The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 848 The Lost Fleet (final)

847. The Lost Fleet (Final)

The engines of one Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser after another were turned on, and a large number of shriveled corpses of the crew of the Republic's judicial fleet were discharged from the hatches. Then the shields were turned on, and the muzzles were turned to fire at the Republic fleet led by Octavian Grant.

The Ruklihook-class battleship driven by Cunte arrived at the location of the Blade Fleet nearly 40 minutes earlier, which became the decisive factor in this battle.

Although the Rookie Hook-class battleship collided with the Plague, there were still more than 50,000 Granite marines swarming out to snatch the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser of the Blade Fleet. In the next hour, more than 15,000 marines successively recovered from the minor injuries of the impact and joined the battle.

They snatched more than 150 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers in total.

Later, when the main fleets of both sides arrived on the battlefield, most of these warships were still warming up their engines, but there were still 7 or 8 warships that were put into battle. As time goes by, more and more Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers will join the battle, which is a snowball-like advantage.

The fleet led by Admiral Trench and Octavian Grant was in a scuffle on the side of the Blade Fleet. The two sides would not retreat a step and neither would give in. They sent a large number of marines to land on the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser indiscriminately to grab the ship.

At the same time, inside the Plague, the ending also ushered in.

The bruised Jedi Master Ith-Kos was leaning against the corner, the only way he could keep standing, his hands shaking while holding the lightsaber, and several gunshot wounds on his arms made it almost impossible for him to swing the lightsaber.

More than a dozen B-2 super combat robots raised their right arms and exposed their blaster machine guns to point at the desperate Jedi Master, and more Granite soldiers stood far away. They did not dare to get too close, because Before this desperate Jedi master killed at least a hundred of them.

But at this moment, they who could have easily shot Ice-Koss into a sieve did not shoot, but separated to make way for the two sides.

Darth Malthael, wearing a black cloak, strode up, came to him, and said coldly: "Master Ith-Kos, surrender. The Galactic Republic has ushered in another defeat. Hurry up, failure will become your habit."

Ith-Kos raised his dull eyes and looked at Darth Malthael without saying a word, but he raised his lightsaber with all his strength and made a crooked sword gesture.

"Heh..." Darth Malthael smiled coldly, raised his hand, and the lightsaber of Ith-Kos flew out of his hand and landed in his hand, "Catch him."

Seeing that he had lost his lightsaber, the Gran soldiers who had been cowering just now immediately became vicious. They rushed forward, knocked Is-Kos to the ground, and handcuffed him.

Darth Malthael sneered all the time, "The capture of one of the members of the Supreme Council of the Twelve of the Jedi Order alive is definitely big news, isn't it?"

He knelt down and patted Is-Kos's face with the back of his hand. But Ith-Cos had almost passed out and was completely unresponsive.

Darth Malthael stood up and ordered: "Tell Trench, speed up! I don't want to see the little mice of the Republic continue to covet my Blade Fleet!"


"Your Excellency, Separatism has occupied more than three-quarters of the warships of the Blade Fleet. Now these warships are only warming up their engines for the time being. But if this continues, we may suffer extremely serious losses..." On the flagship of the Republic Fleet, the Jaeger-class battlecruiser Elder, the adjutant came over and said to Octavian Grant.

"How many battleships have we actually determined we can capture?" asked Octavian Grant.

"At present, we have boarded 37 warships, most of which are still in fierce competition, but I have to say that the situation is not optimistic, and there are many people brought by separatism." The adjutant said.

Octavian Grant nodded solemnly, "The Separatists have three Rucrehook-class battleships, and their capacity far exceeds ours...Damn Ji Wen!"

He punched the console hard.

If it hadn't been for the Jiwen people to pretend to be crazy in the Galactic Council and set up hyperspace blockers in their galaxy, he wouldn't have rushed over with only a formation of Jaeger-class battlecruisers. We need to bring some Cheer-class assault landing ships!

He took several deep breaths before saying: "Notify all marines that we still have 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, leave the battle and leave here immediately!"

The adjutant nodded, stood at attention and saluted, "Yes!"


The battle in the last 20 minutes was brutal. Because the Galactic Republic only brought the Jaeger-class battlecruisers, their marines had a total of less than 20,000 people. A full 300,000 army is not enough to watch.

Even if the Marine Corps of the Republic are very elite clone soldiers, in such an environment, there is still a huge 1:10 disadvantage in numbers, which is impossible to play.

In fact, Tang Xiao ordered the Granites to send out the 300,000 troops instead of stuffing 600,000 robots into the Luke Hook-class battleship. Handling and contingencies are much more flexible.

Before the main fleets of both sides arrived, Severance Tann's remnant fleet snatched 6 Dreadnoughts, and Shen Jon's men landed on the other 2 Dreadnoughts.

Afterwards, the marines in the Luke Hook-class battleship brought by Cunte in advance landed on 170 of the remaining 192 Dreadnoughts. Even if it was too late to completely control the battleship, at least they locked the hangar door after entering the battleship. Death is possible.

After the main fleets of both sides arrived, a large number of landing troops began to compete, and all warships were boarded. Among them, the Marine Corps of the Galactic Republic forcibly broke into 37 ships.

The battleships that were forcibly broken into were basically because the Galactic Republic had mastered the keys of the battleships, so if the Marine Corps of the Fourth Civilization did not have time to completely take over the battleship system, the Republic could directly control the warships to open the hatches and welcome the landing troops to enter.

So in the final stages of the battle, the Galactic Republic is actually only fighting over 39 of the Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers.

After listening to the analysis of the Fleet Staff, Admiral Trench made a decision to shoot at all the Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers that were hopeless to be recaptured.

At the same time, Octavian Grant, governor of the 20th Army of the Galactic Republic, also issued an order for the entire army to retreat.

They were able to take away only 15 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers, and the remaining 178 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers were controlled by the fourth civilization, and 7 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers were destroyed during the battle.

The battle for the Blade Fleet came to an end in such chaos.

After the Galactic Republic fleet withdrew, Tang Xiao ordered all the fleets to repair on the spot, set up a hyperspace navigation beacon here, guide the engineering fleet to enter, and maintain and repair all the warships of the Razor Fleet.

And the most important thing is to revive the Titan battleship Plague, which has been completely paralyzed and can't even sail normally-this terrible steel monster that once became the nightmare of people in the entire galaxy is dying.

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