The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 909 The most powerful weapon in the galaxy

908. The most powerful weapon in the galaxy

From the moment when the four beauties died immediately after being glanced at by Tang Xiao, Gary Ulan's face was quite ugly. Hearing him say that now made his face even more ugly.

But with what Tang Xiaolu did just now, he knew that his life was in someone else's hands.

It's just that Gary Ulan still can't figure it out, Tang Xiao is just the governor of a planet, and all the information he has has nothing about this person having any special power.

But now he finally found out that he came here so hastily, hastily.

With his status, he naturally knows many secrets in the Milky Way, and even knows how many terrifying characters exist in the world of the force, but he doesn't know that Tang Xiao is actually one of them! ?

But now the situation is stronger than others, so Gary Ulan had no choice but to take off his gorgeous white robe and put on a set of casual clothes thrown by Tang Xiao. How many years has it been since he has worn his own clothes? I don’t remember, anyway, now that I do it myself, it feels quite difficult to put on clothes.

Afterwards, Gary Ulan followed Tang Xiao to the tarmac. Tang Xiao personally drove a shuttle to take off into the sky, then flew out of the planet's gravity well, and actually jumped into hyperspace and left!

"Where... are you taking me? You don't know the consequences of kidnapping me, do you?" Gary Ulan twisted his body uncomfortably. The rough fabric of the casual clothes made him feel very uncomfortable, and felt It's all going to be worn out.

"At least for now, you are more useful alive than dead." Tang Xiao said calmly while driving the spaceship.

The spaceship broke away from hyperspace, and an emerald green crystal planet appeared outside the porthole. Gary Ulan knows where he is without looking at the navigation data.

"Planet Christopher Sis..." He said slowly with a solemn expression.

The spaceship did not fly to Crystal City, the capital of the planet, but to a relatively remote town. There is a large crystal mining area on the outskirts of this town. This town is where the crystal miners work.

They got off the spaceship and walked around the town casually.

Gary Ulan seemed a little scared, especially when he saw the bounty hunters walking around in full armor, he held his breath and didn't dare to breathe out.

"Don't be afraid. As long as I don't allow it, no one here will dare to hurt a single hair of yours." Tang Xiao said lightly.

"What do you want me to see?" Gary Ulan asked.

"Look first." Tang Xiao pointed around.

All I could see were some unemployed miners dragging their tired bodies on the dirty streets. Some people choose to go to the bar to have a drink or two, and some people return home with the meager income they just got today, and bring some food for their wives and children who are waiting to be fed.

They live in such numbness every day, working and running around for a living...

Tang Xiao took Gary Ulan to the bar again, and enjoyed the drunken hustle and bustle of the workers in the chaotic and alcohol-smelling place, as well as the pole dancing of the Twi'lek dancers on the stage.

After that, they went to a slightly larger city. Looking at the busy figures of those office workers, they perform their own duties and exert their strengths in their respective jobs...

They went to many places, almost saw all kinds of people in Christopher Sis, and then they went to a very ordinary hotel, and spent the night in the noise of the street.

Tang Xiao didn't say a word along the way, but just asked Gary to watch and keep watching.

The next day, they returned to the planet Glenson, where they had met before. The bodies of the four maids had already been cleaned up, and during the cleanup, Helmut Zemo also told Tang Xiao a discovery - the visual, auditory and tactile organs of these maids had been destroyed, and then implanted implants that could Control electronics.

In other words, they can only see, hear, and touch everything that others allow them to perceive, otherwise, they will fall into a silent and silent darkness.

Naturally, this method is to prevent them from knowing something they shouldn't know, but such behavior is still too cruel. Moreover, this cruelty is based on the fact that these people want to keep their secrets on the one hand, but on the other hand they want to continue to enjoy themselves. Tang Xiao can only sneer at this.

Back here, Gary Ulan couldn't wait to put on his soft robe again, but Tang Xiao stopped him with a look.

"Tell me, what did you see?" Tang Xiao asked lightly.

A trace of disdain flashed across Gary Ulan's face, but he still replied: "I saw some low-level parts of the Republic. They are like screws, insignificant, but somewhat valuable."


"This world is destined to have countless injustices, and we cannot blame anyone. Indeed, this trip made me see how big the gap is between people, but this cannot be changed. I was born in the Ulan family , but they were born in miners' families, this cannot be changed."


"But you should understand that we are not doing nothing. There are many jobs that we could easily replace with robots, but we don't. We leave enough jobs for these people to make They have the opportunity to use their own strength, which may only be one-tenth of the robot, to earn an income, and the income we give them can even equip 10 robots."


Gary Ulan said nonchalantly: "If you took me here to remind me of how big the gap between rich and poor is in this world, then you are wrong. I know this better than anyone, and we are working every minute. In order to make this gap even bigger. And in my opinion, this is the evidence of the effective operation of this society, which is very good. Thousands of years of peace have caused the population of most planets in this galaxy to be saturated, and we will always have more Lots of options."

He pulled the casual clothes on himself and continued: "When I go back, I will still take off the clothes you forced me to put on, and then put on the fabric I like again, with almost no friction and no weight. , so that my body and skin can always be extremely relaxed - at the same time, this piece of clothing is equivalent to the combined annual income of all the miners in that town just now. You can't change this, Your Excellency Governor, even if it is Your Dawn Star fleet can’t be changed either.”

Tang Xiao smiled faintly, and asked back, "Do you know what I saw? Mr. Gary Ulan."

"A very good trophy. The Christopher Sis Star Wars, the strategy is very beautiful, I have carefully read the intelligence of this battle. A crystal planet with a population of 35 billion... Hehe, no wonder your Dawn Planet's recent import and export trade expenses are so high Proud." Gary Ulan said.

"I saw it..." Tang Xiao smiled slightly, "The weapon... is the most powerful weapon in the entire galaxy, and this weapon is firing at the Galactic Republic."

He slowly walked up to Gary Ulan, and said, "The reason why you are here is because this weapon is about to hurt you...Lundili."

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