769 , The Dark Plan

22BBY, October 14, the outer ring of the Milky Way, the planet Terminus, outer space.

Darth Malthael, wearing a black cloak, sat cross-legged in a battleship cabin with a transparent skylight, meditating quietly.

Suddenly, his eyes opened suddenly, and a terrifying golden light flashed in them. He raised his head and looked towards the direction of the endless universe outside the window.

"Anger, humiliation, sadness, despair...I feel your emotions, Chosen One." Darth Malthael said to himself coldly.

"What do you feel?" An old but deep voice came from the gauntlet of Little Klesh, which was the soul of the Jedi, Lucian Drey, who resided in it.

"The battle of Jabim, it seems, is over," said Darth Malthael.

Sure enough, his communicator soon rang, and the projection of the dark believer Ulu-Ulix appeared inside. He knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "My lord, the Galactic Republic has been transferred from Jabim. The planet is fully withdrawn. According to your instructions, I stayed close to Altor Stratus during the battle, and successfully prevented two Jedi knights from assassinating him."

"What is Aalto doing now?" Darth Malthael asked indifferently.

"He is on his way to the capital. I believe he will soon announce the establishment of a new government for Planet Jabim, and it is very likely to be an autocratic government." Ulu-Ulix said.

"Assist Aalto to deal with some things and enhance our sense of presence on the planet Jabim. Afterwards, the fourth group will also assist the planet Jabim in the reconstruction work." Darth-Masail said.

"My lord, I still have doubts in my heart." Ulu-Ulix asked respectfully with his head down: "Why do we have to spend so much time on poor and backward planets like Jabim and Kali? Help them develop and rebuild? They won't help us in our war."

"When one day you become the enemy of the entire galaxy, you will be thankful that you still have these allies. These things should not be your doubts. After finishing the things over there, come to the planet Terminus as soon as possible .” Darth Malthael waved his hand and turned off the communication.

"Jabim Star Wars..." Lucien Drey said slowly: "I heard you talk about the origin of this battle. If it is true as you said, then there is indeed no need for the decayed Galactic Republic to exist. .”

"That's why the chosen one who has witnessed all this will feel such anger, humiliation, sadness, and despair." Darth Malthael said.

"The depravity of the Chosen One in this war is unstoppable, do you want to accept him as an apprentice?"

Darth Masail sneered, "Hehehehe, the Chosen One is destined to become Darth Sidious's apprentice, and he is also destined to kill Darth Sidious himself, to serve the Force. Brings balance. Why would I want to prevent a fate that is so interesting and in my favor?"

"Killing Sidious, will it really bring balance to the Force?" Lucian Del Rey asked.

"Maybe, maybe not." Darth Malthael raised his hand, looked at the gauntlet of Little Clash on his wrist, and said slowly, "But I think my children will solve this problem for me of."

Lucian Del Rey laughed dumbfounded, "Children? You don't even have a wife now."

"Wife?" Darth Malthael had a strange expression on his face, "She will not be born until 3 years later, of course I don't have a wife now."

Lucien Del Rey's expression froze, "What are you planning? A wife who hasn't been born yet?"

"Ah, if it's her, the children born to me and her will be uniquely powerful in this galaxy." Darth Malthael slowly clenched his fists.

"And then?" Lucien Del Rey began to feel extremely ominous in his heart.

Darth Malthael once again showed that weird and unpredictable smile, which even made people shudder. But he didn't answer Lucien Del Rey's question, but said: "You know what? All people who are influenced by fate... In the final analysis, they are not strong enough."

After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the door.

Only Lucien Drey sighed faintly in the air, "...you should have already thought about it, young Sith Lord. If the force is to return to balance, you yourself will be the one who will be destroyed. But fate... ...is it really counterable?"


When Darth Malthael came to the bridge, the fleet commander, Admiral Matt Horner, was standing with his hands behind his back, standing steadily like a compass, staring intently at the holographic star map in front of him.

Hearing footsteps, Matt Horner turned around and gave a military salute, "Lord Dead Angel."

"According to the plan, I will leave the battlefield today. The relationship between me and Star Dawn is not yet made public." Darth Masail glanced at him and said.

"Yes! I'm already making arrangements. Now the outer line of defense on Planet Terminus is under construction, and the mines and factories occupied by the army have begun to operate at full capacity to supply the war. Even if you are not here, this battle, we Will win!" said Matt Horner firmly.

Darth Malthael looked at the holographic star map and asked, "The Republic warships are still coming?"

"Yes. Now their number has recovered to 40, of which 5 are large battleships. The Prosecutor-class battlecruiser is indeed a great threat. Most of our Cole-class battlecruisers are damaged Seriously, it's hard to shake the prosecutorial shield," Matt Horner said.

There was also a rare flash of worry in Darth Malthael's eyes.

Prosecutor-class battlecruiser, 2,500 meters long. Don't look at how this warship was simply destroyed by the Titan warship Plague during the Cato-Neimoidia star raid. In fact, on such a conventional space battlefield, the combat capability of this large warship is still the same. It is extremely powerful.

This kind of huge, slow and expensive warship is usually used by the Galactic Republic to guard the inner ring and inner circle planets, and now it is unprecedented to send one to the planet Terminus, which shows how much the Republic attaches importance to this place.

Matt Horner added: "My next goal is to occupy the two satellites of the planet Terminus, and then build an orbital defense system on the satellites to support operations. Please rest assured that I will do my best to shorten this battle." cycle of battle."

Darth Malthael nodded.

At this time, news from the medical department came through the communication, "General, the body of the Jedi Knight who was shot down by Lord Angel has been recovered and is in the medical room."

Happy Women's Day to all female readers~~~~

Although I'm not sure if my book has female readers.

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