Chapter 816: The Redevelopment of Civilization (Part 2)

815. The Redevelopment of Civilization (2)

Without the rapid rise of the Dawn Star, the Model Star District will always be a remote area, so remote that those companies are not interested in having too much business expansion in the past.

After all, no one wants to spend a lot of money to struggle in the intricate hyperspace channels around the Model star area, and there is not much benefit from struggling for half a day.

Of course, the main reason why the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association are willing to develop here is the Dawn Star. Not to mention their covenant with each other, after the rise of Dawn Star, the deployment of tens of thousands of hyperspace navigation beacons on the surrounding hyperspace channels is also an important factor.

Without the tireless calculations and deployment of navigation beacons by hyperspace scientists, the flight of Dawn Star's spacecraft would be greatly affected, and it would be impossible to support the huge material flow of Dawn Star. These are also piled up with money and time.

So under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the 19th Army of the Galactic Republic to look directly at the Model sector. Among other things, just the most economically developed planet in the 19th Army's jurisdiction, Planet Glenson, has a total population of 5 billion, which is already twice as large as the total population of the Model star sector combined.

But now, these planets with great economic and industrial value are included under the fourth civilization, which naturally greatly enhances their strength.

Tang Xiao set up the fourth civilization's second star area on the planet Haven - the Haven star area, and the governor of the star area was Gulaham.

That's right, it was the village chief appointed by Tang Xiao when he just crossed over and landed on Dawn Planet and put down his first modular house.

Now Gullaham has been working hard, step by step, until now, and finally became the governor of the star region.

There are too many people like this in the fourth civilization, and they may not have many records, but the long-term stability of every planet, every city, every village, and even every building is inseparable from the efforts of countless people. Consecrate silently.

country, everywhere. Every bit of life is provided by the system of the country. Therefore, every individual in the country must do their own job well, so as to make the country more prosperous and prosperous. Everyone in the fourth civilization has Such awareness.

In the Haven star area, the Haven planet is a comprehensive economic planet with developed commerce. In the long-term plan, the fourth civilization will establish a huge trade network with the Haven planet as the core, so that In the future, it will be much more convenient for them to start their business activities from planet Haven than from planet Dawn.

Planet Glenson is a well-developed industrial planet, and it is now also a front-line planet on the same hyperspace channel as Planet Eliadu, the capital of the 18th Army of the Galactic Republic. At present, half of the fleet of the Fourth Civilization is stationed here, and the commander-in-chief is Severance Tann's adjutant, Lin Nanyi.

Under the already well-developed industry on Planet Glenson, the fourth civilization is also constantly being built. Especially under the premise of knowing that the 18th Army could not be defeated in a short period of time, Tang Xiao made many long-term preparations.

Like many important planets of the Fourth Civilization, there is also a huge Agniev-class interstellar base under construction on the outskirts of the planet Glenson.

It is worth mentioning that the size of the Argonev-class interstellar base is not fixed, but the size of the frame can be adjusted according to the specific conditions of the planet to be defended. Of course, as mentioned before, the increase in size will not increase the power of the artillery fire, but it can only be equipped with more turrets and shield capacitors.

And because of the strong industrial strength of the planet Glenson, the side length of the Argonev-class interstellar base built here is designed to be 18,000 meters! The height has also reached 11,000 meters! It is an extremely huge monster!

As for Planet Carl, the climate here is suitable for beautiful scenery. It was originally a tourist planet, and its economy and transportation are also very developed. However, during the confrontation between the 19th Army and the Fourth Civilization, the planet Karl once became the front line of the war, so Suramar, the governor of the 19th Army at the time, built a large-scale spaceport on Karl Planet, and the introduction of a large amount of military supplies made the planet here It became a fortress planet.

Now the Fourth Civilization does not want to waste the construction of Suramar at that time, and the role of the planet Karl has been adjusted to a logistics and logistics center.

In addition, Planet Bespin was the first planet occupied by the Fourth Civilization after the war, and the rule here is now very stable. A brand-new Argonev-class interstellar base with a side length of 8,000 meters is slowly rotating near Bespin Cloud City, and a large number of spaceships come and go in and out of the huge spaceport.

The various rare minerals and explosive gases produced on the planet Bespin have become an important part of the war machine of the fourth civilization. With the supplies from the planet Bespin, the navy of the fourth civilization has almost inexhaustible explosive energy. Gas, and can also be exported in large quantities to other planets that joined the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, earning a huge amount of extra money.

Finally, there is the home planet of Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, the planet Ceria.

The industry on this original ecological planet is almost zero, so Tang Xiao ordered to vigorously develop agriculture and tourism here. Because of the unique natural environment, this place is expected to become an important food production area for the fourth civilization.

After these planets originally belonging to the 19th Army were brought under the rule of the Fourth Civilization, the Fourth Civilization truly possessed a diversified territory. There are commercial and financial planets, industrial planets, resource planets, agricultural planets, and logistics and transportation hub planets. These planets are organically combined to make the fourth civilization stronger than ever.

4. The planet Terminus

During the Fourth Civilization's war, many other planets were occupied, including the transportation hub Terminus planet that had just been occupied at a huge cost.

In the shape of a crescent moon, the 2,000-meter-tall Glory of Dawn-class mothership is docked in orbit outside the planet. All factories are operating at full capacity, producing various warships, fighter jets, and industrial products almost without a break, and are constantly investing in the planet Terminus. in the middle of the construction.

An Argonev-class interstellar base with a side length of 12,000 meters is under construction, and now the framework has been set up. A large number of Laz-class heavy engineering ships, SCVs, and Vathian people wearing space protective suits are constantly busy here, making the interstellar base Perfect day by day.

This place will become an important transportation hub and a gathering place for fleets, so the giant dock that can accommodate 50 kilometer-class warships will also be rebuilt on the basis of the original space port.

And as previously promised, Matt Horner agreed that the Hutt Oruba Gorensla has great power on the planet, and relying on the planet Terminus Carry out the illegal smuggling and various criminal activities he wants-as long as it does not affect the Fourth Civilization military, anything is fine.

After Tang Xiao knew this, he also acquiesced to this point. After all, he is now manipulating the war between the two big families of the Hutts behind the scenes-the Desilijic family and the Besardi family. The family, the words of the Gorensla family, are only good for his plan and not bad.

As for those Terminus residents who were in dire straits under the rule of the Hutt Oruba Gorensla's gangster, Tang Xiao was naturally out of consideration.

5. Planet Christopher Sis

Strictly speaking, Christopher Sis, a planet with a population of 35 billion, an extremely huge body, and the entire planet is a super-giant crystal, is the biggest spoils of the Fourth Civilization since the outbreak of the war.

Tang Xiao instigated the chairman of the Enterprise Alliance, Passel Argent, to attack the planet with all his might. After he suffered a heavy loss, he quietly picked the peaches and gained control of the planet Christopher Sis.

However, such a wealthy planet ranked even in the entire Milky Way is naturally not something that the Fourth Civilization can eat alone. Tang Xiao also recruited the Interstellar Banking Association to join. After all, in this battle, the team of behemoth-class battlecruisers sent by Thorn Hill played a key role, and even if there was no credit for the alliance of enterprises and the retail industry Naturally, they have to share a share of the hard work.

Under their joint development, the original political and economic system of the planet Christopher Sis was completely shattered, and a friendly government was established, and they directly took advantage of it, acquired almost all companies on the planet by various means, and then , this crystal planet began to continuously provide them with a lot of crystal resources and wealth!

Thanks to XG_Xiaogu for tipping 500 starting coins! !

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