928. Dictator

"Planet Tibrin? This is indeed included in our current combat area against Planet Eliadu, but is there anything going on here?" Tang Xiao asked.

"A few months ago, I had an...unofficial visit to the planet Tibrin," said Earl Dooku.

Tang Xiao smiled, "Count Dooku, you have devoted yourself to the great cause of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies and the establishment of a new order in the Milky Way, which is admirable."

This sentence is sincere, because Earl Dooku has been running around the outer ring and the middle ring star area. It can be said that as long as there is a chance, he will come to hear the news, and use his three-inch tongue to stir up the planet. political situation.

At least half of the franchised planets in the Federation of Independent Galaxies joined because of his personal charm.

"It's about Sulibran-Tu. He is the dictator of Planet Tibrin, and he relies on the Republic to secure his position." Earl Dooku said.

Tang Xiao nodded. He naturally knew the information about the planets in the star field around the planet Eliadu.

"Many people think that Suli Bulan-Tu will be a loyal supporter of the Galactic Republic, but... At the beginning of the war, Suli Bulan-Tu approached me on his own initiative, and he wanted to join the Confederation of Independent Galaxies " Earl Dooku said, "However, the conditions he put forward are that he wants to enjoy the dividends of the war, get dividends after the war, and most importantly, guarantee the dominance of his entire family."

Tang Xiao frowned slightly, he didn't expect such an incident in the middle.

"At the very beginning, I agreed to his request. However, I also told him that with the strength of Tibring Planet, it is difficult to get a war dividend, but it is undoubtedly necessary to ensure his family's long-term rule over Tibring Planet. It can be done," Count Dooku said, "and he agreed."

Earl Dooku said, his eyes became cold, "But he changed his mind. The Republic has provided him with more generous conditions."

Tang Xiao sneered, "To provide such a brutal dictator with generous conditions, those clean, pure and kind nobles in the Republic are really willing to do this?"

"Hahahaha... I like talking to you, Your Excellency Governor." Earl Dooku laughed, "So, this instead gives us a chance—as long as we get rid of Suliban-tu, we will gain Yixi-Ti cloth people's loyalty."

"It's easy. I have a few special forces proficient in assassination in my hands, and Suli Bulan-tu has at most three days to live." Tang Xiao said.

"No, what I want to say is...public, execution." Earl Dooku said, "Originally, I planned to do this myself, but now the battle on the planet Eliadu is under your command , I won’t go to Yuezu to do it for me. Maybe, Lord Death Angel is willing to help?”

Tang Xiao smiled slightly and said, "I think Lord Death Angel would be very willing to do this, so I'll try to contact him right now."

"Then, thank you for your hard work..." Count Dooku nodded, bowed and saluted, and then shut down the communication.

Tang Xiao sat on the sofa and pondered for a while, and said to himself, "There is such an accident on the planet Tibrin... This is very interesting. Mastermind, please send the information about the dictator of the planet Tibrin, Su Libran-Tu send to me."

【OK. 】

Tang Xiao checked the information on the light screen that appeared in front of him, and found that Suli Bulan-Tu was really a ruthless person. Spreading white terror on the planet, those who dare to openly oppose him will be arrested and executed, and his entire family is domineering on the planet, owning a huge property, and more than half of the people on the planet are their family's laborers , or to put it badly... slaves.

Sulibran-Tu takes anything and everything on the planet. The property, beauties, and real estate he fancy, he only needs to say a word, and the other party must offer it with both hands. If he dares to say a word, or even has a disrespectful attitude, he will Can directly kill the whole family.

Working for the dictator, the Ishi-Tibu people can only get some barely starving income, but they have to endure years of almost never-ending squeeze. So as long as there is a chance, the Ish-Tib will leave the planet of Tiblin and wander the galaxy, becoming a mercenary, a bounty hunter or a smuggler.

Of course, more civilians will not be able to touch the edge of the interstellar spaceship for a lifetime, and they can only continue to live under the brutal rule of the dictator Suliban-tu.

After reading the information, Tang Xiao touched his chin. What Earl Dooku said to him just now clearly had already prepared the groundwork politically, and only needed to complete the finishing touch—the public execution of the dictator.

There is no doubt that it is very easy for him to do this by himself, but he also has his own considerations.

Darth Malthael, has been too dazzling recently... Whether it is raiding the inner circle planet Cato Neimoidia, or fighting for the Blade Fleet, or conquering the planet Terminus, and the previous serious injuries Master Windu. After counting, the members of the 4 Jedi Council were folded into his hands, and the Republic lost troops and generals, lost its army and lost ground. In the recent period, the Death Angel even surpassed Count Dooku in the limelight, becoming the darkest and most evil in the galaxy It is also the most powerful existence!

Thinking from this point of view, it becomes clear.

It's not that Earl Dooku can't do this by himself. In fact, if Earl Dooku publicly executes Suribran-Tu by himself, the effect will definitely be the best, and he can even become Ishi Tib Heroes and saviors in people's hearts, this wave of prestige improvement is very beneficial.

But why would Count Dooku give up this opportunity to the Dead Angel?

Obviously, they planned to set him on fire.

You know, the public execution of the supreme leader of a planet, this wave of face-slapping is even stronger than the raid on the inner circle.

Let the name of the Dead Angel further ferment in the galaxy, and then he and Darth Sidious can hide behind the scenes and happily watch the Jedi Knights hunt and kill the Dead Angel all over the galaxy. Lee, you can also take the opportunity to find out the details of the dead angel, killing two birds with one stone.

Tang Xiao smiled coldly and made a decision.


At the same time, the wild star field of the Milky Way, the Delray II satellite.

In the resplendent temple transformed by the protoss, some small protoss-style robots are flying around, cleaning, repairing gaps, and continuing to clean up the temple buried in the desert.

There are also some sentinel robots patrolling the periphery of the temple. Although the planet is completely protected by geth, it doesn't mean that the Protoss will completely trust these weird intelligent machines.

"...Now, according to my guidance, let go of your hearts and communicate with the force." On the podium, the priestess was giving a lecture to the young students. At the same time, she raised her hand, and a soft force of the force covered the audience .

Since she gave up the identity of the Jedi Knight Depa Bilaba, she appeared as a priestess. In addition to the gorgeous mask on her face, she also wore a solemn and elegant purple robe, which added a mysterious look to her. color.

Under the stage, more than 20 children are trying to do what she said. The latest batch of new students, Xiao Yan, Zhang Xucheng and other children are also there, but their movements are much less familiar.


[Attachment 1 of Easter Egg Chapter: Sentinel robot built by Protoss. 】

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