The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 896 Dead Angel VS Windu (Part 2)

895. Dead Angel VS Windu (Part 2)

Darth Malthael's judgment is correct, Master Windu is now indeed on the verge of exhaustion.

Although he defeated the attack of the dead angel time and time again, he was blocked by the gauntlet of Little Klesh again and again-he couldn't see the broken point of this ancient Sith artifact.

It's not because this artifact is flawless, but because his talent at breaking point is not strong enough to see through Little Clash's gauntlet.

Attack after attack failed, he could only keep defending.

It is not uncommon for him to encounter such a situation in countless battles, but in the countless times before, even if he is defending, he can continue to disintegrate the opponent's force with the ability of breaking point, so that the opponent is quickly defeated Come on.

But Darth Malthael is completely different!

The opponent can actually get power directly from the surrounding corpses! Although he was able to read the forbidden secrets of the Jedi Order and knew a lot about the strange abilities of Sith, when he really faced them, he still felt powerless.

And he practiced the seventh style of swordsmanship, Vapad.

This kind of swordsmanship is equivalent to the indulgence of the Jedi warrior's fighting spirit and mentality, and produces a stronger force between light and darkness. But at the same time, because it is too close to the darkness, for the user, it is equivalent to walking on the tip of a knife.

The wraith summoned by Darth Malthael had a more serious impact on him than imagined!

The battle continued, and Master Windu could no longer use the power of the broken point. His original power had been exhausted. Now, every attack of Darth Malthael fell on him like a heavy hammer.

Mace Windu is a true fighter, and even so, he never took a step back!

"Mace Windu, today, you will be removed from the Jedi Order!" Darth Malthael has completely grasped the situation on the battlefield. Although he is also exhausted, he still sees the opportunity to stab Windu Master Du's chest!

At this moment, Depa-Bilaba, who had been standing behind and seemed to be blocking Master Windu's retreat, but actually didn't make any moves suddenly burst into a rage. She swung her lightsaber and slashed towards Master Windu's back. !

Depa-Bilaba's sword directly cut a hideous wound on Master Windu's back, but at the same time, it also caused Windu's body to fall suddenly, but it was the one that escaped Darth Malthael. A must-kill sword.

Darth Malthael slashed at Windu with a sword again, but Depa Bilaba made an astonishing move. She raised her hand and grabbed Darth Malthael's lightsaber! Her hand with force of origin blocked the sword's momentum, but she couldn't stop the millions of degrees of heat from the lightsaber.

A scorching smell immediately emanated, even with the protection of the original force, Depa-Bilaba's right hand was turned into ashes by the temperature of the lightsaber within a few seconds. She tried her best to hold on and stood in front of Master Windu , Said: "Let him go. I am willing to surrender to you and become your subordinate, Lord Dead Angel."

"The first thing you submit to me is to destroy your right hand that holds the sword?" Darth Malthael said coldly.

"I have no position to swing a sword against the Republic...but I believe that I have other ways to serve you. Once Master Windu dies here, I will go with him, and no one will be able to serve you "Depa-Bilaba was already extremely weak, and fell to his knees in front of Darth Malthael with a plop, "I have cut off his spine, and he can no longer act like before. He is no longer a threat, That's why... I ask you to let him go."

Master Windu fell to the ground and couldn't move, but he said in his mouth: "Stupid choice! Bilaba! Stupid choice!"

Depa Bilaba ignored him, just looked at Darth Malthael, "The decision is yours, my lord."

Darth Malthael simply put away his lightsaber and stood aside to get out of the way.

Depa-Bilaba went outside, greeted the last three clone soldiers - Rainbow, Beard and Leaf, and said to them: "Take Master Windu back and treat them as soon as possible."

Rainbow looked at Master Windu, then at Darth Malthael, who was sulky, and hesitated, "General Bilaba, this..."

"Don't call me a general. I am already unworthy." Depa-Bilaba shook his head and said.

"More than unworthy! What you have done is a humiliation to me! It is a shame to the Jedi Order, it is a shame to the Galactic Republic! Depa-Bilaba! Your behavior is never worthy of forgiveness!" Metz- Windu is still roaring.

Depa-Bilaba walked over, put his lightsaber on Master Windu, and said softly: "I will return everything I have to you, my teacher..."

After finishing speaking, she grabbed the 'Explorer' gemstone inlaid on the bridge of her nose, and then tore it off!

Blood flowed all over my face!

With trembling hands, she handed the gemstones to Master Windu, then her body shook and she fainted to the ground.


Depa Birabha opened his eyes again and sat up from the medical cabin.

She found herself on the bridge of a battleship with the medical bay directly in the middle of the bridge. This bridge is very wide. In front of the console, a row of B-1 combat robots are silently manipulating the battleship. The surrounding panoramic windows can see all the surrounding scenes.

A dark universe, an endless starry sky, and... planets and fleets.

Outside the window, the gigantic figure of the planet Harunkar looms large, and a powerful fleet consisting of 10 Generosity-class communication frigates and 5 Rucrehook-class battleships is staying in planetary synchronous orbit, countless fighter jets and transport ships is constantly rising and falling.

Darth Malthael had his back to her, looking in Harunkar's direction.

Depa-Bilaba stood up. She felt that her physical condition had recovered a lot. She knew her poor physical condition before, and now it has been at least 3 days of treatment to reach this level.

Looking up her hand, the palm of her right hand is empty. It seems that the other party did not install a mechanical prosthesis on her, although it is very easy. The dead angel respected her choice.

There was a cold touch on her face, she raised her left hand to touch it, but it was cold.

It's a metal mask. Although I don't know what this mask is, judging from the complicated and gorgeous patterns on the touch, it should be a very beautiful mask.

Depa-Bilaba came behind Darth Masail and knelt down on one knee, "Depa-Bilaba, I am waiting for your dispatch, my lord, Lord Dead Angel."

When she saw her empty right hand, she had already decided to follow this new Lord forever.

"Darth Malthael, my title." Darth Malthael said lightly.

"I obey...Master Masail." Depa-Bilaba bowed his head.

Darth-Masail went on to say: "Count Dooku, I have accepted my suggestion. The Confederation of Independent Galaxies has given up the Balawai and asked them to move away from the planet Harunkar within a week. They will get a A pension, and then go to the Kuna star cluster to join the construction of the new colony."

He turned around slowly and said coldly: "Those who refuse to leave will be purged after the time limit is up. The time is just 10 minutes later. There are 110,000 people who chose to live with the city of Pelek-Bau Die together."

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