The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 932 The Expansion of Darkness

931. Expansion of Darkness

At the same time, Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, is the Jedi Temple.

A burly figure opened the door to the Jedi Council Hall at the top of the Jedi Temple and walked in.

In this small circular meeting room, including Master Yoda, all the current members of the Supreme Council of the Jedi Order are here, even Sass-Ting and others who are not on the scene, all participate in the meeting through remote communication .

Seeing this person come in, Master Yoda nodded and said: "It's recovering well, your body, it's nice to see, all of us, Master Windu."

The person who came was indeed Master Windu!

It's just that when he moves now, the sound of mechanical transmission can be heard from under the coarse cloth robe from time to time, and one of his eyes has also been replaced with a flashing red electronic eye. A mechanical device extends from the side of the electronic eye to the back of his head.

Such a cyber-like body, together with Master Windu's original burly figure and dark skin, added a hideous and terrifying taste to him. He bowed to everyone present, and said: "Yes, I am back. Although my body is mutilated, my determination is stronger...I will not turn back until I defeat separatism!"

Master Yoda nodded and said, "Well... we just discovered a new enemy."

He pointed to the holographic projection in the center of the meeting room, and then said: "Kill the governor of Planet Tibrin, this priestess."

Master Windu looked at the holographic projection, only to see that on the high platform, a woman in a purple robe and a gorgeous mask was giving a speech. Next to her, there was a head of an Ishi-Tibu!

She loudly denounced what the dictator had done, laid out those cruel crimes one by one, and accepted the trial of the people.

Under the stage, countless civilians were cheering loudly. If it weren't for the good effect of the loudspeaker, they would even cover the voice of the priestess.

Numerous flowers were thrown towards the high platform, and many civilians waved colored silk and branches, expressing their inner joy in the traditional way of the Ishi-Tibu people.

Suribran-tu, the brutal dictator, is finally dead! !

However, after seeing the holographic projection image clearly, Master Windu was shocked and said loudly: "Priest? No! No! She is...she is..."

"Master, Depa-Bilaba." Master Yoda shook his head in great pain.

Master Windu also reacted and stomped his feet fiercely, "That's right! On the planet Harunkar, she fell into the dark side! Then she followed the Lord of the Sith... and then destroyed the city of Pelek-Bau, Hundreds of thousands of people died!"

"Increasingly powerful, the power of the dark side." Master Yoda said.

"I request to go to the Tibulin planet in person to arrest Depa Birabha!" Master Windu said sharply.

"I'm afraid it's not easy..." Master Shak Ti, who participated in the meeting remotely through holographic communication, said, "You can see from the reaction of the people in the audience, I am afraid that Depa Bilaba's dictatorship against this Sulibran-Tu The accusations of the author are mostly correct, that is to say, she now has sufficient public opinion on Tibring Planet."

Master Windu said coldly: "But this cannot conceal the fact that she has fallen into the dark side and followed a dark and evil Sith Lord!"

"But at least in my opinion, this Suli Bulan-tu really deserves to die." Shak-Ti said.

"Whether Sulibran-Tu deserves to die or not should be the decision of the Congress of the Republic! And what we have to do is to bring Depa-Bilaba who has fallen into the dark side to justice!" Master Windu said.

"But the decision of the Congress of the Republic is to support this dictator whose hands are stained with blood to continue to rule the planet Tibrin." Master Shak-Ti didn't know what happened today, but he actually quarreled with Master Windu.

"As I said, this is a matter for the Congress of the Republic, not ours!" Master Windu didn't want to continue discussing this matter, he turned back and said to Master Yoda: "Master Yoda, please agree to my request."

However, Master Yoda slammed his cane on the ground, shook his head and said, "'s too risky, go to Planet Tibring. Join the Separatists, they are very likely."

He looked at Master Windu with very complicated eyes, and then said: "It's more dangerous, the situation on Planet Aiyatu 6. I'm heading there, Anakin Skywalker. Cultivate your body first, you should."

Master Windu wanted to say something, but when he saw Master Yoda's eyes, he immediately became alert and realized that his emotions were a little out of control. He lowered his head and said, "Understood, I will continue to cultivate my body and regain my composure. Force."


At this time, Tang Xiao and Earl Dooku were also discussing the matter of Planet Tibulin.

"I have received the exact information, Your Excellency Governor. This mysterious priestess is actually the former Jedi Master, Depa-Bilaba." Earl Dooku said.

Tang Xiao was a little disapproving, "Oh, I seem to have heard of her. It seems that she is now a dead angel. It just so happens that she also saves us a lot of trouble."

Count Dooku stared into Tang Xiao's eyes, wanting to see a clue, "Maybe you don't know much about the situation of the Jedi Knights, so I can say that Depa-Bilaba's sword skills are no worse than mine. too much."

"But she is now the enemy of the Republic and the Jedi Order, right? That's pretty good." Tang Xiao's behavior was indeed as if a person who knew nothing about the world of those who are sensitive to the force should behave .

Count Dooku didn't continue to probe, but said directly: "The Galactic Republic is now increasing its troops to the planet Aiyatu 6, and even if I make some arrangements on the planet Tibrin, the chaos there will continue for a while."

"I have contacted the priestess before, she didn't say much, just said that she will leave the Tibrin planet soon. Now I have sent the Salari fleet there, although their fleet size is not large. Big, but it's okay to threaten such a planet." Tang Xiao said.

"I will send one of my most capable partners to Tibring Planet as a consultant to assist in the work there, I hope you don't mind." Earl Dooku said.

"Of course I welcome it very much, or even if you don't say it, I will make this request. You are the one who deserves the most credit for the successful joining of Tibring Planet." Tang Xiao said very frankly.

His words were just right, and even Count Dooku was very relieved. Because for a long time, what he has been able to get from Darth Sidious has always been accusations and oppression. In contrast, Tang Xiao will always grasp the most suitable place to say what makes him most comfortable.

Earl Dooku naturally didn't know, this was the flattery skill that Tang Xiao had honed a lot when he was under Darth Plagueis before!

Count Dooku, who was in a good mood, said: "I will send Sola Balk to Planet Tibring as a consultant. His sword skills are not inferior to Depa Birabba. No matter what changes she has, it will be enough to solve it."

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