The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 920 Battle in the Western Territory: The Black Legion (Part 1)

919. Battle in the Western Territory: Black Legion (Part 1)

Ever since the Battle of Christopher Sis, the black uniformed force of the Fourth Legion has gained notoriety among the Galactic Republic Army.

First of all, the equipment of this troop is even better than the clone troopers. Judging from the very small number of corpses and equipment samples recovered from the battlefield, the combat uniform numbered N-7 they equip has excellent performance, and is very effective against kinetic energy weapons and Energy weapons all have excellent defensive capabilities, and what's even crazier is that they are all equipped with personal shields!

The miniaturization and personalization of shields, as well as the mass production of small shields, are all problems that need to be overcome urgently for the Galactic Republic, but this army from Dawn Star has already walked ahead of the Galactic Republic!

Not only that, each of them is equipped with a very advanced personal terminal on their wrists. This kind of personal terminal integrates battlefield data processing, personal status management, drug use, shield manipulation, and hacking tools, and can even be used as a combat dagger, small tools, or even pliers and scissors!

It is simply unbelievable!

And the kinetic energy weapons they used had a very good penetration effect on the polymer alloy armor of the clone troopers, which made the military technical experts on the Galactic Republic speechless.

Because these weapons were all detonated with built-in small explosives after confirming the death of the soldiers through the personal terminal, it was impossible to recover complete samples. After painstaking research, the scientists of the Republic finally found traces of supermaterial reactions in the wreckage of the weapons.

The scientists of the Republic immediately judged that the important reason why these weapons can penetrate the polymer alloy armor is the use of this special fuel that is only used when the spacecraft performs hyperspace jumps. But how this kind of thing is applied to weapons, the scientists of the Republic can't tear it apart, they can only urge the frontline troops to get a complete sample at all costs, and the priority is even above any other technology!

After calculation, the construction cost of each soldier of the Fourth Legion in black combat uniforms is even more than ten times that of clone soldiers!

The only luck is that the number of this army is very small. According to the intelligence department's estimate, the total number of people is only about 10,000, which prevents this army from causing more serious damage.

But even so, whenever the Fourth Legion launches a battle, the Galactic Republic is completely defeated! No wins! They also left behind the title of 'Black Legion' in the Army of the Republic.

However, the war experts of the Galactic Republic also concluded that the reason for this is that the training method of this force is completely different from that of the clone troop.

Whether it is knowledge indoctrination or combat training for the clone troop, it is based on frontal combat as the standard, while the training of the Fourth Legion is more about special operations, such as sabotage behind enemy lines, sneak attacks on the battlefield, and street fighting.

Moreover, every time Dawn Star joins the Fourth Legion, it is in such an environment that can best display their combat capabilities, so naturally it is not harmful to the clone troop.

Now this force reappeared on the planet Malaster, immediately alarming the Republic commander.

"Notify General Obi-Wan and General Luminara immediately! The Black Legion has reappeared! Call for air support and continue bombing the enemy's haunts!" Clone Commander CC-2224 Cody shouted into the communicator.

Ferrus Olin frowned and asked, "The Black Legion? What is this?"

Cody looked at him and said, "The ace unit of Planet Dawn, the most troublesome enemy..."

Communications continued to come from the communicator, "The 1113 company is under attack! Call for support!"

"Lost contact in the direction of the mall! Call for air support!"

"There is a sniper point on the 4th floor in the direction of G-77! Let AT-TE blow them up!"

"The No. 6 artillery position is under attack! Help, help!!"

Cody pondered for a while, and said to the communicator: "Notify all units to recover the front immediately! Air force bombing will start in 10 minutes!"

boom! boom! boom! ! AT-TE finally fired. The powerful heavy-duty howitzer fired three shots in a row. The building in front was immediately covered by artillery fire. The huge explosion even directly blew the building into two sections from two-thirds of the height!

After the clone troopers fought back violently at the place where the Fourth Legion haunted, they all retreated in an orderly manner. Their formation was not chaotic and orderly, and even the Fourth Legion could not find a chance to disrupt their deployment.

Da da! Da da! ! Justin Reeves held the pickaxe in his hand and fired a few short bursts of the semi-automatic assault rifle, immediately killing two retreating clone troopers.

Immediately, he didn't look at his own results, just rolled and jumped from the gap.

In the next second, the place where he was just now was covered by a burst of dense blast energy beams, and the concrete on which the house was built was blasted into stone chips. Immediately afterwards, a heavy grenade flew over and exploded suddenly!

Justin Reeves had already circled to the other side of the building. The shock wave of the explosion and the rubble caused ripples on his personal shield, but his face remained unchanged, and he didn't even bend his waist.

For an existence at the level of a soldier king, he knew everything about what kind of firepower might fall from where he was hiding, and how much carrying capacity and penetration resistance the bunker had. He didn't even want to dodge those attacks that weren't threatening at all except for their grandeur.

"The clones are retreating, either air strikes or artillery cover. Pay attention to concealment." Justin Reeves said in a deep voice during the communication.

There were no more responses in the communication channel, and everyone knew what to do.

The soldiers of the Fourth Civilization immediately set up booby traps in some places that were not easily covered by the bombing, and then also withdrew from the battle and ran towards the underground bunker.

A moment later, a formation of ARC-170 heavy fighters in the sky passed by at low altitude, first fired a round of cluster missiles, and then fired wildly at the ground with heavy laser cannons!

At high altitude, a large number of V-19 torrent light fighters desperately fought with the triple robot fighters that took off and intercepted, creating more opportunities. Then three 30-meter-long PTB-625 bombers appeared on the battlefield!

The ARC-170 heavy fighters that completed the first wave of bombing missions also immediately climbed to the altitude and joined the air battle to provide cover for the bombers.

These three PTB-625 bombers, which were slow and cumbersome, but with terrifying firepower, dropped a proton bomb on the place where the Fourth Army had appeared before without any explanation!

boom! boom! boom! boom! ! ! The powerful proton bombs almost plowed the area to the ground! The bombed area even appeared to be experiencing a magnitude 6 earthquake! -

[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Galactic Republic PTB-625 bomber. 】

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