The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 846: The Lost Fleet (16)

845. The Lost Fleet (16)


Shen-Jon clasped his wrist and knelt down on the ground. Darth Malthael walked forward slowly, raised his hand to grab the void, and grabbed the lightsaber on the severed hand in his hand.

"I... want you to die!!!" Seeing Darth Malthael walking in, Shen-Jon suddenly burst into flames, and the intact hand raised his hand and sent out an extremely powerful force lightning!

Darth Malthael blocked the lightning with his lightsaber, stared at the opponent's power, and was still advancing! Shen Jon felt that his pressure was getting bigger and bigger. As Darth Malthael pressed harder and harder, his body leaned back more and more, and finally he could only fall to the ground.

Darth Malthael forced Shen-Jon's lightning in front of himself with a lightsaber, grinning grinningly, "I can feel it! Your anger! Your hatred! And your fear... You, will become an extremely powerful Sith Lord!"

" are here! Dreaming!" Shen-Jon gritted his teeth, the teeth were rattling, and even his gums were bleeding, "I will never... never! Surrender! Darkness!!"

Darth Malthael raised his head, looked at Severance Tann who was standing aside, and said, "It's your turn, do what you want!"

The golden light of the dark side shone in his eyes, and his overwhelming power made it almost impossible to stand.

At this moment, Severance Tann's body was also surrounded by powerful forces of the dark side. Little Clash's gauntlet brought her an incomparable sense of security, as well as the violence that trampled the entire galaxy under her feet. She stared at Darth Malthael with burning eyes, with a faint killing intent.

In her heart, there seemed to be a voice whispering...

kill him! kill him! He is fighting Shen-Jon, now is the best chance! This gauntlet will protect you from any of his counterattacks! As long as you kill him, with your ability, no one can beat Dawn Star! You, will be crowned king on the dawn star!

Severance Tann gritted her teeth tightly, pinching Little Clash's gauntlet tightly in her hand, her red eyes moved back and forth between Darth Malthael and Shen Jon, the killer on her body The meaning is getting stronger and stronger...

Suddenly, she seemed to see the sneer buried in Darth Malthael's eyes!

In an instant, as if a bucket of ice water was poured from head to toe, Severance Tann only felt that all the strength was pulled away from her body. She fell to her knees with a plop, took off her gauntlet and offered it with both hands. , bowed his head and said very respectfully: "What I think in my heart is always your master..."

While speaking, she prostrated herself on the ground.

"Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!! Did you see that? Shen-Jon!!" Darth Malthael laughed loudly, "This is your nightmare! This is what you are chasing after! This is The hatred and anger in your heart! Hahahahahaha!! Everything you look up to, everything you chase after are just ants under my feet!! Even if she hates you so much in her heart, she doesn’t even dare to hurt you without my permission. You have a hair! Hahahahaha!!"

As he spoke, he stepped on Severance Tann's head, and Tann didn't even dare to move.

"So, I will give you one last chance! Surrender to me!" Darth Malthael's voice seemed to sound from all directions at the same time, like a heavy hammer hitting Shen-Jon's heart and soul word by word. superior.

"Never!!!" Shen-Jon roared loudly with all his strength.

"Then surrender to death!!" Darth Malthael suddenly increased his strength, and used the lightsaber to push Shen Jon's lightning towards him.

The lightsaber gradually approached Shen-Jon's face, and his own lightning burned his body in turn, but Darth Malthael was still approaching!

"Ahhhh!!!" Shen Qiaoen screamed loudly...

Darth Malthael's lightsaber had already reached his cheek, and the ultra-high temperature instantly scorched half of his face, "All death is equal!!!" Darth Malthael issued a far The Force Lightning, which was more powerful than Shen-Jon's before, enveloped him in it!

At this moment, the floor under Shen-Jon's feet finally collapsed under the weight, and there was a huge gap on the next floor! The difference in air pressure caused all the air here to suddenly suck towards the vacuum, sucking Shen-Jon together with countless rubble and debris into the universe!

Darth Malthael raised his hand, and he grabbed a large piece of the floor with the force and directly covered the gap, blocking the powerful suction. Seeing the dilapidated battleship, he felt an unknown anger, and grabbed Severance Tann's hair, "Look around here! Idiot! Look around here!!!"

He threw Severance Tann into another intact cabin next to him, and kicked her into the wall, "This is the Plague I entrusted to you!! The most powerful ship in the entire galaxy!" Battleship!! Look around here!!!"

At this moment, another violent explosion suddenly erupted from the upper floor, and the vibration could be felt even here. Darth Malthael looked down at the message on the communicator. It was a group of clone troopers who broke through to the bridge of the battleship and blew up the bridge.

Seeing this news, Darth Malthael's anger grew even higher. He walked over and kicked Severance Tann in the stomach again, "You return my Titan battleship! Idiot!!"

"Woo... Puff!" Severance Tann let out a mournful cry, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from her mouth.

Darth Marthael ripped off Severance Tann's belt, and even her pants were torn apart, and then the lightning in his hand poured directly into the belt, towards Severance Tann Beat it hard!

Wearing the lightning belt, Severance Tann's skin was torn apart, and the wound was scorched black. She screamed and rolled all over the floor, begging for mercy, "Please... stop! Stop! Master... help... …save……"

But Darth Malthael's heart was as hard as a stone, with a ferocious face and he kept beating him, beating Severance Tann with bruises all over his body, lying on the ground dying and unable to move, and then he stopped.

He lowered his head and looked at the Chiss woman. The torn clothes could no longer cover her skin, and her well-exercised waist and abdomen didn't have a trace of fat, and her figure was uneven.

In fact, if it weren't for the powerful aura that is usually arrogant, Severance Tann would indeed be a charming beauty, but now, this delicate and graceful body is full of scars, looming in front of her .

With her rapid breathing, the flat belly and the towering peaks also undulated rhythmically, and there seemed to be a beautiful ripple on the mermaid line between the top and bottom.

Darth Malthael's eyes became more and more violent. He tore off the black cloak on himself, and then directly tore up the last cover on Severance Tann, and started the action with the most violent posture!

Severance Tann was still wailing faintly from the depths of her throat between ups and downs, but this could only stimulate Darth Malthael to become more violent!

"I am the greatest fear in your heart!! Severance-Tann!! I am your eternal master!! You will serve me forever, and then... flatten this galaxy for me!!!" Darth- Malthael's roar echoed in the empty cabin along with Severance Tann's weak moans.

Thanks to Abraham A for the reward of 1500 starting coins! !

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