The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 914 The Battle of the Western Territory: Aggressive Strategies

913. Battle of the Western Territory: Radical Strategies

The droid tri-fighter, jointly designed by Colla Designs under the Technology Alliance and Phlac-Arphocc Automata Industries, is located on the planet Kola IV in the industrial world. Production.

This fighter was originally designed to have a more powerful and faster droid fighter to counter the Galactic Republic's powerful ARC-170 heavy fighter.

The triple robot fighter is equipped with a heavy laser cannon and three light laser cannons, and is also equipped with 12 concussion missiles. In order to meet the huge energy demand, the fighter is not even equipped with a shield. This fighter is extremely fast, and its steering flexibility is slightly inferior to that of the vulture robot fighter, but its firepower is more than one level stronger.

This is a very successful design. A triple robot fighter with a length of 5.4 meters costs less than 30,000 credits. Compared with the Vulture robot fighter with a length of 3.6 meters and a cost of 19,000 credits, the increase in both volume and cost is much higher. Not much, but the increase in combat power is a leap forward.

Because the firepower of the vulture robot fighter is difficult to pose a threat to the ARC-170 heavy fighter, but the triple robot fighter can easily do it.

Moreover, the results shown in this battle, the Republic's V-19 torrent light fighter is not their opponent at all!

As a core member of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, coupled with the upcoming Raiders of Planet Eliadu, this new type of fighter jet whose output is not high at the Confederation of Independent Galaxies is also prioritized for deployment to Planet Dawn.

Now over the planet Marathal, a large number of triple robot fighters have caused heavy damage to the Republic fighter group. By the time the Republic's fighter jets came within effective range to threaten those Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers, they had been shot down by anti-aircraft fire and triple droid fighters over 500 of them!

The Republic fighter jets that broke into the atmosphere were like countless meteor showers falling from the sky. The friction of the air caused the fighter jets to be surrounded by flames.

Immediately afterwards, a larger sea of ​​flames suddenly appeared in the sky!

Billowing fire clouds were constantly turning in the air, and the burning atmosphere was constantly emitting scorching energy. This is the flame produced by friction when a huge object enters the atmosphere at high speed.

Then the clouds were penetrated, and three 794-meter-long Cheer-class assault landing ships flew down. After reaching a suitable altitude, the hangar hatch opened, and hundreds of LAAT/I assault transport ships full of clone soldiers descended from the sky. , A forced landing was carried out under the cover of fire from warships and fighter jets.

The clone troopers are divided into three battle groups and land around Pixel City.

Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and clone commander CC-2224 Cody led the 212th Assault Regiment to land in the north of the city. The clone soldiers quickly established a temporary position with portable shield generators and immediately began to form a combat group Advance towards the direction of Pixel City.

More cargo-type LAAT/C transport boats followed, and more armored units were transported from the battleship, AT-TE all-terrain tactical assault walker, TX-130 Saber-class battle tank, AV-7 self-propelled artillery, Swoop-G suspension motorcycle and so on.

After the AT-TE walkers were in place, the clone troopers skillfully deployed the heavy howitzers on the back of the walkers, established a long-range fire position, and then carried out the first round of fire coverage on the urban areas that had been identified as being occupied by the Separatists.

In the sky, after getting rid of the entanglement of the Republic's escort fighter jets, groups of triple robot fighters swooped down towards the Republic's artillery positions, bombarding mercilessly.

"General! Our landing site has been established, and artillery positions have been set up at coordinates G-9, H-11, and J-4. Next, our transport aircraft will focus on ammunition transportation." Clone Commander CC -2224 Cody comes to report to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi picked up the binoculars and looked at the pixel city in the distance where the battle was raging, and then at a Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser in front of him, which was adjusting its direction and flying towards him. He shook his head and said, "Notify the battleship, we We can’t build a landing field here, we must first push the front line to the outskirts of Pixel City! See that factory? Let our AT-TE push in that direction immediately!”

"Yes!" Cody gave a military salute.

Obi-Wan looked into the binoculars again, frowning, "This Dreadnought seems to have a different shape... Has the Separatism modified it?"


At the same time, in the outer space of the planet Marathal, the pixel city is in a synchronous orbit.

"Master Cape, our landing force has successfully entered the ground. The first batch of 8,000 clone troopers have landed from three directions, and it is progressing smoothly." Obi-Wan Kenobi's holographic projection appeared, he said.

Commander-in-Chief Cape Xie, standing on the bridge of the flagship, nodded, "However, the air battlefield is still a hidden danger. At present, the warships of the Separatists are still at high altitudes. Their combat targets are still our fighter jets, but there is no guarantee that they will Will not adjust tactics to target our forces on the ground."

"The Air Force is doing its best to fight, but it is indeed very difficult. The number of this new type of triple robot fighters used by the Separatists is 2,000. This fighter is very advanced. With the firepower of their warships, it is difficult for us to gain an advantage." Appeared in the communication Jedi Master Luminara-Anduri's projection, she is now on a fighter jet.

Cape-Xie thought for a while and said: "Separatist warships cannot continue to threaten our combat plan! I will let the main formation approach the distance of 50,000 kilometers from the planet and strengthen the bombardment."

"It's too dangerous." Obi-Wan Kenobi said, "Our warships can only fire at safe power in space, but the Separatist warships don't have so many concerns when aiming in the direction of space."

"Fighters are our main force. We must gain air supremacy on the ground battlefield. How long will the assault units at the north and south poles have?" Kepu-Xie continued to ask.

The projections of the other two Jedi Knights appeared, and they reported: "The Antarctic Assault Team is expected to contact the 4 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers of the Separatists in one hour. We have already launched fighter jets."

"The North Pole Assault Team is expected to contact after 37 minutes. Our fighter jets are fighting the separatists, but the opponent's triple fighter jets are too threatening. Considering the continuous combat plan, we have not made the fighter formation more radical."

Cape-Xie said seriously: "A radical strategy must be adopted! Before the separatist warships bombard our ground forces, we must break up their combat formations!"


Cape-Xie looked at the holographic battlefield map, and said in a deep voice: "If you just delay time in the atmosphere, then your strategy has undoubtedly failed... The famous general who shocked the entire Republic, Severance- Tann, you don't only have this ability, do you?"

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