The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 843 The Lost Fleet (13)

842. The Lost Fleet (Thirteen)

Time went back to the Harm Galaxy one hour ago.

Admiral Trench led the Fourth Civilization Fleet C and the fleet led by Octavian Grant, the governor of the 20th Army of the Galactic Republic, was facing off. Doing it in advance loses strength.

11.7 light years is indeed close at hand for hyperspace navigation, but it is an insurmountable astronomical figure for sublight speed navigation!

Hyperspace is like an elusive river, intermittent, with steady channels and unpredictable streams. And now what they are waiting for is when the river will flow into this 11.7 light-year space.

At the rear of the Fourth Civilization Fleet, three Rucrehook-class battleships and an Astro-class frigate full of Granite marines stopped here, waiting for the opportunity to come.

On the broad bridge of the Rucrehook-class battleship, thousands of technicians and navigators are intensively calculating hyperspace data through computers, trying to find a useful rule from the mess.

The Republic Fleet is doing the same thing.

Tang Xiao was sitting in the cockpit of the Astro-class frigate, drinking coffee on the ground.

"It seems that you are in a good mood." Cunte said with a smile.

"That's for sure. The fact that the Blade Fleet was found by Severance Tann in this way really surprised me, and it was even more surprising that the Blade Fleet was located near our control area. It can be said that I have already got half of the Blade Fleet." Tang Xiao said.

"You mentioned this fleet to me before, but I couldn't find any clues. Now it suddenly appeared, it can only be said to be fate." Cunte said.

"Fate is also doomed sometimes. Sometimes I think, the so-called fate in this world is often arranged by the original force, so who is arranging the original force?" Tang Xiao put his hands behind his head and looked at said the ceiling.

"Every time you talk about the Force, you seem to be a different person. Oh, well, you actually have two faces." Cunter said with a smile.

"Because I'm afraid, I'm afraid when I really have to face this existence that controls everything. In fact, have you ever thought about it? You and I are originally people from two worlds, but why did we both come to the mothership? ?” Tang Xiao sighed lightly.

"Of course I did."


"Then I found out that I can brag to people now that I am an iron buddy with Governor Dawn Star."

"Hahahahahahahaha..." Tang Xiao burst out laughing, extremely carefree.

"I'm serious. You conquered your galaxy, and I explored my starry sky. Until now, we are also people from two worlds." Cunte said with a smile.

"I know." Tang Xiao stretched out his fist.

Cunte also raised his hand and punched him lightly, sat on the bridge with a coffee cup and looked at the screen, "Well, those engineers of yours are really good, and there are already results. About an hour later, There will be a navigable hyperspace link."

"Ah... I know." Tang Xiao stood up and came to the porthole, looking at the vast universe outside the window. From here, apart from the starry sky, there are no battleships at all. Compared with the universe, those so-called thousand-meter giant ships are actually so small that they can't even be described in words.

However, it can be seen that there is a dense starlight constantly flickering.

Tang Xiao knew that every bit of starlight was a big explosion that stretched at least hundreds of meters—the fleets of both sides started fighting again.

Undoubtedly, the engineers of the Galactic Republic also calculated this result at the same time.

Cunte kept staring at the data on the screen, thought for a while, and then said, "I think we can leave early."

Tang Xiao's eyes lit up. That's why he asked Cun Te, "Can you really advance?"

"Although my previous memory has been blurred a lot, I still remember that I was trapped in the alien space of the Noman people. I have sufficient experience in this kind of abnormal hyperspace." Cun Te said.

"So, you can enter the hyperspace before the hyperspace link?" Tang Xiao asked, "Is there any theoretical support?"

"I can only tell you, no. It's just an old captain's intuition." Cun Te stretched out two fingers and shook his brows, "You can understand that I am surfing in hyperspace in a spaceship—walking in the tide in front of."

Tang Xiao thought for a while and asked, "Anyway, you can drive a small boat, and you can also drive a big boat. Why don't you get a bigger boat?"

Cun Te was taken aback, "How big is the boat?"


After a while, Cunter stood on the bridge of the Rookie Hook-class battleship and went crazy, "Are you fucking crazy? Ah? Are you really crazy? What gave you the confidence to make you feel Can I go surfing with this 3,000+ meter donut?!?!"

The crew members around were silent, they had never seen anyone dare to make such a big noise in front of the governor in their life.

"I think you can really do it." Tang Xiao said lightly.

"But I don't think so! This is completely suicide! I will be torn to pieces by hyperspace!" Cunte roared.

"I'll go with you too." Tang Xiao continued.

"That's even worse! Let me tell you that this is completely suicide!! Why don't you go and do something? Wouldn't it be better to hug that big star at home to warm the bed? You must run over to die and drag me up!! "Cunte continued to growl.

"Time is running out, let's gamble on it." Tang Xiao turned his head and said, "This is a reminder from the original force."

"I... Fuck!! If I die here today, it will definitely be your fault!" Cun Te finally resigned to his fate, threw himself on the operating table, and got busy in front of countless buttons.

As time passed, the battle between the two fleets intensified. Even behind the array, a missile and some laser beams flew over from time to time.

After 10 minutes, Cun Te said solemnly: "Notify the hyperspace engine team, after I issue the command, increase the power of the hyperspace engine to the maximum within 20 seconds."

"Are you crazy? This is impossible! You don't know how big the Rookie Hook is! How could it be possible to increase the engine power to the maximum in 20 seconds?!" The head of the technical department went crazy at that time.

Cun Te pointed to Tang Xiao who was standing over there, already wearing a black cloak, surrounded by a terrifying and cold aura, oh no, it was Darth Malthael, "That's what he meant, what do you think? Go find him."

The technical supervisor glanced over there, shivered all over, and said to himself as if venting, "Okay, I can overload, overload, overload... shut off all the safety valves for me, and then fuck me overload!"

Cunte stared at the hyperspace reading, and then suddenly shouted: "It's now! Start!!"

After speaking, he pushed the joystick straight to the end!

On the other side, the technical director directly ignored the countless alarms that appeared on the screen, and continued to increase the engine power. Finally, at exactly 20 seconds, the hyperspace engine reached the threshold for entering hyperspace.

In an instant, the Ruklihook-class battleship suddenly disappeared from space and entered another space.

Darth Masail glanced at Cunte, who was still busy, and suddenly came to the console, pushed the operator away, grabbed the rudder of the battleship and turned it to the right!

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