republic's fleet, directly engaging in close combat.

The Republic Fleet soon discovered that something was wrong, because these warships they had never seen before were extremely fast, and their sub-light maneuverability could even be compared with the warships of the Corellia Engineering Company, which was originally famous for its maneuverability. !

And the three doomsday battlefield-class battlecruisers immediately locked onto a hunter-class battlecruiser after the battle, and then irradiated it with a strange beam of light. The operators of these hunter-class battlecruisers immediately found that their battleship engine Energy output dropped by 30%!

Moreover, the firepower output of the opponent's 3 Doomsday Battlefield-class ships has suddenly increased by a notch! Only then did they discover that all the energy was sucked away by the opponent's battleship!

This unprecedented battleship made the commander of the Republic battleship panic for a while. He mobilized other warships to concentrate fire on the three Doomsday Battlecruisers, but the Doomsday Battleship continued to absorb the energy of the three Jaeger-class battlecruisers. He couldn't chew on his own shield for a while.

And the other battleships of the Salarians frantically rushed towards the three hunter-class battlecruisers whose energy was absorbed!

The energy output of the engine has been sucked by 30%. For a Jaeger-class battlecruiser that needs energy to supply deflector shields and turbolaser cannons, it is equivalent to directly weakening the battleship by 30%!

Not only is the deflector shield capacity lower, but it also takes a lot longer to recycle, and the fire output of the turbolaser has also been reduced.

The three weakened warships were besieged by the Salarian fleet, and soon they couldn't support them and began to retreat.

But immediately, the Salari fleet also launched a powerful electronic warfare offensive, using a kind of particle interference equipment that is extremely weird for the Republic to interfere with the sub-light speed propulsion of the Republic warships and reduce the speed of the Republic warships.

This series of actions put the warships of the Republic in a dilemma. Fortunately, the firepower of the Salari fleet was not too strong. Firepower kills them.

In the constant exchange of fire afterwards, Jedi Master Ron Schlien was also surprised to find that the design ideas of these warships of the Salari were completely different from those of the Republic.

After the deflector shields of these battleships were broken, the armor of the battleships actually had extraordinary resistance!

The Galactic Republic naturally also has very in-depth research on battleship armor. For example, the Cheerer-class assault landing ship uses the atomic collapse technology including neutron star matter, which improves the anti-strike capability of the battleship armor to a terrifying level.

But this kind of expensive armor can't be equipped on every warship, and the essence of this kind of armor is still to increase the strength of the armor to resist attacks.

However, the white-bottomed gold-rimmed warship armor in the Salarian fleet is completely different. They actually detected energy reactions on these battleship armor!

According to the judgment of the technicians who followed the fleet, this kind of energy response is likely to be a technology added to the armor. Artificially increasing the strength of the armor, if the judgment is correct, is a cheap and high-quality way.

In the face of this fleet that is not strong in firepower, but fast, has all kinds of weird technical means, and is extremely resistant to beatings, the fleet of the Galactic Republic is completely helpless in a short period of time.

The two sides fought fiercely for more than 2 hours, and there were some minor losses. The Republic battleship took a lot of energy to rescue the three hunter-class battlecruisers locked by the doomsday battlefield class. It was hit hard, and the energy reserve was directly bottomed out!

Ron Schlien judged that if the number and size of the Salarian fleet were not too small, the Republic's fleet would definitely not be an opponent at the same size!

After thinking about it, Ron Schlien ordered an immediate landing operation on Planet Tibring, and then put his own fleet into a defensive posture.

Two Cheer-class assault landing ships broke into the atmosphere of the planet Tibrin and launched a landing operation on the capital of the planet.

Planet Tibulin is relatively backward, and does not have enough orbital defense firepower to prevent the Cheerers from directly airborne operations on the capital.

The acting governor of the planet, Sola Balk, immediately organized the robot army and the local army of the Ishi-Tibu people to advance towards the capital of the planet, setting up a defense line to resist the attack of the clone army.

But at this moment, the Salari fleet suddenly turned around, began to dismantle the hyperspace blocker set up by the Republic fleet before, and then turned back and rushed towards the rear of the Republic fleet, the planet Aiyatu 6!

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