The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 837: Violent Reaction

836. Violent Reaction

The light blue proton clouds produced when the proton torpedo exploded are like flowers blooming in the dark universe, one by one, dozens, hundreds, one by one, tens of thousands.

These beautiful flowers contain destructive power. After the proton cloud exploded, it collapsed, absorbing all the surrounding matter and energy to a certain point, and then burst out suddenly, expanding its volume by a million times in an instant, releasing Extremely terrifying energy.

The Z-95 Headhunter fighter has always been a favored model of the Republic Judicial Fleet and bounty hunters because of its stable and reliable performance. This is a heavy-duty fighter with excellent ammunition load, firepower, and maneuverability, so it has been in the market for a long time.

It was only after the outbreak of the war that this versatile fighter was replaced by the more targeted V-19 Riptide light fighter and the ARC-170 heavy fighter. Because the Z-95 is not as good as the V-19 in air combat, and it is not as good as the ARC-170 in terms of firepower, it has also begun to withdraw from the war arena.

But it doesn't mean that Z-95 is no threat to the current warships and fighters!

And now, 1440 Z-95 fighter jets rushed directly out of the hangar platform of the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser, and instantly fired at least 3000 proton torpedoes at the Republic fleet less than a thousand kilometers away!

The warships of the Galactic Republic were fully fired, and the close-in defense system opened up barrages around the battleships. Countless lasers interweaved into a net of death, intercepting and shooting down the proton torpedoes one by one.

The proton torpedo that broke through the defense exploded on the shield of the Republic battleship, and the light blue proton cloud continued to flash, and the shield rippled like waves.

But this is just the beginning, and the 1,440 Z-95 fighter jets are not dead. The pilots of the Fourth Civilization, who had already been ready to go, immediately swooped towards the Republic battleship. They pressed the button desperately, and the explosive laser cannons rained The same sprinkled on those behemoths.

The fighter group of the Republic was going to attack the separatist fleet. Seeing that their battleship was attacked, they immediately responded and turned around to return for emergency support.

But the 300 ghost fighters that took off from the gray horse-class escort aircraft carrier have already arrived. They turned on the stealth system, and a flash of lightning flashed, and the fighter jets disappeared without a trace. Then, in the empty void, hundreds of Geminis were empty The missile suddenly appeared and shot directly at the fighter jets of the Republic.

At the same time as the fierce air battle broke out, Severance Tann gave an order, and all the warships of the Fourth Civilization turned around again, and opened fire fiercely at the Republic warships!

And their goal is very clear, all firepower is aimed at the hunter-class battlecruiser in the Republic formation.

As long as these hunters can be killed, the fighter group of the Republic will become rootless and can be manipulated at will.

The Titan battleship Plague on which Severance Tann was located also began to turn, using the turbolaser cannon on the side of the battleship to continuously fire. After all, the Titan battleship is a Titan battleship. Even if it is severely damaged now, the combat power it explodes is far stronger than other warships.

The Plague no longer has a shield, but it is still indestructible with its thick armor.

In fact, strictly speaking, even with these 1440 Z-95 fighter jets, the fleet of the Fourth Civilization is still only in balance with the Republic Fleet, but the current formation of the two sides is extremely unfavorable to the Republic Fleet.

Each of the warships of the Republic is being besieged by hundreds of Z-95 headhunter fighter jets. The close-in defense system loses sight of the other, and their fighter jets are also intercepted by ghost fighter jets, so they can only fight and retreat. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the warships of the Fourth Civilization unscrupulously poured the greatest firepower on the Galactic Republic warships.


While the two sides in the direction of the Blade Fleet fought face to face, the news of the reappearance of this lost fleet also caused a sensation in the upper echelons of the Galactic Republic, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, and the Fourth Civilization.

The news was classified as top secret, and reactions began immediately.

After Tang Xiao received the report from Severance Tann, he immediately mobilized the fleet to the Seria galaxy. The fourth civilization's mobile fleet is currently stretched, but he made a decisive decision, and immediately let Admiral Trench, who was currently on the planet Christopher Sis, come to the Dawn planet, and led the C fleet to guard the Dawn planet to set off.

Admiral Trench brought 10 Cole-class battlecruisers, 5 Martha-class heavy missile cruisers, and 5 Sowa-class aircraft carriers. A Rookie Hook-class battleship set off.

The Dawn Planet is different from the core corporate giants of the independent galaxy confederations such as the Trade Union. They don't just collect money from their subordinate planets. Tang Xiao will give these planets the opportunity to directly participate in the war to reduce their war taxes.

For this, many planets are desirable.

Compared with Newt Gunley and other corporate giants who just want a country with supreme privileges so that they can make more money, Tang Xiao's ambitions are much greater. What he wants is to establish a diversified and powerful Empire, making money, is just a side effect.

After receiving the call from the Fourth Civilization, the Granites immediately organized an army of 300,000 without saying a word, and set off on three Rucrehook-class battleships to assemble on the planet Seria.

It was Tang Xiao who took the initiative to tell him about Earl Dooku, and it was just an announcement. After all, such a big matter was concealed and not reported, Earl Dooku might think that Dawn Star is going to do something wrong.

Regarding the news of the Blade Fleet, Earl Dooku was only pleasantly surprised. After all, 200 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers were not enough to have a decisive impact on the battle situation, and would not make him greedy. As long as it can make the Galactic Republic shed more blood, he is very happy.

So under Earl Dooku's order, General Grievous once again reorganized his fleet and assembled on the planet Antar, making a gesture of preparing to break into the Republic's central ring to attract the Republic's defense fleet.

The Galactic Republic is also dispatching troops. Given the location of the Blade Fleet, the task of recapturing this fleet is in the hands of Octavian, Governor of the 20th Army of the Republic.

Octavian was very decisive. He immediately organized the fleet to go south, and despite the strong opposition of the Jiwen people, he violently broke the hyperspace blocker set by the Jiwen people, and went straight to Halm via their home planet Yago-Dur. galaxy.

The Jiwen people were very angry about this, angrily accused Octavian of ignoring their declaration of neutrality, and made a big noise in the Galactic Council, demanding that Governor Octavian be summoned back to Coruscant for trial.

But their noise didn't last long, because when Octavian's fleet passed the Yago-Dur planet, an inadvertent scan found a very strong reaction behind the satellite shadow of the Yago-Dur galaxy!

This reaction shows that the Jiwen people are manufacturing warships on a large scale in the Yago-Dur galaxy! !

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