819: ecology

Mina Bontry was startled, and then a look of displeasure appeared on her face, "I don't know why Your Excellency Governor made such a statement?"

"The war has just begun." Tang Xiao sighed, seeming to have a lot of things on his mind, with a heavy expression on his face, and then forced a forced smile, and deliberately changed the subject and asked, "How is Planet Ondron doing recently?" ?”

"Chairman Thorn Hill of the Interstellar Banking Association and Director Gross Shelbya of the Fourth Group have important investments in our planet. These tens of billions of credits are not used to defeat the war " Mina Bontry stopped first, which widened the distance between her and Tang Xiao a lot, "The shipyard we built on the Dirksen satellite already has 20 Behemoth-class battleships The cruisers are assembled, and they will deliver a fatal blow to the Republic."

"I'm very happy to see your efforts, Senator Mina. But the question is, can the fragile political status quo of your planet Onderon really persist until the end of the war?" Tang Xiao said lightly, "Planet Onderon Prime Minister, Sanjay Rush, his position is not so secure..."

Mina Bontry obviously came to approach Tang Xiao with good intentions, but was irritated by the act of pouring a bucket of cold water from head to toe, and she angrily reprimanded in a low voice, "The internal affairs of our planet have nothing to do with you! And this is not the reason for you to try to confuse and shake Earl Dooku's faith with rumors!!"

"To win the war, we rely on battleships, not beliefs." Tang Xiao pushed back directly.

Mina Bontry snorted coldly, turned around and left.

"Member Mina." Tang Xiao called out from behind.

Although Mina was angry, she still stopped to listen to Tang Xiao's explanation. She turned her face and said coldly: "As a participant in this great war, I don't want to stand with someone who only thinks about failure. .”

"War is not a child's play, Councilor Mina. If you can't bear the weight of losing everything, then it's better not to talk about war." Tang Xiao stabbed her again as if he couldn't understand Mina's very obvious attitude.

Mina Bontry was really angry this time. She said loudly: "So what have you lost? In my opinion, you are just a young man talking about war!" After finishing speaking, she turned and walked quickly opened.

"Of course, I lost something..." Tang Xiao whispered, but Mina Bontry had gone far away and couldn't hear his words.

He spread his hand to catch a fallen leaf, and rubbed it gently, "Human nature..."

The strength in his hand gradually increased, and finally he crushed the fallen leaf.

At this time, he saw under a tree in front of him, a tall man wearing a red robe, with blond curly hair and beard carefully braided into braids, standing there like a lion. He stared at himself.

Seeing that Tang Xiao had spotted him, the man strode over.

It turned out that he was the new king of Planet Jabim, Alto Stratus, who was supposed to die on Planet Jabim, but because of the military assistance from Planet Dawn, he finally survived and successfully completed the coup d'état. The leader of the planetary king.

"Your Excellency Governor." Alto Stratus walked over, "I have always wanted to thank you in person for Dawn Star's assistance to us, but because you are busy with affairs, you have not found an opportunity."

As he said that, he stretched out his rough and generous palms and shook Tang Xiao firmly, "However, just now I saw that you and Mina Bontry had a little misunderstanding? Oh, these women never know what to do. It's war."

"In front of you, no one is more qualified than you to mention the cruelty of war, King Alto." Tang Xiao said, "I empathize with what happened to the planet Jabim, so these are as they should be. Moreover, I am not Did you also get the mineral resources of the Jabim planet?"

"Your price is much higher than the price offered by the Enterprise Alliance and the Commercial Guild. It has reached the market price. I am grateful for this." Alto-Stratus said, "Enterprise What they did in the Alliance reminded me of the exploitation of the Galactic Republic. I once thought that the Confederation of Independent Galaxies was just a sheep. Fortunately, there are existences like you in the Confederation.”

"Hehe, it's just because I have some unique relationships, so I'm not short of money." Tang Xiao smiled, "Actually, I heard Claire Underwood talk about you before, before the war broke out."

"I know. That was when brain plague broke out on our planet, and the Outer Rim Star Region Mutual Aid Fund established by Planet Dawn helped us. At that time, I was just a defense officer." Alto Stratus Si recalled, "In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed, and the Milky Way has changed."

"But our belief remains unchanged." Tang Xiao said, unaware that he had just used the opposite words a few minutes ago to irritate Mina Bontry.

Alto nodded, and then said: "Actually, I came to you, and there is one more thing I need the help of Dawn Star."

"Please tell me." Tang Xiao nodded.

Alto-Stratus' expression was a bit serious, "You know, the Federation of Independent Galaxies is imposing very heavy war taxes on each of the participating planets. I also understand that this is necessary in order to fight against the extremely powerful Galactic Republic. The expenses, but... this expense is too heavy for the planet Jabim, which is now in a state of disuse."

He sighed, this brave and fearless leader on the battlefield, after taking over the power of the planet, he needs to be responsible for the food and clothing of tens of millions of people on the planet. This is more difficult than killing Jedi knights on the battlefield, and it seems that he has changed a lot overnight.

Tang Xiao smiled, noncommittal.

This is indeed the policy of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies. Those corporate giants are responsible for fighting, and all the joining planets pay for it. This is the essence of the war of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies.

The wars are all robots, and there are a large number of warships, tanks, etc. These things further stimulate industrial development and make these corporate giants grow stronger.

Those greedy businessmen never let themselves lose money.

Fortunately, Dawn Planet is one of the privileged planets. These privileged planets do not need to bear the tax of war, but they have the task of war. In other words, they are the ones who divide the cake and eat the cake. How much they can eat depends on how much you cut from the big cake of the Galactic Republic.

As for other planets, they just have the money to contribute money and the ability to contribute, and then count on those privileged planets to leak a little cake crumbs. Of course, there is no greater chance of this, because Earl Dooku talked to them about beliefs and ideals, not interests.

To put it simply, those planets were actually placed in a position of being exploited by the corporate giants in the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies from the very beginning, even if these planets wanted to send troops to fight to offset part of their taxes, they couldn't do it.

It's not that the Confederation of Independent Galaxies doesn't allow it, but that they simply don't have a powerful fleet to project their troops to other planets.

Corporate giants with fleets will not refuse their requests, but will require these planets to pay a large amount of fleet usage fees, which is definitely more expensive than war taxes.


[Attachment 1 of the Easter Egg Chapter: Mina Bontry, member of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy Planet Onderon. 】

Thanks to 6aqc9 for the reward of 1500 starting coins! !

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