Chapter 802 Nubia Air Battle

801. Nubia Air Battle

Nubia is a planet located in the core circle of the Milky Way, and the famous Nubian Star Drives, Inc., Industrial Automation Company, Chamber of Commerce, Compared with the names of large enterprises such as the Giant Pharmaceutical Group, the industrial productivity of Nubian Planet is actually not outstanding in the inner circle.

To the surprise of many people, this small planet with a diameter of 10,490 kilometers and a population of about 1.2 billion is actually an agricultural planet.

Nubian planet has a suitable climate and a large amount of arable land. Agriculture is the pillar industry of this planet. In addition to those cultivated lands, there are also many hilly areas that are not suitable for farming and also contain rich metal deposits, especially copper deposits.

Since Nubia was colonized more than 22,000 years ago, it has been the most important food producing area in the Milky Way, and it is also a model planet that combines agriculture and industry, nature and development.

Therefore, the Nubian planet has also become one of the planets most sought after by the wealthy class, apart from those deliberately created wealth worlds. Other such planets include Alderaan and Naboo, all of which have beautiful environments and natural harmony. Apart from necessary industries, they also focus on tourism.

After all, in this icy universe, a planet with a suitable climate and beautiful natural scenery is the most precious existence. Now that the tentacles of the Galactic Republic are almost all over the entire galaxy, such planets are basically favored by those rich and powerful.

As a result, the Nubian planet has brought a touch of aristocratic temperament, and this temperament has also been brought into the Nubia Star Drive Company, which was born in it.

Nubian Star Drive Company is famous for producing high-end and luxurious spaceships, and the Naboo Royal Spaceship series jointly produced by them and the planet Naboo is regarded as a classic among the classics.

Against this background, when the war broke out and the Galactic Republic set up legions to divide the war zone, it set up the headquarters of the Second Army on the planet Nubia.

Although in the jurisdiction of the Second Army, the most developed industrial planet should be the Lundili planet where the Lundili Interstellar Power Company is located, or the Corellia planet where the Corellian Engineering Company is located, but these two planets Because of its extremely strong industrial and economic strength, it is impossible to accept the Republic's garrison.

And now, half a year after the outbreak of the war, Admiral Severance Tann's plan went very smoothly. She successfully brought the Titan battleship Plague to the core circle of the Republic quietly, and then raided Cato Neimoidia, completely Influenced the political orientation of the trade union, and then, high-spirited and at the pinnacle of her military career, she set her sights on the Nubian planet!

Her choice was not unreasonable. Now the offensive of the Federation of Independent Galaxies in the Outer Ring and some Middle Ring star regions has intensified. General Grievous's ritual offensive has almost caused the Republic Mobile Fleet to suffer a devastating blow. At this time, almost everyone from all walks of life set their sights on the Republic, which seemed to be being beaten by Grievous' heavy punch, and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

Severance Tann is naturally not so short-sighted, but she also regards this as an important prerequisite for launching her own strategy.

And in the previous Battle of Cato-Neimoidia, she almost wiped out the 7th Squadron of the 2nd Army of the Republic, and also seriously damaged the strength of the 2nd Army of the Republic.

At this time, she chose a most important target to put an end to her successful raid.

The Corellian galaxy, the Rendili galaxy, where these super industrial giants are located are naturally untouchable, unless you have ten plague ships, but the Nubian planet is a good target!

Naturally, this agricultural planet does not have the strong defense capabilities of those industrial planets that are armed to the teeth. In addition, it is also the headquarters of the Second Army of the Republic. Whether it is hit or not, at least it is a very fatal blow to the Republic.

After carefully assessing the possibility of success in the operation, Severance Tann first led the fleet to make a feint on the planet Balmora-Neimoidia. When this Neimoidian home planet was freed from the Trade Union fleet defending there, he suddenly led the fleet to kill a carbine and headed straight for the Nubian planet!

After all, this is the core circle of the Galactic Republic, and countless pairs of eyes are staring at it, so the two sides are basically clear cards. But even so, Severance Tann still used her genius command to carry out this strategic deception. She didn't just let the fleet slip by, but carried out intelligence, information, and other aspects of the situation. With similar preparations, the Republic's Supreme Strategic Command successfully convinced her that her target was the planet Balmora-Neimoidia.

This made the Republic very nervous, and quickly ordered the 4th Army of the Republic in the area under the jurisdiction of the planet Balmora-Neimoidia to concentrate its forces and take strict precautions.

Therefore, when Severance Tann raided the Nubian planet, she did not need to consider the flank threat of the Fourth Army of the Republic for the time being.

Now she has 150 large and small warships in her hands, while the defenders of the Second Army of the Republic on the planet Nubia have 300 warships. Although two-thirds of them are small and medium-sized warships, the advantage in numbers is also very huge.

Not to mention that there are still a large number of space ports on the Nubian planet, and tens of thousands of fighter jets are stationed here. Under such a gap, it is impossible to shake the defense of the Nubian planet.

However, Severance Tann has a trump card in her hand—the Ragnarov-class titan battleship Plague!

"The opponent's flagship is the Commander-class dreadnought ship on the left! Fire immediately!" Severance Tann gave an order on the bridge of the Plague.

The Plague's supermatter electromagnetic gun was fully charged, overloaded, and then blasted out, hitting the 8,000-meter-long Commander-class dreadnought ship.

However, the Commander-class ship had been prepared for a long time, and all its energy was concentrated on the front shield. For this reason, it even sacrificed its firepower. All the turrets were misfired, and finally survived the attack.

But even so, the capacitor compartment of the battleship caught fire due to overload, and the shield dropped, making it no longer able to defend against the second shot.

But at this moment, Severance Tann frowned, "No, this is not their flagship! The other party's fleet command didn't panic, it's impossible..."


On the bridge of a hunter-class battlecruiser, Master Windu looked solemnly at the Titan battleship Plague on the screen, and said in a deep voice: "That's right! There are two powerful force users on the Plague , They relied on the Force to lock the position of our fleet's flagship, and then relied on the powerful firepower of the Plague to destroy the fleet's command system in one fell swoop. This is how the 7th Squadron was wiped out."

"General, since you have caused the opposing commander to misjudge, shouldn't we fight back?" said the admiral of the Republic on the side.

Master Windu shook his head and said: "No, after all, the opponent's fleet has a super weapon like the Plague, and this is our home field. They should be the ones who should be anxious. Order all ships to raise the shield energy to the highest level, and beware of the opponent's fleet. Super weapons! We rely on fighter groups to fight back!"

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