The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 94 The Power of Darkness

92. The Power of Darkness

"There is no doubt that your little colony needs to grow, just like you, Tang Xiao." Hei Ge said slowly, "You have unparalleled potential, I believe you have already noticed it. You are different. Different! You will be stronger than all others, and you will reach the pinnacle of the galaxy! But, you need guidance."

"Guiding what?"

"Guiding you how to use this power - the power of the dark side of the Force!"

"It doesn't sound like something good." Tang Xiao pretended to be puzzled.

"Hehehehe..." Hei Ge laughed dumbly, "Good? Bad? No, no, no. This kind of cognition is too superficial, good or bad is determined by the result. If you are the winner, then you are a good person, If you lose everything, then you will be the heinous villain!

Maybe you have heard countless rumors about the Sith Empire, how cruel they are, how bloodthirsty they are, how they slaughtered civilized races one by one. But these are just the lies of the winners, because in the war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire thousands of years ago, the Sith Empire was the loser. "

"History is written by the victors." Tang Xiao concluded, "If you can't win, you can only be a 'bad guy' forever."

"That's right! So if you want to be a 'good thing', then you must become the most powerful existence in this galaxy! And I can teach you to do this." Hei Ge's words were full of demagoguery Power, even if Tang Xiao tried to use the force to protect his heart, he was gradually affected by him.

Or, in fact, Tang Xiao himself agrees with these words.

Be the strongest!

Whether it is the fourth civilization, or himself!

"Can you give me these? Why should I trust you?" Tang Xiao asked back.

"You are willing to come to me, which means that you already have the answer in your heart. But it doesn't matter, the person you handed over to me is the most suitable display. Come with me." Hei Ge waved, without waiting for Tang Xiao responded, and walked towards the depths of the building, and soon fell into the darkness.

The road was completely invisible in the darkness, and Tang Xiao bumped into the table within a few steps. He had to close his eyes and use force to feel Hei Ge's position.

Hei Ge didn't hide his existence. When Tang Xiao used the force, he was surprised to find that there was a boundless darkness in front of him! This is something darker than darkness. Compared with this darkness, the darkness inside the building is completely insignificant!

It was as if there was a black hole hovering in front of him!

This is the power of Hei Ge.

This is, the Sith Lord, the power of Darth Plagueis!

Without any hesitation, Tang Xiao stepped forward and followed the black hole in front of him. This time, he didn't touch anything else around him.

There was a burst of ugly laughter in the darkness, and Hei Ge didn't know why he was laughing.

Tang Xiao went all the way down to a dungeon, where there was finally a light, so there was no need to touch the dark anymore. The medical robot 11-4D is already waiting there, and Samir Sahad has also been released from the carbonation state, and is standing aside.

Hego Damask II stood in front of Samir and asked coldly: "What is your organization? Why is it near the Bothan planet Koslis? Broderick - Gravel and you what is the relationship?"

"Hehehe, Muun people, you are full of the smell of money, how can you understand the favor of Borden Moon! We are the people of Borden Moon, and we are existences above the entire galaxy!" Samir Sa Hader has been completely brainwashed by the cult, and he has no fear at all when facing Hei Ge.

"Oh, that's right. I'm always very satisfied with experimental products like you." Hei Ge said lightly, "You have to know that the force exists in all things, and it can even be said that the force dominates everything in the universe. So Naturally, the Force can also dominate this little experiment in front of me."

The second half of his sentence was actually addressed to Tang Xiao.

"If you have any means, just use it! I have the blessing of Borden's Moon, and death is just the beginning of life for me!!" Samir roared with a ferocious expression.

However, Hei Ge just raised his hand and waved lightly in front of him, "No, you will tell me everything. What are you planning, answer my question."

Samir's expression suddenly became blank, he struggled for a moment, and said: "I am a member of 'Bando Gora' (Bando Gora), and I am near the planet Koslis to secretly receive a batch of weapons and use death Rod's making a backup batch of 'brainless' here. I don't know Broderick-Gravel."

"Brainless people are those who are not afraid of being beaten to death?" Tang Xiao asked with a frown.

"Go away! You stinking beast! What did you do to me!!" Samir was not so honest, but turned his head and yelled at Tang Xiao.

Hei Ge smiled faintly, "Look, so the original force can do everything you want. I can make this beast tell me the truth, or...create life..."

As he spoke, he waved his hand lightly, and countless green abscesses suddenly appeared on Samir's body, accompanied by heart-wrenching pain.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Samir screamed loudly, he wanted to struggle violently, but found that his body could not move at all.

"No, no, no... without my permission, you can't do anything too outrageous. Samir." Hei Ge raised a finger and shook it, "Now answer me, what is a brainless person?"

"Ahhh! Brainless people... just... just use the death stick with a special formula, wow... the death stick... turn people into complete... wow, no, no thinking ability Brain!" Samir answered truthfully while screaming loudly.

Hei Ge's laughter gradually became ferocious, "...Of course, where there is creation, there is...destruction."

He waved his hand, and Samir's body was grabbed by an invisible force and flew in front of him out of thin air, then raised his finger and tapped lightly on Samir's abscess-covered arm.

"Ah! Ahh! My hand! My hand!!!" Under Samir's horrified gaze, his arm dried up in an instant, and it became skinny in a few seconds!

Hei Ge picked up his withered arm with his slender fingers, and pulled it lightly, and the arm was torn off like a dead branch!

"Give me back my hand! Give me my hand back!!!" Samir yelled frantically, but it was of no avail. In front of Hei Ge, his resistance was even worse than that of a chicken.

"Tell me about your Borden Moon, can he save you?" Hei Ge laughed grimly.

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